Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, October 31, 2008
Blog Contest to Begin in November
We will be giving rules for the Blog Contest in November. A flyer will be sent out to each member giving the website and blogsite url. See you in November. Have a great Halloween.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Update on the Utah Retirement System
Here are a few facts from the "Deseret News" story today.
- URS fund has lost 20% or $3.5 Billion with this downturn
- URS's ability to pay benefits isn't in question.
- The plan was worth more than $20 Billion in 2007.
- Last year the URS plan paid out $800 Million and took in $650 Million
- The plan earned $1.3 Billion on its investments.
- The plan deversifies with 40% in stocks, 25% in bonds and 13% in real estate and the rest in other investments.
- The plan is funded and stable.
We look forward to the economy working itself out of this downturn, but it is good to know our retirement system is in good shape.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Professionalism Presentation
I will be presenting my Professionalism and Ethics power point to district schools again this year. Weber's Supt. Jacobsen suggested that his principals arrange for me to come visit and present the ideas on professional behavior. Yesterday I showed it to two Intro to Ed Classes at WSU. I look forward to coming to the schools and discussing this important topic.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Visits to Weber State University
I have been invited to present to a couple of WSU College of Education Intro to Ed 1010 classes today. I will present a power point dealing with Professionalism and Ethical Behavior. It is very similar to the one I have presented in faculty meetings in Weber and Ogden Districts. I think it helps us to have the relationship with WSU College of Ed. Many of our new teachers have heard a little bit about the association at college. More important than just joining as student members is the positive first impressions they might receive. I am also speaking to a group of Elementary Student Teachers this afternoon. I show them the UEA membership dvd and offer them membership in the student association.
Monday, October 27, 2008
UEA Celebration Contest
Hi everyone. Please go to the UEA Website http://www.utea.org/ to get information about this years UEA/Utah Jazz Celebration. Last year Kellie Lopaz, T.H. Bell teacher, was a recipient and her school received a visit from the Jazz Bear. Click on the apple at the right to go there.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Leadership Spotlight on Barbera Wayment
Barbera Wayment, special education teacher at Washington Terrace, is the newest member of the UEA Board of Directors representing minority members. Barbera served as our Building Rep at her school and always had great membership numbers. She is enthusiastic and we know she will do a great job along with our UEA Board Member, Mary Courney.
We are sad to report the passing of Ken Despain, former OEA President and member of the UEA Board of Directors. You will be missed at the Barn Golf Course.
We are sad to report the passing of Ken Despain, former OEA President and member of the UEA Board of Directors. You will be missed at the Barn Golf Course.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Early Voting in Weber County
Where Can I Go To Early Vote?
- Weber County Library-Huntsville, 131 S. 7400 E., Huntsville
- North Ogden City Offices, 505 E. 2600 N., North Ogden
- Weber County Library-Roy, 1950 W. 4800 S. Roy
- The Weber Center, 2380 Washington Blvd., 1st floor, Ogden
- The Weber Ice Sheet, 4390 Harrison Blvd., Ogden
- Marriott-Slaterville City Offices, 1570 W. 400n., Marriott-Slaterville
Early Voting locations will be open at the following times:
Tue thru Fri Oct. 21-24 8am-5pm
Sat. Oct 25 9am-5pm
thur Fri Oct. 27-31 8am-5pm
Beat the long lines of November 4 and vote early.
For next election, sign up for permanent absentee voting. The county sends you a ballot at home and you never have to brave the lines again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Future Educators Association and Teachers of Tomorrow
FEA, WSU College of Education and Teachers of Tomorrow have planned some exciting activities in the next few months.
- November-Teacher Appreciation Breakfast at OHS.
- November-Multicultural Conference, Scholarship Day, and Majorfest @ WSU
- December-FEA Fall Conference @ WSU
- January-Education Emphasis Week-"The Chalk Guy" @ WSU
- February-Storytelling Festival @ WSU
- February-FEA National Conference-Denver
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Welcome New Members of WEA Executive Board
Cara Dayley, a teacher at Municipal and Candace Kuhn, a Washington Terrace teacher are the new members of the WEA Executive Board. They replace Jake Burnett, who resigned and Terie Maxfield, who was appointed to the Vice-President position due to the retirement of Martsie Spencer. We welcome these fine representatives to our board.
Monday, October 20, 2008
UEA Convention
It was good to see many of you down at the Southtown Exposition Center last week for the UEA Convention. I liked the new venue because of the easy access and free parking. The convention hall seemed more open and it was easier to find sessions. I spent most of my time at the membership booth and the Read Across America session where we gave away hundreds of books to students eager to read.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
U-PAC Hosts Bi-Annual Forum
The UEA Political Action Committee will host a "Candidate Forum" at the UEA Convention Thursday, October 16 immediately after the opening session. Come by and meet and greet our recommended candidates. Local PACs meet and interview to decide who to recommend to our members. Come by and grab a hot dog and visit with your legislative candidate. See you there.
Here are the recommended candidates in Weber County:
Here are the recommended candidates in Weber County:
- Richard Greenwood in House Dist. 12
- Mark Openshaw in House Dist. 11
- Ed Allen in House Dist. 10
- Neil Hansen in House Dist. 9
- Steven Olsen in Senate Dist. 20
- Trent Alvord in House Dist. 8
- No recommendations were made in Senate Dist. 19, House Dist. 6 or 7.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Celebrate "Read Across America" at UEA Convention
UEA members can provide "Celebrating Read Across America" tickets to any student (K-6) who has read at least three books between Sept. 1 and October 15, 2008. Tickets are printed in the Convention Booklet and can be reproduced (only one ticket per student). Students can then visit the "Read Across America" booth at the convention and receive a free book plus other surprises. See you there.
Monday, October 13, 2008
President Van Roekel to Keynote UEA Convention
Our new NEA President, Dennis Van Roekel, a 25 year math teacher from Paradise Valley High School will open the UEA's professional conference at South Towne October 16, 2008 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Van Roekel, very popular among UEA's leaders and staff, has visited Utah on numerous occasions. He, along with our own Lily Eskelsen, were elected this past July by the delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly in Washington, D.C. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Legislative Ethics Committee Meets in Private
The Utah State House of Representatives Ethics Committee met privately in a hearing Wednesday to hear testimony concerning two charges of unethical behavior by members. Rep. Greg Hughes, a proponent of the private school vouchers and leader of the Conservative Caucus, has been accused of trying to persuade another representative to change her vote on the voucher bill in exchange for financial support in her unsuccessful campaign in 2006 against Phil Reisen. Rep. Phil Riesen is also one of the defendants based on a charge that he leaked information to the press about the Hughes complaint. One of our Weber County representatives, Lou Shurtliff, is co-chair of the Ethics Committee. The hearings will resume Friday.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
O/W UniServ PAC Recommends Candidates
The Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee has interviewed and voted to recommend the following candidates for the November 4 General Election.
- Ed Allen-House District 10
- Richard Greenwood-House District 12
- Mark Openshaw-House District 11
- Steve Olsen- Senate District 20
- Trent Alvord- House District 8
We hope you are registered and please vote November 4.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Neil Hansen and Chris Dallins Speak to OEA Reps
Chris Dallin, candidate for State School Board District 4, spoke to the OEA Reps at their monthly meeting. Chris, PR director for McKay Dee Hospital, is running for the state school board against Dave Thomas, former state senator.
Neil Hansen, candidate for Utah House District 9, spoke also detailing his support for teachers in the battle for increased salary, smaller class sizes and a strong retirment program. He has been recommended by our political action committee.
Register and vote November 4.
Neil Hansen, candidate for Utah House District 9, spoke also detailing his support for teachers in the battle for increased salary, smaller class sizes and a strong retirment program. He has been recommended by our political action committee.
Register and vote November 4.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Election Looms in One Month
I hope everyone is registered to vote November 4. Not only is the general election for president a hot topic for conversation, but we have several races for legislature that will determine what support for education funding we might enjoy next year. With the economic woes and revenue projections down, we will need courageous leaders to prioritize the state's school children in their budget talks. Check to see if you are registered and see you at the polls November 4.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Praxis II Test Training
Sean Mabey, NEA Member Benefits representative, will present helps to those taking the PLT Praxis II test. It is scheduled for Nov. 13 at 4:30-6:30 at our office at 939 25th Street in Ogden. Please RSVP with Tina at 399-3746. See you there.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
UEA Welcomes Featured Speaker Alfie Kohn
Education and parenting author, Alfie Kohn, will be the featured speaker at the UEA Convention on Friday, October 17, 2008, beginning at 10 a.m. The 2008 UEA convention will be at the South Towne Exposition Center in Sandy, Utah. Kohn writes and speaks widely on human behavior, education and parenting. Kohn's criticisms of competition and rewards have been widely discussed and debated, and he has been described in Time magazine as, "perhaps the country's most outspoken critic of education's fixation on grades and test scores."
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Spotlight on Celeste Gardner OEA Executive Board
OEA would like to welcome the newest member of our Executive Board, Celeste Gardner, special education teacher at Hillcrest Elementary. Celeste brings association leadership experience and we are excited to have her join our board.
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