I attended the legislature today. Every Friday during the session I attend a 7am (surprisingly little traffic at 6am) Chamber of Commerce Legislative caucus at the capitol. Most of our Weber County legislators attend and briefly talk about their legislation. We also have the chance to ask questions about specific bills. Usually both Supt. Jacobsen and Supt. Zabriskie attend. I then attended the House Education Committee where they discussed a bill on changing the date Kinder kids start school (failed on a 6-6 vote) and a bill forcing districts to count more years of service when a teacher is hired. (tabled) It is always interesting to listen to the testimony and debate. I also sat in on the House Republican Caucus (open to public this time) and they talked about another $15 Million that they had found to help soften the cuts in this years (2009) budget. Check the UEA website for more info and updates. www.utea.org
Have a great super bowl weekend. Go Cards.
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Last Chance to enter the January Blog Contest
Last chance to enter the January Blog Gift Card Giveaway. To enter please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the word "Super Bowl" in the message.
Clay Kirkham is Ogden/Weber UniServ President. Clay teaches Special Education at Gramercy Elementary. He was born and raised in Lehi, Utah. Clay was a professional bareback rider on the rodeo circuit. He also coaches wrestling at Ogden High School. He is not a drugstore cowboy, but a real life rodeo cowboy. He has done a great job leading our UniServ (OEA and WEA make up the UniServ. He meets with our UniServ Council (made up of OEA's president and vice-president, WEA's presdent and vice-president, UEA Board member, and the UniServ Vice-President) monthly to look at the financial report and plan for our programs. I work closely with Clay in managing the UniServ office located at 939 25th Street in Ogden. Go Arizona Cardinals.
Clay Kirkham is Ogden/Weber UniServ President. Clay teaches Special Education at Gramercy Elementary. He was born and raised in Lehi, Utah. Clay was a professional bareback rider on the rodeo circuit. He also coaches wrestling at Ogden High School. He is not a drugstore cowboy, but a real life rodeo cowboy. He has done a great job leading our UniServ (OEA and WEA make up the UniServ. He meets with our UniServ Council (made up of OEA's president and vice-president, WEA's presdent and vice-president, UEA Board member, and the UniServ Vice-President) monthly to look at the financial report and plan for our programs. I work closely with Clay in managing the UniServ office located at 939 25th Street in Ogden. Go Arizona Cardinals.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Gov. Huntsman's State of the State Speech
Gov. Huntsman asked legislators to be mindful of vulnerable people for whom government is their last safety net, for the state's public and higher education systems and children's programs.
He asked lawmakers not to lose sight of job losses that could materialize under current budget proposals. The UEA supports the governor's budget and hopes that the legislators will listen. We want to use the Rainy Day fund to help alleviate the deficits. The governor also urged civility and ethical conduct and urged Utahns to show just a bit more care and concern for one another.
Stay tuned as the process moves forward and we learn what we face for the next year.
Thanks Rick
He asked lawmakers not to lose sight of job losses that could materialize under current budget proposals. The UEA supports the governor's budget and hopes that the legislators will listen. We want to use the Rainy Day fund to help alleviate the deficits. The governor also urged civility and ethical conduct and urged Utahns to show just a bit more care and concern for one another.
Stay tuned as the process moves forward and we learn what we face for the next year.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
UEA Legislative Page
Day two of the legislature begins today. The UEA has developed a website to keep you informed of what is happening at the legislature. You can access it at www.utea.org and click on the "Under the Dome" icon. The UEA Legislative Team (lobby is a dirty word now) will have summaries of the events on the hill and give you directions to contact legislators on specific bills. Most of what we will be doing is fighting to preserve funding in this time of budget cuts. I listened to Supt. Jacobsen and Supt. Zabriskie give the Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee an articulate argument for preserving public ed funding. An educated society will be necessary in this recessionary period. Public school funding is a good investment.
To enter the BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the word "legislature" in the message. We will draw at the OEA AR meeting and the WEA AR meeting in February.
Thanks Rick
To enter the BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the word "legislature" in the message. We will draw at the OEA AR meeting and the WEA AR meeting in February.
Thanks Rick
Monday, January 26, 2009
UEA requests OK on stimulus plan
"We strongly support the proposed American Recovery and Reinvestment bill recently unveiled by the U.S. House of Representatives," said Kim Campbell, UEA President. Among provisions for schools are:
- $41 billion for local school districts. That includes $13 billion that would come through Title 1 programs for disadvantaged schools; $13 billion through extra funds for the IDEA (special ed); $14 billion for a new School Modernization and Repair Program; and $1 billion for the Education Technology program.
- $79 billion in state fiscal relief to help prevent cutbacks to key services, including $39 billion to local school districts and colleges and universities distributed through existing state and federal formulas.
Contact your congressman and ask them to support this bill to help balance our budgets here in Utah.
Thanks Rick
Friday, January 23, 2009
More Survey Info on Budget Cuts
The Deseret News/KSL survey also asked the following question to 413 Utah residents:
Please rate how much of a priority you feel each of the following programs should have. 5 meaning high 1 meaning low. (others included Higher Ed, Health and Human Services, Public Safety, Corrections, Transportation, State parks and recreation, and Environmental Quality)
Please rate how much of a priority you feel each of the following programs should have. 5 meaning high 1 meaning low. (others included Higher Ed, Health and Human Services, Public Safety, Corrections, Transportation, State parks and recreation, and Environmental Quality)
- Public Education received these resultys: High Priority 55% (5) - 25% (4) -14% (3) - 3% (2) 3% (1)
That is good news for public ed. The survey shows that our citizens value public schools and teachers. The closest one to public ed was Health and Human Services, like aid to the disabled and medicaid.
80% of those surveyed held us at a very high level. Hopefully the legislature will listen to their consituents.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Deseret News/KSL - TV Opinion Poll
Dan Jones and Associates conducted this poll of 413 Utah residents between Jan. 15-17 and this was the result:
Question: How would you prefer the budget shortfalls handled?
- Make the cuts by laying off state employees and cutting programs - 11%
- Raise taxes to make up lost revenue and keep programs whole to avoid layoffs - 7%
- A combination of tax increases, program reductions and employee layoffs - 40%
- Using existing state savings, bonding, or other short-term fixes - 33%
- other - 7%
- Don't know - 2%
More survey info tomorrow: "What does the survey say should be prioritized?"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
More on Budget Cuts: Part II
Today the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee discusses the many possible areas of cuts to public education funding. The Utah State Office of Education is looking at 7.5% cut for the rest of this fiscal year and a 15% cut for next year. Some districts have already put in place travel and hiring freezes. Ogden and Weber districts are both looking at ways to lower expenses for next year. One idea that is being discussed by state leaders is cutting days of school. State Board member Janet Cannon said in the Deseret News today, "Days of school and instructional time are the most important thing we do. Time on task makes a huge difference in the academic success of children." Jim Johnson, Iron County Supt. countered that, "It's fair and consistent across the board. I would prefer that to a reduction in force." Educators salaries make up about 85% of the budget so naturally is a place where cuts may come. The UEA will be fighting for funding and holding teacher's salaries harmless. Be involved and contact your legislators. Thanks for reading. Our January contest has begun and to enter email rick@ogdenweber.org with appropriations in the message to enter. You can enter more than once.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day
Hope everyone had a great MLK weekend and is enjoying your Inauguaration Day at school. It is an exciting day as we look, with hope, to solutions to the many economic and world problems we face. With the Utah Legislature meeting in committees tomorrow to set some goals for budget cuts we all hope that they can make the cuts with as little damage to classrooms and teachers as possible. Both of our Superintendants will involve all stakeholders in making those tough decisions. Any cuts will be difficult, but we will ask to be a part of any decisions that affect you. So as we look at a time of anticipation and anxiety, we hope for the best for our district, state and country. Rick
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Negotiations Season is Here
Hi everyone,
Tis the season for coming up with ideas for our negotiations team to look at. With the legislative session just days away...hold your breath...and the prospect of very little money, it is important that we look at contract language and policy changes that don't cost money. Please give those ideas to Marlene Irons and Mary Courney, WEA and OEA presidents. We will survey you and see what priorities appear. Our negotiation teams will meet and write proposals that will then be given to the district. After the legislature finishes their funding and the district gets a good idea of how much money they will receive, we can set dates and meet. Again, this year looks bleak as far as pay raises go. We will have to work hard to preserve lane changes and steps and fund increases in insurance premiums. Give us your ideas. Thanks Rick
Tis the season for coming up with ideas for our negotiations team to look at. With the legislative session just days away...hold your breath...and the prospect of very little money, it is important that we look at contract language and policy changes that don't cost money. Please give those ideas to Marlene Irons and Mary Courney, WEA and OEA presidents. We will survey you and see what priorities appear. Our negotiation teams will meet and write proposals that will then be given to the district. After the legislature finishes their funding and the district gets a good idea of how much money they will receive, we can set dates and meet. Again, this year looks bleak as far as pay raises go. We will have to work hard to preserve lane changes and steps and fund increases in insurance premiums. Give us your ideas. Thanks Rick
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More on Budget Cuts
Congrats to to the winners of 25.00 Chili's Gift cards in WEA. Portia Ericksen (Early Intervention at Two Rivers), Debbie Green (AR at Sand Ridge) and Marlene (there will be an investigation) Irons, WEA President for the December Blog Contest.
Important budget cut info>
Important budget cut info>
- Districts are being advised to look at least 4.5% cuts in the current year.
- The legislature has the official job of making cuts of state money.
- 4.5% is 2,737,818.00 in Ogden District and 6,435,232.00 in Weber.
- The Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee meets Jan. 21.
To enter January's blog contest email rick@ogdenweber.org with the words "budget cuts" in the message. Thanks for reading. Rick
Monday, January 12, 2009
January Blog Contest
Congratualations to Sherrie Dame, OEA winner of the a 25.00 gift card, in the December contest. WEA will be drawing for their winners today. Legislators will continue meeting in preparation of the Jan. 26 session opening with the goal of proposing cuts that will balance the Billion Dollar deficit. Our goal will be to work to protect people over stuff. We need to fight for enough "growth money" to pay for those new kids who will enroll this fall. Class size is always the first victim of lower funding. We are hearing that there will be no increase in the WPU this year. Finding money for increases in insurance costs will also be a challenge. Lanes and steps (salary increases built into the schedule) will need to be preserved. We need to be aware of any reduction in force policies and make sure they are followed. These are the types of things your association is monitoring. Thanks Rick
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Have you read your acceptable use policy lately?
Just a reminder to all teachers that you have all signed a paper or checked a box stating that you have read and understand the acceptable use policy that details use of technology in your district. If you were like me, you signed and maybe scanned the policy. I would suggest you take another look at it (especially the employee part), because failure to follow it can lead to disciplinary actions, termination, and licence revocation by the State Board of Education. Take a couple of minutes and look over it. You are responsible for anything on your school computer and you are responsible to follow the policy. Thanks for all you do. We will have another Blog Contest this month. Please email me rick@ogdenweber.org with the words "acceptable use policy" in the message. Thanks Rick
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Legislative Session Begins January 26
Our UEA Lobby Team has already started working on the legislative session that will start January 26. Vik Arnold, head of the team, joins Courtney White, Susan Kuziak, Mark Mickelson, Kim Campbell, and Ellen Thompson up at the capitol working hard for public school funding. This year will be a difficult one because of the economic recession and the deficit in the budget. UEA will work hard to maintain funding, pay for new students and find money for salaries and benefits. We will be asking you to contact your legislators with your stories about class size, workload, and successes. This is a great opportunity to be part of the solution. Thanks Rick
Monday, January 5, 2009
Orientation at Weber State University
Happy New Year. It was nice to start my new year speaking to new College of Ed Level One students this morning at WSU. Each semester I give a short presentation on the benefits of joining UEA as a student member. I get their emails and stay in contact with them through their college career. Hope your holidays were great. Good to be back. Rick
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