I survived a good ole Texas Thunder Bumper last night and live to post this a.m.. Go to http://www.utea.org/ and click on the UEA Action site to see two of our favorite OEA Building Reps from Dee Elementary. Stephanie McGaughey and Elizabeth Carlin are two of the teachers spotlighted in the article about "Educators on the Hill". They are shown chastising, I mean discussing professinally education funding with Legislative leader, Brad Dee from Washington Terrace. Other good articles in the upcoming Action include an explanation of the "Transformation Team" program (which I luckily attend) and the goals to "transform" UEA.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Provisional Educator Law Unfair
It is wrong that a principal can end the career of a teacher in their first three years of teaching without any reason. Many principals give new teachers support and are fair in evaluating and remediating teachers. Some, though, misuse the law to get rid of someone who is "not a good fit'. I ams sick of that excuse. Do your job, hire good teachers, check references, do your evaluations and then follow the contract and give them support. I keep hearing that the districts want their teachers to succeed, but in some cases principals and districts get rid of teachers because of personality conflicts. UEA needs to change the law that basically gives provisional teachers zero due process rights. Even criminals get that... Rick (upset in Dallas)
Friday, March 27, 2009
May I Have a Tardy Slip?
Sorry for the short message today...and so late...I will be traveling to Dallas, TX for UniServ training next week. I hope to post each day I am gone. If you have questions or problems please contact Mary Courney (OEA) or Marlene Irons (WEA) our fearless leaders.
Thanks Rick
Congratulations to Ms. Norton at Dee Elementary for winning the State Farm/Jazz/UEA 200.00 check for supplies in her classroom.
Thanks Rick
Congratulations to Ms. Norton at Dee Elementary for winning the State Farm/Jazz/UEA 200.00 check for supplies in her classroom.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What is a UniServ Director?
Here are some of the activities that I do as your UniServ Director:
- I attend all meetings of the OEA, WEA, UniServ and UEA (when needed)
- I visited the Legislature at least once a week.
- I work with our partnership at WSU College of ED (teach, present, meet with leaders)
- I help teachers with corrective discipline concerns.
- I work with teachers on questions of transfers and non renewals.
- I present to faculties on professionalism.
- I help negotiate contracts and agreements with the districts.
- I attend school board meetings.
- I help mediate problems between teachers and staff, administrators etc.
- I manage the UniServ office, staff (two secretaries) and budget.
- I attend all UniServ committee meetings.
- I help coordinate the Political Action Committee.
- I promote membership and visit potential and new members in schools.
- I help plan meetings and trainings for the association.
- I work with the UEA Attorney and assist in representation during termination hearings and UPPAC Hearings.
It is a great job and never boring. Thanks Rick
To enter the BLOG contest again for March please email me with the words "UniServ Director" in the message. rick@ogdenweber.org
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Good News from Arizona
Vouchers were ruled unconstitutional in Arizona by a unanimous State Supreme Court decision. Kim Campbell said " Good news from Arizona! Just remember the privatization agenda has not gone away. It is a battle we have to keep fighting until we can get policymakers focused on meaningful change for public schools, not creating a parallel system that only serves a few."
Georgia might also have problems funding their Special Needs Voucher program next year.
Pray for good (golf) weather...thanks Rick
Georgia might also have problems funding their Special Needs Voucher program next year.
Pray for good (golf) weather...thanks Rick
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Deseret News: Economy Dents Home Schooling
Go to www.deseretnews.com to read the entire article on the affects of the economy on home schooling.
Some parents are having to give up home schooling to work in this downturned economy. Children are doing more jobs around the house and making money to help the families.
Nationally the 2007 data showed about 1.5 million home schools, an increase of 8% over the previous year. Some home school experts think that actually more home schools will appear during the recession.
Thanks Rick
Some parents are having to give up home schooling to work in this downturned economy. Children are doing more jobs around the house and making money to help the families.
Nationally the 2007 data showed about 1.5 million home schools, an increase of 8% over the previous year. Some home school experts think that actually more home schools will appear during the recession.
Thanks Rick
Monday, March 23, 2009
News You Can Use
It is finally spring...how can you tell? It snowed two inches last night. With spring brings our Early Enrollment Program to sign up new members to the association. Representatives will coming around to our potential member friends and giving them the opportunity to sign up for membership in NEA/UEA/OEA/WEA. You can help by talking to your colleagues and letting them know the work we are doing for teachers.
OEA has 553 members (80% of licensed educators) and signed up 74 new members this year.
WEA has 1062 members (63% of licensed educators) and signed up 107 new members this year.
As you can see, we have some work to do. We can do so much more with the solidarity of strong membership. We are starting negotiations soon and we will be battling to preserve steps and lanes, class size, and fund insurance increases. We need everyone with us.
Thanks Again for reading. Rick
OEA has 553 members (80% of licensed educators) and signed up 74 new members this year.
WEA has 1062 members (63% of licensed educators) and signed up 107 new members this year.
As you can see, we have some work to do. We can do so much more with the solidarity of strong membership. We are starting negotiations soon and we will be battling to preserve steps and lanes, class size, and fund insurance increases. We need everyone with us.
Thanks Again for reading. Rick
Friday, March 20, 2009
The UEA House of Delegates
The legislative body of the UEA, "House of Delegates", meets in April to set the budget, legislative priorities and mission of UEA. Delegates from locals around Utah meet for a Saturday in Salt Lake to hear speeches from their UEA leaders and set the business of UEA. Parliamentary procedure governs the meeting and the bylaws, constitution, and budget are discussed. It is an annual opportunity for members to see UEA at work. If you are interested in being a delegate next year let your leaders know.
Both OEA and WEA have traded negotiation packets and will begin meetings soon. The districts will be forming their budgets and we will assist and looking where the cuts will be made.
We were saddened to hear of the loss of Gary Wilder, history teacher at OHS (formerly at BLHS). Gary coached and taught the students he loved so much. He will be missed.
Both OEA and WEA have traded negotiation packets and will begin meetings soon. The districts will be forming their budgets and we will assist and looking where the cuts will be made.
We were saddened to hear of the loss of Gary Wilder, history teacher at OHS (formerly at BLHS). Gary coached and taught the students he loved so much. He will be missed.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
OEA Elections Results
Congratulations to Doug Stephens, Lisa Vipperman, and Celeste Gardner in their elections to OEA President, OEA Vice-President, and Executive Board member. Thanks also to all those candidates who ran for office.
UEA's Educator on the Hill was a big success as nearly 100 educators were able to lobby the legislator for public school funding. Lee Claycomb, WEA Executive Board member from West Haven Elementary, said the experience was educational. He said that he especially enjoyed his discussion with Sen. Chris Buttars over SB 48 "take a test to teach".
The UEA "Under the Dome" website also was new this year and afforded teachers the opportunity to keep up on legisative business and communicate with their representatives.
Thanks for all of your help in making a "bad" year not quite so bad. Rick
UEA's Educator on the Hill was a big success as nearly 100 educators were able to lobby the legislator for public school funding. Lee Claycomb, WEA Executive Board member from West Haven Elementary, said the experience was educational. He said that he especially enjoyed his discussion with Sen. Chris Buttars over SB 48 "take a test to teach".
The UEA "Under the Dome" website also was new this year and afforded teachers the opportunity to keep up on legisative business and communicate with their representatives.
Thanks for all of your help in making a "bad" year not quite so bad. Rick
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Utah School Law Update-UPPAC Newsletter
I presented a Professionalism power point at Hooper Elementary this morning. It is important to remind us all of the higher standards and trust that parents hold for teachers. Jean Hill, USOE attorney, reminds us of an important point in this months Utah School Law Update. (www.schools.utah.gov/uppac/)
She writes about relationships with students. (I am sure it is a reaction to the Bountiful Jr. High case). I encourage you to read it and subscribe so you receive it each month. Jean also gives a good legislative wrap-up.
Thanks again for reading. Rick
She writes about relationships with students. (I am sure it is a reaction to the Bountiful Jr. High case). I encourage you to read it and subscribe so you receive it each month. Jean also gives a good legislative wrap-up.
Thanks again for reading. Rick
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to award grants for school reform
The federal stimulus plan passed by Congress also has $5 Billion to award lasting school reform. According to today's Deseret News, states are supposed to:
- Improve teacher quality and get good teachers into high-poverty schools;
- Set up sophisticated data systems to track student learning;
- Boost the quality of academic standards and tests;
- Intervene to help struggling schools.
Applications for the special grants will be available later this spring.
To enter the April BLOG CONTEST for gift cards please email me: rick@ogdenweber.org and add the word "Stimulus" in the message.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Monday, March 16, 2009
Future Educators Association Comptetions at WSU
I had the opportunity to help judge some FEA competitions at Weber State University today. We had students from OHS and Davis County competing in several categories including displays, impromptu speaking and "FEA Moment". The FEA program met with the UEA Board of Directors a couple of weeks ago and they were very impressed with the possibility of recreating FEA chapters around the state.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Education Bill Bogs Down on Charter School Issues
The Deseret News reports this morning that the Education bill remains in limbo until the House and the Senate can agree on whether on not to expand Charter Schools next year. Sen. Howard Stephenson, no friend of public education, is leading the charge for more Charter Schools. Today is the last day of the session so it would be good to let your legislator know how you feel. UEA is not opposed to Charter Schools in principle, but in a year of cuts everyone should share in the pain.
Thanks again. To enter the MARCH BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the words "CHARTER SCHOOLS" in the message. We will draw for prizes in the April OEA and WEA AR meetings.
Thanks again. To enter the MARCH BLOG CONTEST please email rick@ogdenweber.org with the words "CHARTER SCHOOLS" in the message. We will draw for prizes in the April OEA and WEA AR meetings.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Congrats to February Contest Winners
Congrats to Genevieve Kirch at Roy Elementary and Pat Albers at Farr West Elementary, our February Blog Contest Winners for Weber. They won $25 gift cards from Blockbuster. Enjoy the movies. Look for clues in upcoming blogs for the March gift card giveaway.
Legislature sets Public Ed funding for next year.
Legislature sets Public Ed funding for next year.
- HB2 prohibits expansion of charter school capacity in the 2010-2011 school year.
- HB2 cuts 5.2% from 2010 budget.
- The value of the Weighted Pupil Unit remained the same.
- School districts have the option of closing school for up to 5 days.
- $2.9 Million was set cut from Career and Technical Education.
- Quality Teaching Block Grant of $77.6 Million was cut.
- Aging school bus fund of $8.8 Million was cut.
- The remaining $5 Million of the original one time $20 Million Performance Pay was cut.
School Districts will now make the tough decisions of how the cuts will affect their budgets for next year.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Legislature Appropriations Sets Cuts in Budget
The Executive Appropriations Committee met Friday and came up with a cut of 5.2% from the 2010 Budget (next year). Now we have the hard job of finding places to cut that much out of the budget.
RayLynne Phillips, Midland Elementary, was awarded the "I Love Teaching" award and Joel Robbins and Anneke Petersen were awarded the "E+ Team" award at Weber School Board last week. Congratulations.
Thanks for reading. Rick
RayLynne Phillips, Midland Elementary, was awarded the "I Love Teaching" award and Joel Robbins and Anneke Petersen were awarded the "E+ Team" award at Weber School Board last week. Congratulations.
Thanks for reading. Rick
Friday, March 6, 2009
Another day in paradise...
Hi, back from the "hill" where we met with legislators and teachers from Weber County. Janalyn Duersch, Stephanie McGaughey, Elizabeth Carlin, Marlene Irons, and Glen Larsen met with and lobbied our legislators representating our UEA positions. Check the www.utea.org site for information on sending emails to our legislators this last few days of the session (ends March 12).
Future Educators and members of FCCLA at OHS sponsored a fun assembly for Polk Elementary and Dee Elementary. Sammy the Saver Rabbit taught the kids songs that will help them save their pennies. Our NEA SOAR grant helped pay for the assembly.
Have a great weekend. Rick
Future Educators and members of FCCLA at OHS sponsored a fun assembly for Polk Elementary and Dee Elementary. Sammy the Saver Rabbit taught the kids songs that will help them save their pennies. Our NEA SOAR grant helped pay for the assembly.
Have a great weekend. Rick
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Professionalism Presentation at Freedom
It was my pleasure to attend Freedom Elementary's faculty meeting and talk about professionalism, ethical behavior and the contract. I enjoyed spending about 20 minutes talking about some of the responsibilities and protections our contract provides. I also talked about areas of concern that we need to be aware of that could harm your job status or your license to teach. I have presented to about 10 schools and still have a few more scheduled. Let me know if you would like me to schedule something at your school.
Thanks again for everything you do for students in Ogden and Weber School Districts.
Thanks again for everything you do for students in Ogden and Weber School Districts.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Budget Proposal Nears Final Draft
The good news is that public ed might only see a 6% cut next year and the bad news is that public ed might see a 6% cut next year. The legislature and governor are in discussion to finalize a 6% cut for public ed's 2010 budget. In approximate terms that means somewhere around $8 million in cuts in Weber and around $3 million in Ogden. To put that in literal terms, it costs about $500,000 per school day to run Weber District. Weber's salary steps and lanes usually run over $1 million each year. Insurance costs are trending at a double digit increase again. Bus purchases, textbook adoptions, and sabbatical requests are all possible areas of cuts. The construction projects will continue because those bonds have been sold and capital funds are used. We are entering negotiations in both districts. As we see the direction the districts want to go we will represent our members in mitigating cuts to salary and benefits.
Thanks again for reading. Rick
Thanks again for reading. Rick
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
WSU College of Ed Intro to Education Class
Weber State now offers incoming freshman a class ED 1010 Into to Education to introduce potential teacher ed students to the career. Weber, Davis, and Ogden also offer concurrent enrollment classes to high school students. Davis and Ogden also have organized (along with WSU College of Ed) Future Education Association chapters that have been very active. Several of the professors have invited me to teach a unit of school law. It is a great opportunity to talk to possible teacher ed students and introduce them to many of the professional and ethical standards that we all deal with each day. Encourgage your students to search out and register for the concurrent classes and if they show interest in becoming a teacher, they should look to get involved at WSU.
Congrats to the OEA members who won $25 Subway gift cards for entering the blog contest.
Jill Detamore, Heritage Elementary and Lisa Vipperman, Highland Jr. High were the big winners.
Look for elections in OEA this week and WEA next month.
Thanks for reading the blog. Tell a friend. Rick
Congrats to the OEA members who won $25 Subway gift cards for entering the blog contest.
Jill Detamore, Heritage Elementary and Lisa Vipperman, Highland Jr. High were the big winners.
Look for elections in OEA this week and WEA next month.
Thanks for reading the blog. Tell a friend. Rick
Monday, March 2, 2009
Bad Bills Continued
When do we get good news?
- HB 66 (Newbold) We oppose because it takes money from districts (equalization) and Charter Schools get an additional $ 8 Million.
- HB 150 and HB 293 Direct election of State School Board members (probably dead for this session)
- HB 230 (Fowlke) Teacher Service Credit - Sounds great but the down side will cause districts to not hire teachers with experience because of the cost.
- HB 260 (Wimmer) Do away with the due process rights of Orderly Termination...bad bad bad (dead for now)
- HB 264 (Menlove) Evaluation (not bad, could have been better with some UEA amendments)
- HB 315 (Sumsion) Crazy bill to allow community councils the power to hire and fire teachers and principals. (need to kill this quick)
- HJR 13 (Poulson) Only a resolution but we agree with it.
- SB 48 (Buttars) comptency test to teach...need I say more?
As you can see it is important that you visit www.utea.org and check out the ways you can contact your legislators.
Thanks Rick
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