Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eye on Legislation

Jean Hill, UPPAC attorney, writes in her monthly newsletter that the following legislation will be introduced:
  • Sen. Howard Stephenson- Wants more computer -adaptive testing
  • Rep. Rhonda Menlove- Wants provisional teachers to have five years before they get career status rather than three years.
  • Rep. Curtis Oda- Wants a resolution asking public schools to provide age-appropriate information about family and dating violence to students.
  • Rep. Wayne Harper- Legislation titled "Educator Training Amendments"???
  • Rep. John Dougall- Legislation titled "Local control of Public School schedules"???
  • Sen. Pat Jones- Legislation titled "Vending machines in elementary schools"???

Yes, it will be another interesting year. First day of the session, January 25th.
