Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
SL Tribune: "Is double-dipping done for""
Go to www.sltrib.com to read the article about the concerns lawmakers have over the practice of teachers (and other public employees) returning to work after retiring and receiving their pension plus a 401K contribution (around 15%). The term "double dipping" is offensive, but the public sees it that way. We know that teachers endure low pay and tough conditions with the hope of a good retirement benefit. When teachers were in high demand (that will return) districts saw value in bringing an experienced teacher back into the classroom. The debate will be intensifying January 25th when the legislative session begins. Again, go to www.utea.org and click on the "Under the Dome" logo to fine your legislator. As a constituent, you can make a difference. Rick
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