Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Professionalism Presentations

Yesterday I presented to Kristin Hadley's Ed 1010 class at WSU on Professionalism and Ethics. I talked to the students about the responsibilities of educators to provide a correct role model and keep their relationships appropriate. We discussed several court cases and talked about the ethical standards teachers are asked to live by.

This morning I gave a similar presentation to the faculty at North Ogden Jr. High. I appreciate the invitation from Principal Butters and I always enjoy visiting with educators about our protections and responsibilities of the negotiated agreement.

You only have a few days to enter the contest: email me with one bad retirement idea that I wrote about in the October Link Article. Uniserv website: www.ogdenweber.org


We will draw Monday, Nov. 2 for Ogden's winners and Nov. 9 for Weber's winners.

Thanks Rick