Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Monday, February 28, 2011

UEA Legislative Issues:State School Board Elections

As the legislative session winds down (thank heaven for small miracles) we need to contact our legislators about some important issues. Today's issue: State Board of Education elections.
  • The current process takes away the voice of the people.
  • No other elected state official is vetted through a nominating committee appointed by the Governor.
  • A direct, no-partisan election would increase accountability to voters and better involve the community in the electoral process.
  • A non-partisan election would allow for implementation of good policy, free from party platforms.
  • Simplifying nomination and election procedures would increase transparency.
  • A recent poll shows Utahns reject the idea of partisan school board elections.

Contact your legislator and inform them of our positions.

Today's "only 9 days left of the session" Blog Contest question is: whose pictures are on the blog?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, February 25, 2011

Educators on the Hill Today

Today we had several Weber Educators on the Hill to lobby their local legistlators. WEA Vice-President Terie Maxfield (Farr West), WEA Board members Glen Larsen (South Jr.), Paul Fawson (Roy High), Building reps Kristin Teller (Green Acres) and Trish Hill (Washington Terrace) and Marianne Allen (Weber High) attended House and Senate Ed committee meetings and Marianne even testified to the committee on a couple of their bills. One bill that changes how teachers teach that the United States is a "republic" not a "democracy" passed with some amendments. Marianne tesitified that we are already doing it and the bill is unecessary. Another bill sponsored by Howard Stephenson would stop the practice of using seniority to dictate reduction in forces in schools.

Today's "when will it quit snowing" Blog Contest question is: What good news did we hear Tuesday that might help funding education?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, February 24, 2011

HB 183 Passes House

Go to www.myuea.org and click on the Under the Dome to read the lobby team's report of yesterdays legislative news. HB 183 passed the house. It takes away the district's ability to pay for released time association leaders. Thanks to Rep. Greenwood who voted against it.

Today's "Wisconsin Badgers" Blog question: Who sponsored HB 183?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Increased Revenues Help

Tuesday's news that tax revenues will come in higher by $47 million for ongoing programs and another $26 for one-time programs was good news, but doesn't completely cover the cuts that the legislature made in their base budget. They are still a ways from the Governor's budget proposal that added $50 million and paid for growth of 14,000 students. We still have three weeks left for the budget decisions to be made. Several teachers will visit the hill Friday for "Educator on the Hill". If you have postcards for your legislators let your Building Reps know so we can get them delivered.

Today's "Wear red for Ed" (Wisconsin solidarity) Blog Question is: What is the Wisconsin governor trying to do to teachers?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks rick

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Tax to fund schools?

Lisa Riley Roche writes in today's Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com): "restoring the sales tax on food is being quietly pushed as an option to ensure there's enough money to fund growth in public education this legislative session."

Today lawmakers will get new revenue numbers that could help reduce the cuts in public education.

Today's "Wear RED in support of Wisconsin teachers" Blog question: What tax is the main revenue source for education in Utah?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Senator to rework bill on bad teachers

You can read in Saturday's Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com) Lisa Schencker's article about a Republican lawmaker's plan to rework a bill (SB 73) intended to make it easier to fire ineffective teachers after hearing from educators Friday who feared it would unfairly penalize whose who teach in poor areas.

The hearing room was packed with educators (most of whom attended Educator on the Hill) including our own Weber teachers, Jo Egelund (Fremont High), Cynthia Auble (South Ogden Jr.) and Mary Oregon (Washington Terrace Elementary). Several testified along with UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and UniServ Director Starr Orrullian from Granite Education Association.

The committee decided to hold the bill to allow the sponsor to rework it.

It is an unnecessary bill with severe consequences to teachers in Title One schools or any underperforming schools.

Today's "Long Weekend" Blog Contest Question: Who is the sponsor of SB 73? (Hint: He is also the chair of the Senate Education Committee and Executive Director of the Utah Taxpayer's Association. email me at rick@ogdenweber.org enjoy your President's Day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

UEA President's Blog

I refer you to UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh's blog at www.myuea.org under the Politics and Legislation Icon at the top of the web page.

Also, you should have received a "Call to Action" postcard in the mail that asks you to contact your legislator about the many issues dealing with your classroom. It is easy to go to the website (info given on the card) and email your legislator.

Also your building reps have postcards that can be written to your legislator and I will deliver them on the "Educator on the Hill" Fridays. Please let me know and I will pick them up from you.

Today's "Whose your legislator" Blog Question is: Who is your legislator? (House or Senate)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lawmakers can't agree on ed funds

Lisa Schencker writes in the Tribune today (www.sltrib.com) that the appropriations committee is still having trouble agreeing on what programs should be cut and which should be funded. The base budget (they have to start with one at the beginning of the session) shows a 7% cut in funding and then there is another $91 million that has not been allocated that adds another 4% to the possible cuts (11% total). It is imperative that you contact your legislator. You all received a "Call to Action" from UEA with information on how to contact them. Also your building reps have postcards that I can deliver to the legislators on our Friday "Educator on the Hill" days.

Today's "Don't cut my budget" Blog question is: Name one of the programs that could get cut this year. Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lawmakers: Teach U.S. is a republic..huh?

All is well at the Capitol with legislators like Rep. Michael Morley R-Spanish Fork (why did I not have to guess he was from Utah County) working overtime to make sure those Socialist, Communist and probably Al Queda loving government and history teachers correctly teach that the United States is a "republic" not a "democracy". Read it today at www.sltrib.com. Fiddling while Utah's public education system is burning seems to make a lot of sense to 57, yes 57 representatives who took time (even 10 minutes is too long) to waste debating and voting for HB220. Our country is safe now from the pervasive teaching of "democratic" government in the U.S. Please...really??? How about coming up with the millions we need to fund our classrooms? We can't even get a discussion of the governor's idea to have businesses pay state income tax quarterly (it would give us $130 million one time money) because they call it a "tax increase". Frustrated...then email your legislator and let them know.

Today's "gnashing of teeth" Blog contest question (Oh, congrats Karen Draper, Glen Larsen, Cheryl Parkinson and Cindy Wallace for winning Chili's Gift Cards) is: What Rep. said "Let's let the teachers and the curriculum specialists make those decisions."?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Monday, February 14, 2011

Most want Education independent

Read Molly Farmer's front page story at http://www.deseretnews.com/. She writes "Changing who oversees Utah's public education system might seem like a novel idea to some lawmakers, but a recent Deseret News/KSL survey by Dan Jones shows that notion isn't popular among the public."

Today's "who wants the legislature in charge of education" Blog Question is: What percentage Strongly Oppose placing the State Board of Education under the supervision of the state Legislature"?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, February 11, 2011

Educator on the Hill

Mary Margaret Lyon, English Teacher at Bonneville High and WEA Executive Board member, is here at the Legislature today, joining teachers from Utah and Davis Counties, as they lobby their representatives and senators. Of course, the budget is the main focus as the base budget was passed with a 11% cut. UEA does not expect it to stay at 11% by the end of the session. Several National Board Certified Teachers are also here to stress the need for funding for more teacher scholarships to work for the NB Certification.

Today's "We need more money" Blog Contest Question: What position does Mark Mickelsen hold at UEA? (Hint: Go to www.myuea.org and look for staff) Email me your answer at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting Education Articles

Failing Grades: Letter to Editor in Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com) JoLynn Miller grades the legislature.

Lisa Schencker writes in the Salt Lake Tribune: Changes proposed to extended-day Kindergarten (www.sltrib.com) Taylorsville Republican Johnny Anderson (owner of day cares) proposes changes to extended day kindergarten.

Utah Lawmakers want to destroy education to save it: Charles Trentelman-Wasatch Rambler in the Standard-Examiner- (www.standard.net)

Read and enjoy (make sure you take your blood pressure medicine first)

Today's "Makes your blood boil" Blog Contest Question: What local State Senator wants to give control of public education to the Governor through a constitutional amendment? (Hint: He took Jon Greiner's spot.)

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Facing a Budget Ax

Molly Farmer's frontpage story in the Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) talks about only one of the many programs on the "chopping block" if the budget is cut by 11%. Other programs include the K-3 Reading block grants that pay for many of the reading coaches and programs used in schools to increase reading instruction. The Regional Service Centers are more value to the rural districts. The article talks about the possibility of not funding the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind. Now is the time to contact your legislator and let them know the importance of funding education growth and preserving the programs that matter to kids. You can use the "Under the Dome" (http://www.myuea.org/) or go to our website (http://www.ogdenweber.org/) and click on the Political Action icon to find your legislator's info. Remember not to use your school computer.

Today's Blog Question: Who is the Supt. of the USDB? (hint: read the article)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teacher leaves class, camps out at Capitol

Peg McEntee (http://www.sltrib.com/) writes a nice column today about our new UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and her work at the legislature. I hope you can go read it.

Our OEA Blog Contest Winners (25.00 Applebee Gift Cards) for February are: Christine Heslop (OHS) and Jenny Venegas (Washington High). We will continue the contest in March and draw for new winners at the March AR meeting. WEA's contest will continue also and we will draw next Monday for the February winners.

Today's Blog Contest Question: What grade did Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh teach? (Hint: read the SL Trib column)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Call to Action: Grading Schools

UEA sent out a call to action last Friday on SB59: Grading Schools.
Please contact your Senator or Representative and ask them to oppose Sen. Niederhauser's bill that would assign one single letter grade (A-F) to a school based on a formula combining acheivement, growth and graduation rates. Do not use your school computers to email your legislators. You can find their contact information at our website: www.ogdenweber.org Under Political Action.

Thanks Rick

Our Blog Contest Drawing for gift cards in Ogden will take place today in OEA AR meetings.

Today's Contest Question: Who won the Super Bowl last night?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Friday, February 4, 2011

Reporting from the Hill Today

I am at the Legislature this morning with Vicki Winn (OEA Exec Bd) and Lisa Vipperman (OEA VP) for the UEA "Educator on the Hill". Vicki and Lisa, along with educators from Davis, Washington County, Salt Lake and Cache County are receiving a briefing from UEA staff and President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh in preparation for lobbying their legislators today. They will contacting their local legislators with talking points about funding, offensive bills (see Grading Schools) and other issues. Educator on the Hill is a program for teachers to come up to the hill on Fridays and lobby their legislators.

Today's Lobbyist Blog Contest Question: Who is on the UEA Legislative (Lobby) Team? (Hint: Go to "Under the Dome" at www.myuea.org

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some question whether new students will really be funded

Lisa Schencker writes in today's Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com) "Shifting of funds assailed as 'smoke and mirrors'. The preliminary budget proposes $76 million for enrollment growth, but it takes that amount from another pot of money, called the 'flexible allocation WPU distribution' that school districts already get to help them cover Social Security and retirement costs. Without that money, districts must make other budget cuts to cover those costs."

Rep. Marie Poulson, D-Cottonwood Hts, expressed concerns when the bill hit the House floor. "I'm concerned that what we're doing here is just a shifting of funds, kind of like using your Mastercard to pay off your Visa bill.

Today's smoke and mirrors Blog Contest question: What does WPU stand for?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

UEA President's Blog

Go to www.myuea.org and read UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh's blog on "Union Obstructionists". It will give you an idea of the attack public ed is receiving from around the country.

Frigid cold Blog Contest Question: What is the "Educator on the Hill" program? (Hint: go to the "Under the Dome" spot on the UEA website)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Legislature Eyes Cuts to Public Education Budget

Go to www.myuea.org and read the Jan. 31 summary from Kory Holdaway and Jay Blain (UEA Lobby Team) at "Under the Dome" under Politics/Legislation. The appropriations committee went beyond the 7% across the board cuts and put in jeopardy programs such as adult ed, K-3 reading program and busing. We hope that revenue projections in later this month come in higher and they will restore the cuts. The cuts would lower the WPU (Weighted Pupil Unit) by 295 dollars.

Depressing news Blog Contest question: Who is the chair of the Senate Public Education Appropriations Committee (clue: His name rhymes with "nutters")

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick