Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Canyons Board of Ed oks 5 furlough days

Anne Forester reported on KSL.com that "students in the Canyons School District will have five fewer days in the classroom next year. The Canyons Board of Education voted Tuesday night to take five district-wide furlough days t help meet a $13 million budget shortfall. The furloughs affect all Canyons employees, from teachers to superintendents.


Jordan district cutting teachers, aides

The Associated Press reported last week, "Jordan school officials say they plan to cut 88 positions from district special education programs, including 19 teachers and 69 full-time classroom assistants. The Jordan School District's special education department has a $6.5 million shortfall."
