Hi, my lap band surgery was successful today and I now weigh 130 pounds. Just kidding. A bit sore, so I will use a couple of work days and spring break (I bet your spring break is funner (not a word) than mine) Already lost 20 pounds on liquid diet for a week, yummy broth and protein shakes. I am sorry no pictures will be posted...
Have a nice spring break...you all deserve it.
Rick (skinnier, I hope)
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Upcoming events
Here are a few of the association events coming up in the near future:
- 2010 UEA General Election-Online voting- You can see a short video of the candidates at www.utea.org- Voting packets will be mailed April 9
- WEA/OEA Pre-House Dinner and Meeting @ the UniServ office, 4:00 pm, Wednesday, April 14
- UEA House of Delegates, 9:00 AM, Saturday, April 24 @ Coppper Hills High
- General Election Voting ends, Friday, May 7 @ 5pm
I plan to be out for a week with some personal business. Enjoy your spring break.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cigarette taxes increased to help fund education
Governor Herbert refused to sign the increase in tobacco tax that could raise over $40 million dollars, because he had been against it from the beginning. He will not veto it, so it will become law without his signature. This was the only new revenue bill to pass the legislature. It will help a little. Do not believe that education was "held harmless". I will scream if I hear a politician say that again. There is no money for growth (11,000 students) this fall. That will mean a lot bigger class sizes for many schools and less money to pay teachers.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Governor Herbert Launches Education Commission
Governor Herbert announced the formation of an "Education Excellence Commission" to promote "more collaboration and cooperation, less anger and divisiveness". 25 leaders (including Kim Campbell, UEA President) have the goal to "implement statewide education reform and long-range planning". You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A warning shot for schools-Deseret News Editorial
Jordan schools were spared some cuts by the passage of SB 295 that allows school districts to use building money (Capital Outlay) for instructional needs (Maintenance and operations). Read the entire editorial at www.deseretnews.com
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Attend Your Caucus Meetings Tonight at 7pm
We have some candidates running in Legislative District 6 (Kerry Gibson is running for County Commissioner) Republicans Craig Call, Brad J. Galvez, Randy Phipps, and Brent Ropelato. They will be looking for delegates tonight to be elected at your caucuses. Check your county party's website for locations.
Jesse Garcia and Neil Hansen have filed for the Democratic nomination in House Dist. 9.
Jon Greiner and Stuart Reid have filed for the Republican nomination in Senate Dist. 18.
Our political action committee will be interviewing these candidates next week.
Jesse Garcia and Neil Hansen have filed for the Democratic nomination in House Dist. 9.
Jon Greiner and Stuart Reid have filed for the Republican nomination in Senate Dist. 18.
Our political action committee will be interviewing these candidates next week.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Our Sympathies..
Our sympathies go out to Celeste Gardner (OEA Exec Bd) and Supt. Jacobsen (Weber) for the losses of their moms. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Jordan Teachers spared cuts
Go to www.deseretnews.com to read about the "Jordan teachers escape ax".
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Neighborhood Caucus Meetings Tuesday, March 23, 7:00 PM
Just a reminder to attend your neighborhood political caucus meetings next Tuesday night at 7pm, March 23. Check the Standard-Examiner for the locations. You can access the Weber Republican locations online at www.wcrgop.org and the Weber Democratic locations at www.weberdemocrats.org
It is important to take your family and neighbors to these meetings and elect education friendly delegates to the state and county conventions.
Thanks Rick
It is important to take your family and neighbors to these meetings and elect education friendly delegates to the state and county conventions.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Education was not held "harmless" by the Legislature
I am fatigued at the never-ending self-congratulation our legislators continue to give themselves ( redundancy noted) by saying that public ed was only cut .6% and the classrooms will be unaffected. Memo to the legislators: You forgot to come up with tax dollars for 11,000 new students that will be registering this fall. What are we supposed to tell the parents? Keep them home, we can't find space or supplies for them? I think not...they will be there in your classrooms...and there will be more of them than last year. Will we have money to give teachers a raise or even hire enough teachers to keep our class sizes somewhat manageable? We can't sink any further down the list of states in class size...we are dead last...we are 51st and there are only 50 states...yes D.C. counts. So next time you read that education was held harmless and you have to look for more desks for those two or three more students checking in...thank your legislator.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Utah Legislature Ends...it is safe to let your kids go out and play again
At the witching hour of midnight the legislative session closed up shop... Here is a brief summary:
- About $200 Million of the Rainy Day fund was used to help close the budget gap
- The tobacco tax was raised by $1.
- Public Schools will see a $10 Million decrease in spending.
- 11,000 new public ed students were not funded
- In reality, public schools will see about a 5% cut
- Current employees' retirement was not changed
- Changes to future employees (after July 1, 2011) were made
- Anyone retiring and looking to be rehired must wait a full year if they want to receive their pension and salary.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
National ed standards coming?
"Governors and education leaders on Wednesday proposed sweeping new school standards that could lead to students across the country using the same math and English textbooks and taking the same tests, replacing a patchwork of state and local systems in an attempt to raise student achievement nationwide." Read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
"Schools deal reached" SL Tribune
Go to www.sltrib.com and read the article about the budget cuts for schools. Don't forget the part about no new funding for the 11,000 students coming into our schools next fall. That is a huge amount of money that won't be there. Rick
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Congratulations to Lynette Grow-Weber "I Love Teaching Award"
Weber School Board honored one of our very finest teachers last Wednesday night. Lynette Grow, third grade teacher at West Haven Elementary, was presented the "I Love Teaching" award. I really think the award was named for Lynette. I have know Lynette for more years than either of us would say and since moving into my position, I have had the opportunity to be in Lynette's class often. A former student and his mom gave Lynette a wonderful compliment to her caring, compassionate, teaching style. Lynette has served WEA for many years and we enjoy her contributions to our AR meetings. She is an expert in many areas. Congrats, Lynette, you are the best.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Attend Your Caucus Meetings-March 23
Attending your neighborhood caucus translates into the most important two or three hours you can spend in affecting the political process. Find out where your caucus is located and go, take friends and family and get elected to be a county delegate or a state delegate. The conventions can often be the only real race. The locations for the Democratic meetings is on their web page. Look for the Republicans to finish their list soon. Any one looking to run for an office will have a small window of opportunity to file with the county.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Only one more week of the legislature...thank heavens
Why is it that I am always relieved when the legislature finally ends? Could it be that we spend so much effort fighting off bad bills that we are just glad to see them go home where they can only bother their families and neighbors. I am always amazed at how much damage 104 people (yes, I am throwing the Democrats in with our good friends the Republicans) can do to public education in only 45 days. Yes, misery loves company, but I would not want to be a teacher in Jordan right now. That volcano is ready to erupt...Bingham High teachers are boiling and the pot could boil over to other schools. Whenever I whine about my job...often lately...I am shocked back to reality when I look how bad it is in other states, districts, and (let's face it) Haiti and Chile. Okay, I got it off my chest...I feel a little better thinking of other people's problems.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Republican Senators Back School Funding Cut
The Deseret News reported that the Senate Republican Caucus voted to support a $1 increase in cigarette taxes and a 21 Million Dollar cut in public education to pay for other state needs. This would be on top of the lack of funding for the new 11,000 students who will be entering our schools in the fall. A large portion of the 21,000,000 will go to Higher Ed.
SB 77, another anti-UEA bill that would restrict association leave is in the House of Representatives and we need you to email your representative and tell them to vote no. The Supt.'s association and School Boards oppose this bill and see it as a "local control" issue.
Thanks Rick
SB 77, another anti-UEA bill that would restrict association leave is in the House of Representatives and we need you to email your representative and tell them to vote no. The Supt.'s association and School Boards oppose this bill and see it as a "local control" issue.
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Legislative Headlines
Go to www.deseretnews.com to read more about these topics:
- Two bills aim to give districts financial relief (Amy Stewart)
- House raises cigarette tax $1 ( Bob Bernick and Lisa Riley Roche)
- Jordan Teachers Mulling a Walkout (Amy Stewart)
Other legislative news: SB 77 passed out of the Senate (would restrict the ability of the association to give paid leave) and Karen Morgan's Reading bill moved out of the senate (retention of students who do not make reading progress)
This next two weeks will determine where we are on budget cuts.
Plan on attending your neighborhood caucus on March 23.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Retirement Bills go the Governor for Signature
The Senate approved both SB43 and SB63 and sent them to the governor for his signature. Sen. Jon Greiner was the only republican voting no. SB 43 allows for a rehired retirees to recieve their pension and salary (but no 401k) if they are hired a year after leaving their job. That is in effect July 1, 2010. SB63 changes the retirement system for new employees (after July 1, 2011) to having a choice between a 10% (of salary) 401k contribution or a hybrid of a defined benefit of 1.5% per service year benefit and a 401k contribution (combined worth-10%) and the ability to retire after 35 years of service or at age 60.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Legislature Ponders Ed funding
As we reach the back stretch of the legislature, the question of "how big will the cuts be?" permeates our thoughts. We are watching with chagrin the disaster in Jordan and with apprehension of what might happen in Ogden and Weber districts. We will know more after the legislature. The two retirement bills passed by large margins (SB43 53-20 and SB63 46-26). Brad Dee sponsored and spoke for both bills. The two bills now go back to the Senate to vote on the amendments. The bills are improved, but not what we wanted.
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