Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Most Schoolkids Make Gains in Reading, Math
An AP story out of Washington, D.C. printed in the SL Tribune (www.sltrib.com) says that kids are making strides in reading and math. Math seems stalled among high school students according to the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) data. Reading score for high school kids improved since 2004. In fact every group (9,13,17) made gains. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said, "It's a step in the right direction". Go to the trib site to read the entire article. Thanks for blogging with me this year. Rick
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
New North Ogden Elementary
I had not stopped by to see North Ogden Elementary for a few months, so today I visited and was rewarded with a guided tour by Principal Aaradema. It is going to be a beautiful school to replace a fine school. The district did a nice job of placing the two-story building on a 3.5 acre parcel of land. They have been very efficient in using the space. The views are magnificent toward the mountain peaks to the north. I am sure the students and staff will greatly appreciate it when it opens next fall. Rick
Monday, April 27, 2009
House of Delegates Report
Several OEA and WEA members traveled to Alta High on Saturday to attend to the business of the Utah Education Association. Hundreds of members from around the state deliberated and voted on new business items, changes to the bylaws, approved the legislative platform and okayed the budget for next fiscal year. The hottest debate came over a bill that Ogden/Weber UniServ brought to freeze UEA dues for next school year. Without the freeze the dues will increase $13 based on a formula of last year's increases in average teacher salaries in Utah. Our leaders spoke to the fact that many teachers will be losing pay and in some cases their jobs because of the economic downturn. The vote was close but the bill to freeze failed by about 30 votes out of over 450 votes. The House of Delegates is an annual event and allows our members the opportunity to debate the issues and see the association up close and personal.
Thanks Rick
Thanks Rick
Friday, April 24, 2009
Grant Writing Workshop a Success
We would like to thank Kate Bideaux for the great information on writing grants. Twenty teachers from Ogden and Weber enjoyed hearing tips on writing grants and receiving lists of the many grants available. We would also like to thank Lynette Kirkpatrick and Stephanie Smith at the Two Rivers Media Office for setting up the computer lab and accomodating us so well. If you want more information on grant writing please email Kate at bideauxk@ogdensd.org
Thanks Rick
Thanks Rick
Thursday, April 23, 2009
U.S. Supreme Court Debates Strip Search of Student
Tuesday the nine justices of the Supreme Court talked about places middle school students might hide drugs. In 2003 Savana Redding of Safford, Arizona was brought down to the office of her middle school and searched for Ibuprofen. The female nurse and administrative assistant asked her to pull back her undergarments looking for the contraband pills. Attorneys used terms such as the "ick" factor to describe why students would not put pills in certain private places. Justice Breyer thought it was logical to do that. The question the justices will decide is whether the school officials went beyond "reasonable and prudent" behaviorin preforming the search. These type of cases will resonate down to each of our schools as educators work to make sure our schools are safe from weapons and drugs while preserving students constitutional rights. Stay tuned for more. Thanks Rick
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Negotiations Update
Both OEA and WEA Negotiation Teams have met with their district counterparts. The first meeting in each case was to trade packages and list of items to be discussed. The next meetings start the process of discussion and receiving information on contract language and programs. As we receive more information on insurance costs we will enter into discussions of salary and benefits. We have tough decisions to make to make up for the cut in funding from the state legislature. Our goal is to make sure the decisions are made in an equitable manner. We do not believe that budgets should balanced on the shoulders of teachers. We must all do our part.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Transformation Continued
Second day at UEA Transformation Team Meeting will put us to work matching up our theme clusters (don't ask) into our UEA Strategic Goals. Finally, some product from the hours of data analysis and defining terms. Yesterday we worked on clustering the themes and writing summaries of the new clusters for our work today. The UEA's four strategic goals that move the agenda for our organization will be the center of attention today. We will also create some questions for House of Delegates this Saturday. My hope is that our final product will reflect real change (that you can believe in) not just a cursory cosmetic redo of the status quo. Thanks for reading. Rick
Monday, April 20, 2009
UEA Transformation Team Meeting
Representatives of all member and staff classifications have been working for months on a transformation process looking to change and improve UEA's system of delivery and services and the products we deliver. Today we begin the final process to come up with a product that we can present to the membership leadership. We will meet today and tomorrow and present a preliminary report to the UEA House of Delegates Saturday. Stay tuned. Rick
Friday, April 17, 2009
School's Stip-search of Teen to be heard by Supremes
I have been following the story of the Safford, AZ student(13 year-old girl) who was strip-searched by school admininistrator and a nurse in 2003 under suspicion of having prescription strenght Ibuprofen. Today's Deseret News has an opinion from Dan K. Thomasson that you can read at www.deseretnews.com .
Most of the school law cases that we talk about are usually based on court decisions. It will be interesting to see if the Supreme Court ways in on the rights of students (privacy) or will give schools more ability to search students for contraband.
Thanks Rick
Most of the school law cases that we talk about are usually based on court decisions. It will be interesting to see if the Supreme Court ways in on the rights of students (privacy) or will give schools more ability to search students for contraband.
Thanks Rick
Thursday, April 16, 2009
UEA House of Delegates
Tonight delegates from OEA and WEA will meet at the UniServ office to discuss the new business that will be brought to the UEA House of Delegates, April 25 at Alta H.S. Each year delegates from all over the state meet to discuss the business of the UEA. Each delegate will have voting power and the meetings are run by President Kim Campbell using parliamentary procedure. This year there are several proposed bills dealing with membership dues. They include the following topics:
- Create a statewide retired group of members
- Freeze UEA dues at the current level for one year (Ogden/Weber is the sponsor)
- Freeze UEA dues at the current leverl for two years.
- Require a 2/3 vote of the house to change dues.
- Change dues structure for new teachers in first three years
- Change the meeting procedures for the UEA Board
- Combining Bargaining into the current Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee
- Change the nomination procedure.
We will discuss these issues and take positions tonight at our Pre-House meeting.
Thanks for reading the blog. Rick
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Congrats to Karl Powell and Debbie Green
Winners of $25 Chili's gift cards are Karl Powell (Rocky Mountain) and Debbie Green (Sand Ridge).
I have a great opportunity to help teach a class (ED 1010) at the WSU-Davis Campus this afternoon with my colleague from Davis Education Association, Joel Briscoe. I show a version of the professionalism power point I have presented at faculty meetings plus I have taken a few court cases for discussion. It is a great class to talk about the career of teaching. It is the first class for these possible candidates for teacher education at WSU. I appreciate Mike Cena giving us the opportunity to talk to them about school law and the association.
Sara Israelsen-Hartley wrote today in the Deseret News about porn being downloaded by 11 year olds in American Fork. The boys evidently bypassed the district filters "using trial and error". Go to www.deseretnews.com to read the article.
Thanks again for reading. Rick (stop the snow)
I have a great opportunity to help teach a class (ED 1010) at the WSU-Davis Campus this afternoon with my colleague from Davis Education Association, Joel Briscoe. I show a version of the professionalism power point I have presented at faculty meetings plus I have taken a few court cases for discussion. It is a great class to talk about the career of teaching. It is the first class for these possible candidates for teacher education at WSU. I appreciate Mike Cena giving us the opportunity to talk to them about school law and the association.
Sara Israelsen-Hartley wrote today in the Deseret News about porn being downloaded by 11 year olds in American Fork. The boys evidently bypassed the district filters "using trial and error". Go to www.deseretnews.com to read the article.
Thanks again for reading. Rick (stop the snow)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Criminals in the Classroom
After reading several articles last week I was pretty much afraid to go into any of our schools. The articles made it sound like our halls are crawling with predator felons teaching the little chillins. Oh, then I looked at the stats and realized that out of the 1200 education employees audited in four districts, they found...wait for the drumroll... three licensed teachers who had convictions dating back to 1979, 1980, and 1988. Seems like overkill to paint the profession with such broad strokes. Headlines, sensational ones, like the Bountiful Jr. High sex with student case, only go to strengthen our already numerous detractors. Our profession is fighting for its life as we struggle with budget cuts, an unappreciative legislators and critics from all sides.
Oh, hope you had a good spring break...nice downer article Rick. Sorry.
Oh, hope you had a good spring break...nice downer article Rick. Sorry.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
US Today Article Forecasts "Retirement Tusnami"
"More than half the nation's teachers are Baby Boomers ages 50 and older and eligible for retirment over the next decade", Jeanette Der Bedrosian wrote in USA Today (April 7). Some numbers that show the upcoming crisis include: West Virginia has 68% of their teachers over 50 years of age. They are followed by Maine (56%), Vermont (55%), Montana (55%), and New Mexico (54%). Utah is in the mix also with a large number (possibly a third) to retire in the next 5-6 years. Will our teacher education programs be able to supply the number of teachers needed, or will more alternative routes to teaching be initiated. Just another thing to worry about.
Enjoy Spring Break. See you Tuesday. Rick
Enjoy Spring Break. See you Tuesday. Rick
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hot of the Press
Congrats to Christine Heslop at Ogden High and Clay Kirkham at Gramercy for winning the $25 Subway gift cards this month. Look for April's contest coming your way. Rick
Good Luck on your Final Four Pairings
When Pitt lost, so did I. I have a friendly wager with a golfing buddy in St. George for a round of golf. I told him that if I win I want a round of golf at Pebble Beach (circa $500), but if he wins I will pay for 9 holes at Southgate ($30). Good luck with your picks.
Update on School Day Cuts
Amy Stewart writes in today's Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) that the State School Board voted 10-5 to allow school districts the discretion of cutting up to 5 days from the 180 state required, only after cutting at least 3 Quality Teaching days. The vote came after heated debate. "This motion horrifies me," said board member Carol Murphy of Midvale, pointing out it gives districts a potential of total eight days of closed doors. Go to the website above and finish reading the article.
Thanks for reading the blog. We will drawing for March's gift card winners in Ogden at OEA AR meeting. Good luck. Rick
Thanks for reading the blog. We will drawing for March's gift card winners in Ogden at OEA AR meeting. Good luck. Rick
Saturday, April 4, 2009
State Board of Education Allows for Calendar Flexibility
The Utah State Board of Education voted Friday to allow school districts more discretion on how budget cuts are made. They will allow school districts to cut regular school days from the required 180 only after cutting at least 3 Quality Teaching Days first. Vik Arnold, Government Relations Director for UEA, asked the board to make any cuts equitable to all employees. Cutting just Quality Teaching Days will hurt teachers more than other employees. Weber District's Supt. Jacobsen has told WEA that they will try and maintain 6 of the current days while working to preserve steps and lanes. Negotiations have just begun and our challenge is to maintain salary and find ways to pay for the insurance increases. OEA's negotiation team meets with the district Tuesday. Stay Tuned. Thanks for reading the blog. It is good to be back home. Rick
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dallas Cowboy Stadium to Say Goodbye
I never liked the Cowboys, but my son Kurt loved them. Probably because I took him to a meeting where QB Danny White spoke in Pocatello, Idaho when Kurt was young. We have had a healthy rivalry since. "How bout those cowboys". Kind of sad to see the 37 year old "hole in a roof" stadium be demolished. (cheap at 12 million bucks). Learned about solving "Tough Problems" today. I learned that we all have different "working styles". I seem to be an "amiable" "driver". I like to get along with people, but don't have much patience for slow process. I like things done now. It will be good to get back home. I miss the snow...not.
I graduated from Beginning Power Point
Five years ago, when I was hired for this job, I told the interviewing committee that my "level of technology" was white board...barely. Must be a generational thing...baby boomer that I am. I was the only one in my sesssion that seemed excited with "Clip Art". I always get excited when one of my searches on clip art brings up a new picture...also disappointed when my search for "evaluation" brings up nothing. My trainer gave me some kick butt graphics and places to go to look for other cool things like audio, video, etc. Google "American Rhetoric" for some great speeches. I worked on my power point that I use with the WSU Intro to Ed class on "School Law". So I feel empowered with power point knowledge. Of course, I will forget everything again by the time I cross over into the Mountain Time Zone. Again, thanks for reading my 128th blog entry this year. I hope it has given you a bit more insight into your association. Rick in Dallas
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