Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Halloween.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

State School Board Candidates District 2

The candidates for State School Board District 2 are:

Keith Buswell and Monty B. Hardy

Keith Buswell works for Wadman Construction. He wrote in his resume: "As a candidate for the state school board, I do not represent any special interest group or have a particular agenda. I am committed to education and will approach decisions with common sense while applying my experience to do all I can to "do the right thing".

Monty Hardy is a board member of Venture Academy Charter school and has a background in finance.

Please remember to vote Nov. 2 if you haven't already.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Revenue for schools: Sales-tax hike not right solution

The Tribune Editorial Board wrote in their Opinion Page today:
"A proposal to shift education funding from current school property-tax levies to a higher state sales tax is brewing in the Legislature's Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee. While the intention is comendable-to more evenly spread education costs among Utah's school districts-its potential for unintended consequences is too great."

Go to www.sltrib.com to read the entire editorial.

We want to wish Marlene Irons, WEA President our sympathies with the passing of her mom.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dino Park Party a Big Success

Hundreds of Ogden and Weber teachers, employees and kids braved a frigid October evening and enjoyed a truly spooktacular evening at the Eccles Dinosaur Park party sponsored by Horace Mann Insurance. Many of the kids (and some parents) came in costume and enjoyed finding our OEA and WEA leaders for treats. We actually had to buy more candy after seeing the big turnout. Thanks to all who participated and helped out. The park is beautifully decorated and truly spooky. Thanks again to the staff at the park for all of their help.

Thanks again.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Equalized Education Funding

Read Elizabeth Stuart's entire article about equalization of education funding at www.deseretnews.com


Friday, October 22, 2010

Dress Warmly for Monday's Dino Park Party

I guess our nice fall is moving away and winter is around the corner. We are looking forward to seeing you all and your guests on Monday, October 25th at the Eccles Dinosaur Park for our annual party. We will open at 6 and finish at 8. dress the kids warmly and we will have treats for the kids. The concessions will be open (hot cocoa sounds good), but we will not be serving dinner. Horace Mann is our sponsor and is paying for your admission into the park. Please bring your flyer and HM info filled in or grab one at our table at the gate. See you there...brrrrrr. The Halloween decorations are spooktacular... Rick

Dress Warmly for Monday'

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Education Requires Right to Fire Poor Teachers

Read Molly Farmer's entire article about the panel (included UEA's President Gallagher-Fishbaugh) that screened "Waiting for Superman" at www.deseretnews.com

UEA Convention Speaker: Collaboration leads to school success

Author Alan Blankstein ("Failure is not an option: six principles that guide student achievement in high performing schools") delivered the keynote address about collaboration at the UEA's annual convention last Friday. Blankstein is also the president and founder of the HOPE (harnessing Optimism Potential through Education) nonprofit organization that works with schools to develop successful leadership teams and school cultures.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Lawmakers consider all-day kindergarten

On October 6th Molly Farmer wrote in the Deseret News:

"The state is considering if and how to fund optional extended-day kindergarten throughout Utah."

Brenda Hales, associate Superintendent from the State Office of Education, told lawmakers about the pilot program in its fourth year that is currently serving more than 8,000 students. Teaching students for a full day instead of half has been proven to dramatically improve a child's literacy, particularly for at-risk children. When children show up on their first day of class, some have never been read to, while others can read full paragraphs and spell their names.

We will have to monitor this legislation in January as funding talks begin.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

UEA President explains dual endorsement

President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh sent a message to members yesterday explaining the UEA's dual endorsement in the Governor's race.

"...the U-PAC (UEA Political Action Committee) is made up of representatives from all areas and UniServs of the state. ...we engaged in a lengthy conversation (and) ...requested that all members of the U-PAC go back to their constituents and ask for their feedback...I also e-mailed the local presidents and UDs (UniServ Directors) explaining the process...the dual endorsement decision was made based upon this feedback and discussion...The U-PAC chose a dual endorsement because of several factors...A brochure with a side-by-side comparison is being developed (and will) be mailed to members."

Both candidates have been invited to the UEA Convention and will speak.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

UEA Convention Oct. 14-15

Go to the www.utea.org to see more about the sessions and speakers you will see at the UEA Convention this Thursday and Friday. Don't forget the New Teacher Workshop on Friday and the Superstars awards celebration Thursday afternoon . Political candidates will be available at 12:30 Thursday with both Gov. Herbert and Mayor Corroon speaking. Don't miss the exhibits and Association Reps pick up your thank gift at Booth #313.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Falling Behind: Utah Schools Need Better Funding

Read the entire editorial at www.sltrib.com on the Opinion Page.

The Salt Lake Tribune is supportive of increased public school funding in this positive editorial.


Friday, October 8, 2010

FEA Students Read for the Record

FEA members from OHS, BLHS and Weber schools read the book, "The Snowy Day" to hundreds of elementary students Thursday as part of the "Read for the Record" event. You can read about it in the Standard-Examiner today at www.standard.net


Thursday, October 7, 2010

State public school chief calls for targeted spending

Read Molly Farmer's article about State Supt. Larry Shumway's "State of Education" speech at www.deseretnews.com

"Targeted spending and strengthening business relationships are some of the improvements State Superintendent Larry Shumway would like to see made in the public school system during the upcoming school year."


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teacher Accountablility

The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote in it's editorial several days ago:

"President Barack Obama made another big push for his education agenda this week, with a renewed call to hold the worst teachers accountable. Those who fail to improve quickly have 'got to go.' It is a hard directive, but a necessary one, given the sorry state of public education. Students are failing classes and flunking out at alarming rates unable to read or perform basic math skills. Obama's plan calls for teachers who miss the mark to get additional training and a chance to improve, which is fair. But those who still fail to improve after a reasonable period could be fired. No doubt, teachers' unions are disturbed to hear such tough talk again from Obama, and with it the prospect that some teachers could lose jobs. But the president has made clear his intent to change the status quo. Obama did take a conciliatory tone in expressing his desire to work with the education unions. Historically, collective bargaining units have been reluctant to address issues such as tenure that make it difficult to get rid of poorly performing teachers. That must change. Keeping bad teachers who wear tenure like a badge of honor hurts students students in chronically troubled schools. It also makes it difficult for good teachers to create environments where students can succeed."


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WEA Mediation Meeting

The Weber Education Association negotiation team met with the District team and mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, last evening and finished up talks and agreements on all non-money items. We are still waiting for the legislature to meet (probably in November) to discuss how much and when we will receive the "federal jobs bill" money that can be used for salary. We were happy to hear that P.E. specialists will be hired for each elementary school starting in January to give teachers another 30 minutes of prep time. Elementary prep time has been a priority of our WEA negotiations for four years.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Salt Lake Tribune Editorial: School Like Ours

Read in today's Salt Lake Tribune at www.sltib.com (under opinion) about Utah's test scores lagging behind other similar states. Utah's students lag far behind in reading, math and science test scores, according to a new local study that compares Utah students with those in states that similar demographics.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Ogden/Weber Candidate Recommendations

Here are the PAC recommended candidates:
  • House 6 No recommendation
  • House 7 Ryan Wilcox
  • House 8 Gage Froerer
  • House 9 Neil Hansen
  • House 10 Randy Rounds
  • House 11 Brad Dee
  • House 12 Richard Greenwood
  • Senate 18 No recommendation
