UnServ is short for "unified services". Our Ogden/Weber UniServ provides services for over 1600 members in Ogden and Weber. We represent the unified membership of NEA, UEA, OEA and WEA. Your valuable membership dollars come back to our office to help pay for those services. Go to our website at http://www.ogdenweber.org/ and see our staff, OEA leaders, and WEA leaders. Click on the OEA and WEA icons and find copies of our contract and links to the district, UEA and NEA websites. Please give us ideas to make our web page better. I am the UniServ Director and I am here to represent you in any concern you have. Please call me if you have any concerns or questions. Rick Palmer 390-6365
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org to enter our BLOG CONTEST. Just send me the "word" UniServ and I will enter you in the drawing for prizes. We will draw at the December AR meeting. You may enter once per month. Thanks for your membership.