Check out the agenda of the Legislative Retirement Committee meeting scheduled on Nov. 12. Go to and click on Interim Committees. It would be great to email your legislators (Neil Hansen and Jon Greiner) and remind them that our system is solid and we do not need changes made (especially when salaries are shrinking) to our retirement system.
Check the past blog entries for instructions for the Contest. (OEA draws Monday, Nov 2)
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, October 30, 2009
Utah Legislative Retirement Committee to meet Nov. 12
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Shawna Blamires-T.O. Smith-Focus on Excellence Award
Shawna Blamires, an exceptional T.O. Smith teacher, was awarded the Tony Divino "Focus on Excellence" award last night at the Ogden School Board meeting. Shawna does a lot for the school including organizing the many clubs at the school. Congratulations to a great teacher.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Professionalism Presentations
Yesterday I presented to Kristin Hadley's Ed 1010 class at WSU on Professionalism and Ethics. I talked to the students about the responsibilities of educators to provide a correct role model and keep their relationships appropriate. We discussed several court cases and talked about the ethical standards teachers are asked to live by.
This morning I gave a similar presentation to the faculty at North Ogden Jr. High. I appreciate the invitation from Principal Butters and I always enjoy visiting with educators about our protections and responsibilities of the negotiated agreement.
You only have a few days to enter the contest: email me with one bad retirement idea that I wrote about in the October Link Article. Uniserv website:
We will draw Monday, Nov. 2 for Ogden's winners and Nov. 9 for Weber's winners.
Thanks Rick
This morning I gave a similar presentation to the faculty at North Ogden Jr. High. I appreciate the invitation from Principal Butters and I always enjoy visiting with educators about our protections and responsibilities of the negotiated agreement.
You only have a few days to enter the contest: email me with one bad retirement idea that I wrote about in the October Link Article. Uniserv website:
We will draw Monday, Nov. 2 for Ogden's winners and Nov. 9 for Weber's winners.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jill Hislop Gibson: Finalist in Utah Teacher of the Year
Polk Elementary teacher, Jill Hislop Gibson, was chosen as one of four finalists for the Utah State Teacher of the year. Jill is a great teacher and was a fantastic representative of Ogden District educators. We are proud of Jill's contributions to students at Polk.
Contest: Go to and read the Executive Director's message, then email and list one of the many bad ideas to cut retirement.
Thanks Rick
Contest: Go to and read the Executive Director's message, then email and list one of the many bad ideas to cut retirement.
Thanks Rick
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ethics Initiative Prompts Legislators to Devise Plans
Bob Bernick and Lisa Riley Roche wrote last Thursday in the Deseret News that the legislature is on the "verge of historic ethics actions" because of the citizen initiative petition push. The legislature met in interim meetings last Wednesday and outlined their own reform ideas that would include:
- Creation of an independent ethics commission.
- The commission would review ethics charges.
- Legislative committees could then punish the legislator.
- The House or Senate would vote on any disciplinary action.
Go to and read the entire article (Thursday, Oct. 22)
Last chance to enter the Contest: Go to the uniserv webpage ( and read the Executive Director's message and email me one of the bad changes that could be made in our retirement program. (
Thanks. We will pick for winners at the November AR meetings. Rick
Friday, October 23, 2009
"Race to the Top" 4.3 Billion Dollars for Schools
Many of you have heard of President Obama's Education Secretary, Arne Duncan. Some of you have also heard about a program called "Race to the Top" where states can apply for grants of millions of dollars to help public ed. A total of 4.3 billion is available but there are some strings attached. To read more about this program, google David Brooks, NY Times columnist, and read the "Quiet Revolution" in the op ed page today. Many of the reforms that the program requires are controversial. They include using student test scores to evaluate and give pay increases to teachers. Also, states which have limited or capped the number of charter schools would not get the money. Many states are in the process of changing their laws to accomodate these grants. It will be interesting to see what is included in Utah's grant request. I hope we, as professionals, are open to look at certain reforms without giving away our basic principles. I don't think we want our teachers' association to be considered opposed to all reforms, but we must be careful. Keep monitoring this situation. Rick
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Have you signed an Ethics Initiative Petition?
We have petitions for the "Ethics Initiative" here at the Ogden/Weber UniServ office (939 25th St). Please stop by and sign the petition and/or pick up a petition to take to your school to help get signatures. Check out the UEG website ( to read more about the initiative.
Enter the contest by going to the Ogden/Weber UniServ website and email me Brad Dee's voting record from the Political Action site.
We will pick winners at our OEA and WEA AR meetings in November.
Thanks Rick
Enter the contest by going to the Ogden/Weber UniServ website and email me Brad Dee's voting record from the Political Action site.
We will pick winners at our OEA and WEA AR meetings in November.
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Teachers Under Scrutiny: SL Tribune Article
In today's SL Trib, Kristen Stewart writes about a group of public school teachers (30-50) who "have come under scutiny for criminal violations severe enough to merit possible reprimand or dismissal." She writes, "that's only one-quarter of 1 percent of Utah's 20,000 licensed educators all of whom recently underwent criminal background checks in an effort to improve systems for vetting school employees."
Go to to read the entire article.
Don't forget the CONTEST: Go the and check the Political Action logo and email me ( with Brad Dee's voting record.
Thanks Rick
Go to to read the entire article.
Don't forget the CONTEST: Go the and check the Political Action logo and email me ( with Brad Dee's voting record.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ogden/Weber UniServ Legislative Dinner
Our Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee met last week and planned a dinner for our association leaders, district superintendants, and local legislators to meet and discuss the upcoming legislative session. We will meet in December to share our concerns and listen to possible funding sources: Rainy Day Fund, Tax Increases, etc. Budget projections do not paint a pretty picture with no substantial increase in projected tax revenues. We will need pressure placed by you on the legislators to do the right thing. We are starting early to dialog with our county legislators. Talk to your legislator now.
Thanks Rick
Thanks Rick
Monday, October 19, 2009
Deseret News: "Don't Kill Charter Schools"
Last week the Deseret News editorialized that cuts in state budgets could hurt the growth of charter schools. Today, it was reported that only two of the seven proposed charter schools would be allowed by the state. The state charter board is looking close at the applicants and looking for quality. Budget cuts would naturally allow less money for new schools. The D News said "there is no clear-cut solution to this issue or, for that matter, to the dilemma lawmakers face balancing the 2010-11 budget during a significant revenue shortfall. Dipping into the state's Rainy Day funds is a given. So is raising the state tobacco tax. It remains to be seen if legislators will be willing to raise the state income tax, which is solely earmarked for the support of public schools and colleges, in order to keep class sizes at reasonable levels in K-12 education and tuition affordable for college students."
Thanks Rick
Thanks Rick
Friday, October 16, 2009
Class Size a First Priority
We were glad to see the Standard-Examiner editorial board encourage the Utah State Legislature to fund student growth. Ogden's elementary schools are busting at the seams. Heritage has swelled to 873 students almost as many as Ben Lomond High. All of the elementary schools in Ogden (except the newest Shadow Valley) have portable classrooms. The Ogden School Board is looking at possible solutions which could include opening up one or more of the closed elementary schools. Weber District is also anticipating growth returning. It will be important for the UEA and our members to continue to apply pressure to the legislature for substantial funding. Our Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee met last night to discuss ways of letting our Weber County legislators know of our needs. It is important that each of you pay attention to the concerns and communicate with your legislator. As the economy recovers, we hope that the tax revenues will increase and the legislature will use the "rainy day funds" to help backfill the deficits.
Have a great weekend. Rick
Have a great weekend. Rick
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Doug Stephens-OEA President
OEA has a new president this year. Doug Stephens teaches U.S History and Government at Ben Lomond High School. He is a graduate of Bonneville High, Weber State and Utah State University. He and his wife Julie (Hatch) have four beautiful children. Doug also teaches a class at WSU and loves to spend his free time riding his four-wheelers. He takes students on tours of the Washington, D.C area each year. It has been great to work with Doug this year.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Marlene Irons-President of Weber Education Association
Marlene Irons has been involved with WEA since 1991 (Jr. High Rep) in many different roles. Marlene teaches FACS at South Ogden Jr. High and has been a teacher since 1974 (she beats me by two years). She has served as WEA President since 2003. I have enjoyed working with Marlene because of her strong work ethic and willngness to fight for teachers. Marlene is a huge reason that WEA is as strong an association as it is today. Thanks Marlene for your many years of service to teachers and students in Weber.
Rick (sorry about no blog yesterday, visiting my parents in Aberdeen, Idaho)
If you are interested in entering the contest, please go to the UniServ website at and send me a list of the executive board members from your association. Thanks We will draw for gift cards at the Nov. AR meeting.
Rick (sorry about no blog yesterday, visiting my parents in Aberdeen, Idaho)
If you are interested in entering the contest, please go to the UniServ website at and send me a list of the executive board members from your association. Thanks We will draw for gift cards at the Nov. AR meeting.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Glen Larsen-WEA Executive Board Member
Glen Larsen, South Ogden Jr. High social studies and math teacher for 10 years, serves as our Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee Chair and as a member of the WEA Executive Board. He has a B.S. and a M.ED from Weber State University. His amazing wife teaches at Roy Jr. High and he has three great children. Glen lives in South Willard and is a great leader.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Meet Jo Egelund-WEA Executive Board
Jo Egelund, one of our newest WEA Board members, has taught Agriculture Science at Fremont High for 14 years out of a total of 18 years in the profession. She is a proud graduate of USU for both her B.S. and Masters of Science. We are so lucky to have Jo as a member of our WEA Executive Board. She brings so many talents and energy to our association.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Paul Fawson-WEA Executive Board-UniServ Vice-President
Paul Fawson, auto mechanics instructor at Roy High for 26 years, is doing double duty this year as our Ogden/Weber UniServ Vice-President and a WEA Executive Board member. He is ASE certified in 8 areas of automotive repair and also has a degree in counseling. He has received the "I Love Teaching" award from Weber District and an Award of Merit in the Boy Scouts. He and his lovely wife, Lynette, live in West Haven. Thanks Paul for all you do.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Deseret News and SL Tribune Editorialize Support for Public Education
It was good to see editorials in both the SL Trib and the Des News this week supportive of increased public education. Both editorials commented on the UEA reports of low funding expressed during sessions of the UEA Convention. Public support will be crucial in another tough budget year...maybe even tougher than last year..
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Spotlight on Sherrie Dame-OEA Executive Board
Sherrie Dame, Polk Elementary, has taught for 38 years. She has three children, Nathan (an actor in NYC), Shannon, a graduate student, and Tammy a beautician. Beckam is her grandson and a cute kid. ( I still have his cute handprints on my patio door). Sherrie graduated from Weber State College (hmmm) and received her Masters from BYU. She is a great teacher and fantastic member of our negotiations team and is serving on the boundary committee. We value her experience and wisdom. Thanks, Sherrie, for your service to Ogden teachers and students.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thousands Attend UEA Convention
Teachers from all over the state attended the two-day UEA Convention last week. The New Teacher Workshop was especially well-attended. Terie Maxfield (UEA Board), a teacher at Farr West, said that her sessions were full and they had to send people away. Keynoters, Lily Eskelsen and Harry Wong highlighted the conference. Two Weber teachers, Norm Unck and Pam Searson, received Excellence in Teaching awards at the banquet Thursday night. Ogden's teacher of the year, Jill Hislop Gibson, and Weber's teacher of the year, Matt Patterson, also attended.
Check last week's blog for contest directions. Rick
Check last week's blog for contest directions. Rick
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