Both OEA and WEA are sending out the Link Newsletter electronically this month. Your building reps will be receiving it today and they should forward it to you by email. We are also posting the pages on the UniServ website: Our web master, Mike Fazzio at Riverdale Elementary, has done a great job designing our new page. To enter our CONTEST please go to the website and send me an email listing the executive board members from your association (WEA for Weber and OEA for Ogden). My email is and we will compile all of the entries and draw for $25 dollar gift cards at our November AR meeting. Bookmark this blog on your favorites and check it each day for updates on education isssues.
Thanks Rick
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New Contest: Visit the Website
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ethics Reform petition drive held up by Lt. Gov. Bell
Lt. Governor Greg Bell held up the petitions for the Utahns for Ethical Government initiative until he could be sure it was constitutional. Petitions can not be distributed until they are certified by his office. Seven open hearings (as needed by the law) have been held with an extra hearing to take place at Mound Fort Junior High at 7 pm tonight. You can read more at with Bob Bernick Jr.'s article. You can also go to to see the petition.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Open Hearing for Ethics Initiative
Go to the website
to find out more out about the initiative campaign. An open hearing will be held at Mound Fort Junior High Media Center, Sept. 29, Tuesday, at 7 pm. Representatives from the UEG will be there and questions will be taken.
to find out more out about the initiative campaign. An open hearing will be held at Mound Fort Junior High Media Center, Sept. 29, Tuesday, at 7 pm. Representatives from the UEG will be there and questions will be taken.
Friday, September 25, 2009
UEA Convention Oct. 1 and 2
Hope everyone is planning to attend the UEA Convention, Oct. 1 and Oct 2 at the South Town Exposition Center in Sandy. Go to to see the schedule. New teachers and students are welcome to register online for the New Teachers Workshop on Friday, Oct. 2. Thursday night, two of our fine educators will receive awards at the UEA Superstars Banquet.
Pam Searson, Special Ed teacher at Sand Ridge was nominated by Debbie Green and Norm Unck, Science teacher at Wahlquist was nominated by Warren White. We congratulate these fine educators for their dedication.
Pam Searson, Special Ed teacher at Sand Ridge was nominated by Debbie Green and Norm Unck, Science teacher at Wahlquist was nominated by Warren White. We congratulate these fine educators for their dedication.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Check out the new NEA Member Benefits Website
To check out savings and membership benefits go to the NEA Member Benefits website at Register and check out the many savings. Make your membership work for you.
Check out Access Card savings at the website. Register and log on for lots of savings certificates.
Your membership card is good until December. New cards will be sent out before then.
Thanks Rick
Check out Access Card savings at the website. Register and log on for lots of savings certificates.
Your membership card is good until December. New cards will be sent out before then.
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Weber Teachers Chosen for "Excellence in Teaching" Awards
Two fine WEA members have been nominated and chosen as recipients of the UEA's "Excellence in Teaching" awards. Norm Unck, Wahlquist Jr. High science teacher, and Pamela Searson, Sand Ridge Jr. High Special Ed teacher, will recieve their awards and a $1500.00 check at the UEA Superstars in Education Banquet, Oct. 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Sandy. We are so proud of all of the fine educators in Ogden and Weber districts.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
GOP Will Oppose Citizen Initiatives
Both the Republican legislative leadership and the GOP state committee have come out in opposition to the "ill-advised" legislative ethics and redistricting initiatives. Bob Bernick and Arthur Raymond write in the Deseret News today that "Dave Hansen, state GOP chairman, said it is too early to detail what the majority party in Utah may do in trying to defeat the initiatives."
Ogden will hold a hearing on the Ethics Initiative at Mound Fort Jr. High, Sept. 29, at 7 pm in the media center. Read the entire article at
Ogden will hold a hearing on the Ethics Initiative at Mound Fort Jr. High, Sept. 29, at 7 pm in the media center. Read the entire article at
Monday, September 21, 2009
UEA New Teacher Workshop, Oct. 2
I visited with several student teachers at WSU last week and invited them to the UEA Convention New Teachers' Workshop, Friday, Oct. 2 at the South Towne Exposition Center. I am visiting with more tomorrow. The new teacher workshop is full of great speakers and break out sessions for new and future teachers. Please make a special invitation to any student teachers or new teachers in your building. They can register online at
Friday, September 18, 2009
AYP Scores Reported
Check the Standard-Examiner for an article about the Ogden and Weber AYP scores. Scores in both Weber and Ogden have risen.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Deficit of revenues of $150 million
Lisa Riley Roche ( wrote on Sept. 16 that state revenues could fall short this budget year by as much as $150 Million. That could cause more cuts in education and other programs when legislators meet in January, 2010. The next revenue estimates are in December and we can only hope that the economy's slow rebound will speed up.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Ethics Initiative Hearing - Sept. 29 Mound Fort Media Center
I would like to invite you to an open hearing for the Ethics Initiative, Sept. 29, 7-9 pm, at the Mound Fort media center. Representatives from the group sponsoring the petition drive will be there to explain the initiative. The initiative would limit legislator gifts, campaign contributions, and set up an independent ethics commission.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New Future Educators Association Chapter in Weber
We are excited to announce a new FEA chapter in Weber District. Joan Iverson's Ed 1010 class is excited to join our Ogden and Davis chapters in exploring the teaching career. One of their first activities will be "Read for the Record" where the students will read "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" to as many children as possible in one day in October. We have ordered books for the students, who will donate the books after the program. Joan does a great job with her Ed 1010 concurrent enrollment class that meets at West Haven Elementary School. They meet for instruction and then work in classrooms for practical experience.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dinosaur Park a big success
Around 400 association members and their guest enjoyed a lovely fall evening at the dinosaur park Friday night. It was good to see the families of our educators enjoying themselves.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Utah Hopes to Cash in on Federal Money for Schools
Lisa Schencker ( writes about Utah's chances to access a possible $400 Million dollars of Federal "Race to the Top" stimulus money offered to states who are at the cutting edge of reform. UEA's president, Kim Campbell, stated, "We support any effort for additional money to Utah's underfunded educational system. We hope this grant process doesn't repeat the mistakes of NCLB with a reliance on a single test score." Two of the more controversial issues are teacher evaluations that use test scores as part of the criteria and the encouragment of more charter schools. Read the entire article for more info.
Reminder: Dinosaur Park Party Tonight, 6 pm.
Reminder: Dinosaur Park Party Tonight, 6 pm.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
NEA Foundation offers grants
Go to to see available grants for your teaching. Also contact Kate Bideaux at for grant writing tips.
Retirees Facing a $6.5 Billion Shortfall
The Utah State Legislature heard testimony yesterday, that discussed the dramatic loss in the retirement system as a result of last year's financial collapse. The legislature might move to increase the amount that employees and employers pay into the fund. Read Lisa Riley Roche's article at
Don't forget the Dinosaur Park Party tomorrow night, Friday, Sept. 11 at 6 pm.
Don't forget the Dinosaur Park Party tomorrow night, Friday, Sept. 11 at 6 pm.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dinosaur Park Party Friday, Sept. 11 6-8pm
Don't forget the Dinosaur Park Party Friday for members and families. Starts at 6 pm. Bring your flyer for entrance to the park and dinner. See you there.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Use your membership card to access savings
Log in to with your membership card and discover everything from fast food to fine dining restaurants near you. You can fill up on savings at places like: Papa Johns, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Johnny Rockets and Hot Dog on a stick.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Invitation to all members and new teachers
Please join us at the Eccles Dinosaur Park, Friday, Sept. 11 at 6 pm for our annual OEA/WEA Membership Appreciation Party. Please bring your families and join us for a night of fun and food. Your flyer with Horace Mann info is your ticket in (we will have extra at the door if your lose or forget your flyer). Hamburgers, chips, drinks and creamies will be served. We appreciate our sponsor, Horace Mann, for their support.
See you there. Rick
See you there. Rick
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Gov. Herbert Chooses Budget Efficiency Commission
Read in the Deseret News ( "New Panel to examine budget cuts", about Governor Herbert's choice for a budget efficiency commission. The commission will be headed by former Gov. Bangerter with help from Nolan Karras, Fraser Bullock and Charlie Johnson. The commission will have about 10 members and will study efficiency in state government.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
UEA Convention
October 1 and 2 are the dates for the UEA Convention held at the South Towne Exposition Center at 9575 South State in Sandy.
Highlights include: NEA VP Lily Eskelsen, KSL Radio Personality Amanda Dickson, IDEA Fair, Author, Harry Wong and the Superstars Banquet.
We invite all new teachers to the New Teachers Workshop, Friday, Oct. 2.
Look for your booklet coming soon to your home.
Highlights include: NEA VP Lily Eskelsen, KSL Radio Personality Amanda Dickson, IDEA Fair, Author, Harry Wong and the Superstars Banquet.
We invite all new teachers to the New Teachers Workshop, Friday, Oct. 2.
Look for your booklet coming soon to your home.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Nominate a fellow teacher for "UEA Excellence in Teaching" award
Go to and look for the application for "Excellence in Teaching" award ($1500.00) to be awarded at the UEA convention banquet. It is a simple form and nominations must be in by Sept. 15.
Also look for the "UEA Honor Roll" award given to a person or business (non-educator) who has provided outstanding service to education in your community.
Finally, the "Charles E. Bennett UEA Human and Civil Rights Award" will be given to an educator or non-educator working in the area of human and civil rights.
Also look for the "UEA Honor Roll" award given to a person or business (non-educator) who has provided outstanding service to education in your community.
Finally, the "Charles E. Bennett UEA Human and Civil Rights Award" will be given to an educator or non-educator working in the area of human and civil rights.
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