Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More new legislation

Here are some more bills of note:
  • HB 152: School Community Council Amendments modifies provisions pertaining to the membership, selection and operation of school community councils. Passed. The UEA objects to a provision that forbids certified school employees from serving as parent representatives on a school community council.
  • HB 183: School District Leave Policies limits the association leave a local school board may grant for certain employee association or union duties. Passed. Opposed by the UEA
  • HB 191: Nonresident Tuition Waiver Amendments originally would have eliminated in-state tuition for all nonimmigrant alien students, regardless of how long they lived in Utah. Did not pass. Opposed by UEA.
  • HB 199: Advertisements on School Buses would allow for up to 35 percent of a school bus to be used for advertisements. Money collected through advertising will stay in the transportation budget of the school. Passed. Supported by the UEA
  • HB 220: Civics Education Amendments requires schools to teach about specific forms of government and political philosophies, including that the U.S. is a "compound, constitutional republic." Passed. Opposed by the UEA on the basis that curriculum decisions should be left to the local school district.

More tomorrow.
