Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, May 13, 2011

Operation UEA-United Educators taking Action

Three simple requests to all of our members:

  • Share the revised UEA message- "Speak for Tomorrow Today"-with your colleagues, friends, and family. We should have more details this summer. Watch for updates and message training.

  • Plan to attend your neighborhood caucus in March 2012. Take 5 friends. Seek election as a delegate. This will allow us to equalize the playing field on Capitol Hill. If we fail to do this, we all suffer. Watch for updates and training opportunities.

  • Find one parent in your school who would be willing to work with the UEA to build a brighter future for our neighborhood public schools. We need a name, phone number, school, and e-mail address. Send these to your local president, who will compile a list of names to forward to the UEA.

Thanks Rick