Go to www.utea.org and click on the "More" directly beneath "Under the Dome". Click on the "ACT NOW/BILLS TO WATCH" link and send a message to your legislator. It is an easy process and it takes just a few seconds of your busy time. Just remember to do it at home not at your school computer. Things are hitting the floor quickly and we need your support. Two of the latest bombs are the possibility of the Republican Caucus supporting taking away the 1.5% 401 K contribution that all employees get and the possibility of cutting all of your Quality Teaching days. This is benefits and salary. Again the Republican caucus is trying to balance the budget on the back of the public school employees and students. Contact your legislators now to tell them to use the Rainy Day Fund, do more bonding, raise revenues, and include the benefits of the Federal Stimulus money. Act now or we will lose big.
Thanks Rick
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bad bills, Bad Bills, What ya gonna do...?
Sorry this is blog on the run. Check out HB 381 and SB 242 at the legislative website. You can access it from our www.ogdenweber.org uniserv site or www.utea.org
Contact your legislators not to impact the 2010 Public Ed budget. Read Kim Campbell's call to action and contact you representative or senator.
Last chance to enter for February. email rick@ogdenweber.org and write BAD BILLS in the message. We will draw for gift cards in the March OEA and WEA Rep meetings.
Thanks. got to go. Rick
Contact your legislators not to impact the 2010 Public Ed budget. Read Kim Campbell's call to action and contact you representative or senator.
Last chance to enter for February. email rick@ogdenweber.org and write BAD BILLS in the message. We will draw for gift cards in the March OEA and WEA Rep meetings.
Thanks. got to go. Rick
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Bad news from the U.S. Supreme Court
Just when you think the news could not get worse...The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against the Idaho Education Association in their fight to overturn their "Voluntary Contributions Act" which prohibits Political Action Donations by their IEA members. If you remember, we went through the same thing a few years ago only to have the courts agree with us and overturn it in District Court. Now, with this decision, our own ability to deduct PAC donations could be in jeopardy. We have worked hard to build up our donations to help elect education-friendly legislators.
Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks Rick
Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
UEA House of Delegates
The legislative group for the UEA meets in April and is called the House of Delegates. Representatives from each local travel to a location on a Saturday in April to vote on resolutions, new business items and possible changes to the UEA Bylaws and Constitution. Ogden/Weber UniServ is well represented each year. If you are interested in being part of this please let your leaders know. We elect our representatives each year. We are also getting close to our elections in both OEA and WEA. More info will be coming to you on the candidates. Both OEA and WEA are meeting to put together our negotiation packages for this year. If you have suggestions please contact us here or contact your building rep.
Thanks for all you do. Rick
Thanks for all you do. Rick
Monday, February 23, 2009
SB 199 "Equal Recognition of School Parent Groups"
Sen. Bramble, R-Provo, has sponsored a bill, SB 199 that targets the PTA and other "dues paying organizations". Some see this as another bit of retribution for the State PTA's help in the anti-voucher movement. The PTA was vital in helping get signatures and help defeat the voucher law. Now, it seems that there are the target of this bill. The discussion of this bill at the State Board meeting Friday became heated according to Amy Stewart's Des News article this morning. (you can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com Utah section "Sparks Fly Over Bill Cutting PTA Dues).
This is the type of legislation that we fight each year. The PTA is an important part of our coalition made of UEA, School Boards, Administrators and Superintendants that works to pass good legislation and defeat this type of retaliation.
Thanks for reading the BLOG. To enter the BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the term "PTA" in the message. Thanks Rick
This is the type of legislation that we fight each year. The PTA is an important part of our coalition made of UEA, School Boards, Administrators and Superintendants that works to pass good legislation and defeat this type of retaliation.
Thanks for reading the BLOG. To enter the BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the term "PTA" in the message. Thanks Rick
Friday, February 20, 2009
Down from the Hill
Hi, I came back to the office today. The big event on the hill today was the Sen. Chris Buttars issue. President Waddoups removed Sen. Buttars from Chair of the Judiciary committee. Short message today. Please go to www.utea.org and check out the Under the Dome comments and calls for action. You can also subscribe online there for messages. Have a great weekend. Rick
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Educator on the Hill-Legislative Updates
Joan Heap, English teacher at North Ogden Jr. High, spent the morning at the legislature contacting her legislators and discussing the important legislation dealing with education. Joan met with other teachers and staff before going to the Capitol to send requests into the floor to speak to legislators. Joan had several good conversations with Sen. Christensen, Rep. Dee, Rep. Wilcox and others. The "Educator on the Hill" day is an excellent chance for you to be a part of the lobby team. Contact your local OEA or WEA leader if your are interested in attending. Only three weeks left.
Here are some of the important bills to monitor and then contact your legislators:
Here are some of the important bills to monitor and then contact your legislators:
- SB 48 Teacher Competency Test is going to the House of Rep.
- HB 328 Performance Pay will be going to House Ed. Committee soon.
- HB 260 Orderly Termination of Teachers will start in the House.
Please go to the Legislative website at www.le/state.ut.us and look at these bills and check their status. Remember to not use your school computer for these contacts.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Bryan Hatch, "I Love Teaching" Award Recipient
Update on SB 48 (competency test to teach). Friday, the Senate amended SB 48 to exclude Elementary school teachers from this type of licensure. It passed the Senate. Our friend, Sen. Greiner voted against it, Sen. Christensen was off the floor and did not vote and Sen. Jenkins voted for it. The amendment only made a bad bill a little better.
Congrats to Two Rivers social studies teacher and WEA Rep., Bryan Hatch for his "I Love Teaching" award at the Weber School Board meeting last Wednesday. Bryan is a great teacher and represents the WEA at his building very well.
To enter February's BLOG contest email rick@ogdenweber.org and use the term "I Love Teaching" in the message.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Congrats to Two Rivers social studies teacher and WEA Rep., Bryan Hatch for his "I Love Teaching" award at the Weber School Board meeting last Wednesday. Bryan is a great teacher and represents the WEA at his building very well.
To enter February's BLOG contest email rick@ogdenweber.org and use the term "I Love Teaching" in the message.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Friday, February 13, 2009
Up on the Hill Today
I am sitting in the Senate gallery (audience) listening to debate. I attended our regular
Chamber of Commerce caucus with our Weber legislators this morning at 7am. It is a good opportunity to visit with our local representatives. Both Supt. Jacobsen and Zabriskie attend. I also attend a Tuesday Legislative Committee ( Chamber of Commerce) each week. Yesterday the Senate did vote 2nd reading (it has one more vote) to approve SB 48 Buttars Competency Test Bill. That gives us one more chance to visit with our Senators (they all three voted for it) and ask them to vote no on third reading. I also attended House Ed Committee this morning where HB 150 was approved to go the floor. It would change the method of nominating and electing State School Board members. Remember, we lost Dr. Richard Sadler and got Dave Thomas. Hope you have a great Valentines Day and a nice long weekend. We all need the break.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Chamber of Commerce caucus with our Weber legislators this morning at 7am. It is a good opportunity to visit with our local representatives. Both Supt. Jacobsen and Zabriskie attend. I also attend a Tuesday Legislative Committee ( Chamber of Commerce) each week. Yesterday the Senate did vote 2nd reading (it has one more vote) to approve SB 48 Buttars Competency Test Bill. That gives us one more chance to visit with our Senators (they all three voted for it) and ask them to vote no on third reading. I also attended House Ed Committee this morning where HB 150 was approved to go the floor. It would change the method of nominating and electing State School Board members. Remember, we lost Dr. Richard Sadler and got Dave Thomas. Hope you have a great Valentines Day and a nice long weekend. We all need the break.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Thursday, February 12, 2009
USOE Presents Budget Scenarios to Appropriations Committee
Wednesday afternoon Dr. Patti Harrington, USOE Supt. of Public Instruction, presented budget balancing scenarios to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommitee. This committee will make recommendations to the legislature on how the public ed budget will be funded. Of course our preferred scenario includes using rainy day funds (possible $520 million) and Federal stimulus funds (the bill has passed through the Conference and will head for a vote in the U.S. Senate and House, hopefully reaching the President's desk Monday) possibly as high as $307 million for Higher and Public Ed. Also this scenario could allow districts to use reserves and lift restrictions on capital and maintenance money. All other scenarios would affect personnel and programs.
Go to www.le/state.ut.us to check on legislation and listen to debate in committees.
Thanks Rick
Go to www.le/state.ut.us to check on legislation and listen to debate in committees.
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
H.B. 315 Local School Governance Amendments
Rep. Sumsion, from Utah County, has a bill HB 315 that would "allow a school to modify the composition, powers, and duties of a school community council." You need to read the bill to really get the magnitude of the proposed changes to your school's community council. Again go to www.le/state.ut.us and search for the bill by number or by Rep. Sumsion's name. Briefly the bill would allow for a council of eight parent members and one teacher member if the parents voted (a majority) for the change. If this vote took place the council could hire the principal and teachers and/or request the transfer of the principal or a teacher. Just a reminder to not use your SCHOOL COMPUTER to send emails to legislators. You can look at bills and call using your cell phone. The bill has not gone to committe yet. We will monitor this bill and give you updates. Don't forget to go "Under the Dome" at the www.utea.org website or click on the Dome in this blog and sign up for updates from UEA.
Thanks for staying tuned. Rick
Thanks for staying tuned. Rick
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
SB 48 Teacher Competency Test
Be aware that Sen. Chris Buttar's bill SB 48 could be debated on the floor of the senate today. We oppose this bill, because it is unecessary and redundant. It would allow for someone with a degree to teach by just taking a test. Please contact your Senators from your home or cellphone. You can go to the http://www.utea.org/ website or the legisative website www.le/state.ut.us to access emails and phone numbers for your senators. You can also find talking points on the UEA website.
Congrats to the following WEA Blog Contest Winners, Jennie Pollock (Roy Elem), Michael Smith (Rocky Mtn), and Tamara Shaw (Canyon View). They won $25 Chili's gift cards.
We will have a new contest for February. To enter please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the following term in the message "SB 48".
Congrats to the following WEA Blog Contest Winners, Jennie Pollock (Roy Elem), Michael Smith (Rocky Mtn), and Tamara Shaw (Canyon View). They won $25 Chili's gift cards.
We will have a new contest for February. To enter please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the following term in the message "SB 48".
Monday, February 9, 2009
Educators on the Hill
Lee Claycomb (West Haven) and Christine Tea (Mt. Ogden) visited the legislature Friday, Feb. 6. They met with UEA staff and leadership for a quick tutorial in lobbying. They then met with Rep. Neil Hansen (Ogden) who took them into the House chamber and gave them a short experience on the legislative floor. Lee met with Rep. Buttars concerning his bill on licensure (SB 48). Both educators were able to sit in the gallery and listen to debate. During lunch we met with UEA and National Board Certified teachers and discussed our day and important legislation.
It was a good experience and we hope others will take advantage of the opportunity.
Thanks for reading. Rick
It was a good experience and we hope others will take advantage of the opportunity.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Thursday, February 5, 2009
UEA Great Celebrations Award Winners
We would like to congratulate Carolyn Hogge, Suzanne Evans and Rebecca Warnes (Valley Elementary) for winning Jazz tickets, dinner and a visit from the Jazz Bear Mascot to their school. UEA Great Celebrations of Education winners were chosen because of their sixth grade Economy which gives their students a personal experience with financial planning, budgeting, banking, gaining employment and creating a mini-society at school. Carolyn , Suzanne and Rebecca are examples of the fine teachers in our districts.
Thanks Rick
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
2009 Budget Cuts Finalized
Congrats to Sherrie Dame (Polk) and David Joy (Highland), big winners of $25 Subway cards in the January Blog contest. Weber winners will be drawn at WEA's AR meeting Feb. 9.
The legislature quickly passed a package of bills Monday cutting public education by 1.5% for this year. Now they will concentrate on the really tough job of making a budget balance for the 2010 fiscal year. We hope that through more bonding and use of the rainy day fund the cuts will be closer to the Governor's budget (7.5%) than the Republican leadership's projected 15% cuts.
Be on the watch for a Sen. Buttars bill SB 48 which makes it easier for someone to become a teacher. According to his bill, to teach, a person would have to apply to the USOE, pass a criminal background check, have certain education or certification and demonstrate competency in their subject area by passing a test, completing coursework or demonstrating skills, talent and ability.
Thank your school counselor this week for all they do to help.
Thanks Rick
The legislature quickly passed a package of bills Monday cutting public education by 1.5% for this year. Now they will concentrate on the really tough job of making a budget balance for the 2010 fiscal year. We hope that through more bonding and use of the rainy day fund the cuts will be closer to the Governor's budget (7.5%) than the Republican leadership's projected 15% cuts.
Be on the watch for a Sen. Buttars bill SB 48 which makes it easier for someone to become a teacher. According to his bill, to teach, a person would have to apply to the USOE, pass a criminal background check, have certain education or certification and demonstrate competency in their subject area by passing a test, completing coursework or demonstrating skills, talent and ability.
Thank your school counselor this week for all they do to help.
Thanks Rick
Monday, February 2, 2009
Legislature Briefs (Deseret News, Feb. 2)
Two bills revamping the election process of the State Board of Education received unanimous support of the state board. Rep. Menlove (Garland) and Rep. Moss ( SLC) are both pitching bills that change the nomination procedure from a committee to regular primaries and elections. Gov. Huntsman supports a change. Remember, we lost the incumbent Dr. Richard Sadler, WSU, and gained former Sen. Dave Thomas through the lack of good nominating process.
Parent's could be liable for their children's vandalism (gang related) through a bill sponsored by our own Sen. Jon Greiner. The legislation is primarily intended to target grafitti and other types of vandalism.
Stay tuned for more info. Rick
Parent's could be liable for their children's vandalism (gang related) through a bill sponsored by our own Sen. Jon Greiner. The legislation is primarily intended to target grafitti and other types of vandalism.
Stay tuned for more info. Rick
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