Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Monday, March 21, 2011

Legislation of Note in the 2011 Legislative Session

HB 75: Dangerous Weapons Amendments eliminates the 1,000-foot restricted perimeter around a school zone for carrying a weapon. Passed. Opposed by the UEA
HB 92: Public Education Regional Service Centers gives school district regional service centers legal standing. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 98: Capital Outlay Funding Modifications allows a local school board of a school district with an enrollment of fewer than 2,500 students to use the proceeds of a capital outlay levy for certain maintenance and operations functions. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 110: Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments allows teachers who have the qualifications, but not the degree to apply for math and science incentive pay. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 111: Full-day Kindergarten would have allowed funding for two half-day kindergartens, but prohibit funding for full-time kindergarten. Did not pass. Opposed by the UEA
HB 123: K-12 Education Amendments would have dramatically modified how education money is distributed to school districts and charter schools. To study during interim. Opposed by the UEA.

More tomorrow.