Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Utah to Join tougher Federal Standards

Ledyard King writes in June 2 USA Today that 46 states (I believe Utah is one of those 46) have "agreed in principle to develop a set of rigourous criteria to prepare high school graduates for college and the workplace." "This is a giant first step in the right direction", U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan says. Read the entire article at www.usatoday.com


Thanks to Negotiation Teams

A big thank you to WEA's negotiation team: Kirk Ottley, Marlene Irons, Shari Combe, Terie Maxfield, Brent Ludlow, and Lee Claycomb. They spent many hours working out this years agreement.

Also, a big thanks to OEA's Negotiation team as they continue to meet to come to an agreement: Mary Courney, Bonnie Darlington, Jenny Venegas, Doug Stephens, Whit Freund, Sherrie Dame, and Christine Tea.

OEA's next meeting with the district is June 8. Rick