Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas

As this winter storm blows in from the north, I wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to seeing grandchildren and family in the Phoenix area. Yes, Dorothy, there are golf courses in Scotsdale. 63 degrees looks pretty good when we compare it to the forecast here for this weekend. I know we all need a break and it will be a good time to recharge our batteries and finish off the year. We are meeting this morning with two of our legislators, Brent Wallis (District 10) and Richard Greenwood (District 12). Susan Kuziak, one of UEA's lobbyists (retired Exec. Director of UEA), is coming down to meet and talk about the upcoming session. We will impress upon them to limit any reductions in public school funding. It will be a tough session for all state government.

Enjoy your time with family and friends and again thank you for all you do to make WEA and OEA so strong. It is an honor and a pleasure to work for you. Rick

Thursday, December 18, 2008

UEA Board of Directors

The governing board of the Utah Education Association makes decisions that affect the way your UEA dues are used. Each UniServ unit elects one representative to the board. We also elect a Minority representative. We are lucky to have Mary Courney (OEA President) and Barbera Wayment (Washington Terrace teacher) serve in those capacities. They attend meetings each month and represent our 1600 members very well. We appreciate the dedication and sacrifices that all of our leaders make in serving you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last Chance to enter the December Blog Contest

HI, enter today for your chance at winning some neat prizes at our AR meetings in January. The blogmeister will be taking a short vacation (in warmer climes) until after Christmas. Just email rick@ogdenweber.org and use the word "Huntsman" in the message.

Huntsman and the legislature differ on how to deal with the shortage of tax revenue. The legislative leaders want a special session and Gov. Huntsman says no. The legislature wants to meet and make more cuts out of this year's programs (including education). The governor thinks we should wait the five weeks until the session opens Jan. 26, 2009. I think this is a perfect time for the Governor to use some of that political capital he has earned with an landslide victory and 75% approval rating. Plus it is fun to see the political battle.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Education Secretary Announced

President-elect Obama has selected Arne Duncan, Chicago public school chief, to be his new Secretary of Education. Mr. Duncan has reformed the Chicago School system over the past few years, improving teacher quality and closing down under performing schools. He seems to be a friend of NEA, but also acceptable to the reform movement.

Governor Huntsman is resisting calling another special budget session to address the diminishing revenue projection. Both the Republican House and Senate Caucus called for a session to cut more out of this year's budget.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Savings

Yes, it is the time to buy those Christmas gifts. Boost the economy through all of your many purchases. As a member of UEA and NEA you have some places to look for savings to stretch those valuable dollars. Visit the www.utea.org site and check out the savings for members only at the access site. Also, check out www.neamb.org and look for the members only savings on the "click and save" site. You just need to use your membership card number and register. Have a great holiday and use all of the value your membership brings you. Rick

Friday, December 12, 2008

Searching for the real meaning of Christmas...

I made the leap into Christmas spirit today...I set my XM Satellite radio on "Traditional Christmas Music"...you know Dean Martin, Frank and the boys...oh you were born after I graduated from college in '76...well never mind then. Oh, by the by...who was the first person to use "xmas" instead of "Christmas"...must have been someone having a really bad day. Christmas to me is seeing my little grandchildren as excited as I was when I was little. Now my wife has to put up the tree and I say "bah humbug" more than in the summer. Sen. Buttars is trying to get us all in the right spirit...go for it Senator...at least you aren't messing up education. Hope you all have a great "holiday" break...Rick

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Reasonable and Prudent"

One of the worries that we all have in teaching young people is knowing what to do if a student shares personal information that leads us to believe that some abuse or molestation has taken place. What do I do? Who should I report it to? Should I try and get more information from the student? At what point am I in trouble if I don't report it? In law enforcement the terms "reasonable and prudent" show up when deciding if we have acted correctly. I looked up "reasonable" and the definition states: "possessing sound judgement". I looked up "prudent" and found: "a": "marked by wisdom or judiciousness". My opinion then, would be to let your supervisor and/or counselor know whenever the "red flags" appear in a conversation with a student. The DCFS (Division of Child and Family Services) needs to be notified at the proper time. You can be in jeopardy of disciplinary or legal action if you fail to report. Listen to your administrators and stay safe. That is a CYA strategy. C=Cover Y=Your A=Behind (I know that makes sense) If you have a question please let me know. It is important to be there for the students.

The "password is" DCFS. Email me rick@ogdenweber.org to enter the contest. (prizes to be drawn for in January AR meetings)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Teacher Performance Pay Put on Hold by State Dept. of Education

Don't count that performance pay yet. The economic downturn has forced the USOE to hold back the $20 Million one time money that was to be paid to districts who made a plan to pay for performance. In most districts the payment would be between $350 and $500 for this year only. "In a perfect world where we had loads of revenue no one would want to cut anything..." Larry Shumway, State Deputy Supt. In some districts teachers have been working hard to accomplish goals and tasks and now will not get paid.

Our "BLOG Contest" this month allows you to enter more than once. To enter today email rick@ogdenweber.org and use the word "performance pay" in the message. LINDA GALLEGO AND JUDY HOSKINS FROM SOUTH OGDEN WON $25 TARGET GIFT CARDS THIS MONTH FROM WEA. Thanks Rick

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our UniServ Secretaries are here to serve you

We have two great secretaries here at the UniServ office. Tina Cordero and Shirley Watanabe are sisters. They were born in Okinawa and we are lucky to have them doing such a great job for us here in the office. They have both been here over 12 years and know everything about the function of a UniServ office. I hope you get a chance to visit on the phone with them or meet them soon.

Monday, December 8, 2008

FEA Conference at Weber State a Huge Success

Nearly 100 students from Davis, Weber, and Ogden School Districts attended the WSU FEA student Conference last Friday, Dec. 5. Dr. Crawford, WSU professor, welcomed the students and advisors and pointed out the importance of teachers who seek knowledge, who are caring and who share their knowledge. The students also heard from Josh Simon on the importance of service learning. There were break out sessions and a tour of the campus. Suzy Davis does a wonderful job at OHS and Jodi Lunt and Lynette Wilkes from Davis have done a lot to get FEA started down there. Stephanie Heath has been amazing as the College of Education Recruiter.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who Represents Me?

One of the benefits of association membership is the secure feeling that someone will be there to "represent" you in a situation when you feel your job or your profession is threatened. I wonder if the word "advocate" is a better term to use because in most cases we assist the member in knowing what rights they do have. Many times we ask "what can the WEA/OEA do for us? or What do my dues give me?Bold I would like you to ask yourself instead, "What can I do to make our association/union stronger?" Are we stronger with 60% of the teachers as members or are we stronger with 70% of the teachers as members? Wouldn't we be stronger if we all looked for ways to participate in the lobbying of our legislators than just read about how our UEA Lobby team is working on Capitol Hill? Can I say positive things about the association to my "non member" friend that would promote membership recruitment rather than wait for the building rep or Rick or Marlene or Mary to stop by and ask them to join? What can I do to help get elementary teachers more prep time? What can I do to improve working conditions? Building capacity in our membership means increased participation and as a result a stronger association. Do I have time to serve as a rep, join a committee, or run for an association office? Is just paying my dues enough? Only you can answer those questions.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Governor's Budget Introduced

Do you want the good news or the bad news??? The good news is that the Governor's budget (remember it is only a request/plan, the legislature sets the budget) tries to infuse enough one time money to keep education funding stable and pay for the growth (you know those thousands of little guys coming into the school system). The bad news (not unexpected with the revenue shortfalls) is no sight of increases in any wpu, no money for supplies, and no one time funding (where we had received a lot of technology, media, etc. funding in the past). UEA's lobby team is meeting as I write this to strategize and work on a plan to remind the legislature of the priority of public school funding in our state. Stay tuned...See you back on the ground Monday. To enter Dec.'s contest email me with the words San Jose Sharks in the message (they beat the Columbus Blue Jackets 3-2, my first NHL game) thanks again for all you do. rick @ogdenweber.org

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good Morning From San Jose...does any one know the way?

I represent my other UniServ Directors around the state on the UEA Transformation Team. Our purpose is find ways of "transforming" UEA so that we can meet our strategic goals. You can help us by going to the UEA Website at www.utea.org and answering a few survey questions. If you were unable to hear NEA President Van Roeckel's (sic) fine speech at the UEA Convention, his remarks are there also and I encourgage you to take a few moments and check them out. One of our goals is to listen more to our members. We are a "service" oriented association and we want to hear ideas from you, our strength. Thanks again for checking out my attempt to communicate with you and I love to hear your comments. I will try and survive the 65 degree weather here. Oh, did I hear it snowed in Ogden? I will be hearing reports from our NEA leaders and staff today and tomorrow. Check back and I will share some of what I hear. Rick

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Professionalism Presentation

I will be presenting a power point presentation to the faculty at H. Guy Child Elementary Wednesday, Dec. 3. The title is "Professionalism, Ethics, and the Contract". I robbed it from another colleague, Nikki Peterson, from Granite Education Association. I have shown it at a few schools in Weber and in Ogden. If I haven't been to your faculty meeting, have your Association Rep or your principal call and schedule it. I think it is important that our association promotes professional behavior and it never hurts to have a reminder of the dos and don'ts that get us in trouble. To enter in this month's blog contest, send me an email (rick@ogdenweber.org) with the word "ethics" in the message. I will allow you to enter more than once. Thanks for reading. I will post from my NCUEA meetings in San Jose tomorrow. Rick

New Blog Contest Starts Today

Congratulations to Alicia Mason, Mound Fort, for winning the November contest. Alicia won a 25 dollar gift card to Olive Garden. Weber's winners will be drawn next Monday. The new contest will start now with directions given each week in one of the daily blogs. This month you can enter more than once, giving you better odds. Today I am attending the Transformation Task Force at UEA meeting to look at ways we can better serve you as a member. In these tough economic times, your dues dollars need to be spent in the best and most efficient manner possible. About half of your UEA dues dollars come back to support our UniServ office here in Ogden. I hope you contact us with any concern or question that we can help with. We are here to serve and represent you. I will be attending a NCUEA conference in San Jose Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. I will post on information I learn at the meetings. Look for rules coming this week. Thanks for reading. Rick

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ogden/Weber UniServ Committees

One of our most important UniServ commitees is membership. This group meets regularly to plan and implement our strategies for increasing our membership numbers. We are only as strong as our membership. This year OEA has seen its first increase in ten years. Ogden's licensed educator numbers have been falling for many years. This year OEA signed up a large number of our new hires at New Teacher Orientation. OEA has about 80% of licensed educators in Ogden District. WEA remains strong after a large increase last year. Weber has over 1000 members this year. We have enjoyed using the funds from a NEA Grant to help us promote the association.

We will draw for an Ogden winner in the Blog contest today in AR meeting. We will draw for WEA's winner next Monday. Look for the December contest rules to appear at this same blogsite in the next few days. Thanks Rick

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Hope all of you are enjoying the turkey day break with family and friends. I am in Idaho with my folks enjoying the good food and football. See you back in town Monday. Oh, yeah, I did golf today too. Thanks Rick

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sutherland Institute promotes changes in educator salary schedules

Derek Monson, a policy analyst with the conservative Utah-based Sutherland Institute, presented changes to educator salary schedules to the Education Interim Committee at the legislature last Thursday. Here are some of the highlights:
  • The teachers would have to get recertified every three to five years
  • The pay plan would demand higher standards from educators.
  • The teachers would have to demonstrate subject mastery by passing a knowledge test and complete a course on instruction strategies.
  • The plan calls for a new statewide salary schedule.
  • Teachers would make $35,000 to $75,000 with an annual raise of $2,500.
  • The plan recommends an additional $5,000 paid to educators who teach at "hard to staff" schools.
  • State raises would be determined by annual performance evaluations by parents, teachers and the principal.
  • Principals would be given full authority to hire and fire.
  • They could also recruit "all-star teachers" with higher pay.

The Sutherland Institute supports private school vouchers and increasing the number of charter schools. Learn more about this group at www.sutherlandinstitute.org

To enter the blog contest this month (one entry per person) email me at rick@ogdenweber.org and use the word "sutherland" in the message. Thanks Rick

Monday, November 24, 2008

Future Educators at OHS Honor Teachers at Breakfast

A breakfast was served to a group of favorite teachers by FEA students at Ogden High School last week. Each student invited one of their most memorable teachers to a nice breakfast funded by our NEA SOAR grant. We received $2000 from NEA to help our FEA chapters. In December FEA students and Teachers for Tomorrow will visit the WSU campus for a day of classes and activities. Suzy Davis and Stephanie Heath have been the leaders in organizing these activities.

If you haven't entered the BLOG Contest this month, email me at rick@ogdenweber.org and use the word "SOAR" in the message. Thanks Rick

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Give Thanks to Those Around You

I came back a day early from St. George, because I missed blogging. Seeing my six grandchildren and my three children made me give thanks for their mother who raised them so well. I was too busy coaching, teaching, doing association work and working a second job (as most of you do to make ends meet). But in the end it all pays off. My youngest is working full time (manager of Pizza Factory) and going to school to be a "product logo" guy. Robyn, his wife, works part time for Sky West and so they have traveled all around the world. Their daughter, Kate, has been on 36 flights at the age of 9 months. I visited my old teaching friends who work at Desert Hills High School (the tragic scene of the "prop gun" death last week). Again, it sobers us to see these tragedies around us. I wish you a great Turkey Day and I am formally announcing I am in a "Biggest Loser" contest with my son. I weighed in at the truckstop in Scipio at a robust 339 (the truck scales worked well) . Maybe next month's contest will be on giving Rick ideas to lose the blubber.

Still time to get your entry into the BLOG Contest. One entry only this month. Next month new rules. Email me at Blob@...oh no it is really rick@ogdenweber.org Thanks Rick

Friday, November 21, 2008

UniServ Council Leads the Association

In my never ending attempt to give you tidbits of knowledge that will change your life forever...Our Ogden/Weber UniServ (comprised of OEA and WEA) is managed by a council made up of the WEA President, Marlene Irons, the WEA Vice-President Terie Maxfield, our OEA President, Mary Courney, the OEA Vice-President, Doug Stephens and our UniServ President, Clay Kirkham.  This council meets monthly to set the agenda for the UniServ and manage its finances.  Oh, and most importantly, manage me.  You are all my bosses.  Your dues pay for my salary and I think I have the best bosses in the world.  No, I am not kissing up to you all.  I really believe that at this time of Thanksgiving and 401-k demise, I love my job and helping you all enjoy your jobs.

This month, our BLOG contest will allow for one entry per person.  I think in the future, I will reward those of you loyal readers to enter more than once.  To enter email me at rick@ogdenweber.org  thanks Rick

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Blogmeister is headed south

Hi everyone. I will be taking a couple days off to visit my six grandchildren in St. George. It is only coincidental that there are also golf courses in St. George. I will be taking time off from posting, but I hope you will still enter, if you have not, in the November BLOG Contest. Just email me with the word "grandchildren" at rick@ogdenweber.org Thanks Rick

Economy Downturn Leads to Budget Cuts

The worst national economic crisis since the Great Depression has finally arrived at Utah's borders and is seeping into our state. In September the Utah State Legislature cut $100 Million from ongoing state agency budgets. Public Education's budget was held harmless, but just for this year. We are hearing now that all state agencies, including public education, can expect a 2-5% (maybe as high as 10%) cut from ongoing budgets for Fiscal Year 2010. The Utah State Board of Education has made the following suggestions:
  1. Last program in, first out. (Get rid of the newest programs first)
  2. Use the $100 Million one-time unappropriated set aside first.
  3. Cut the Early Childhood Learning and Evaluation program $3.5.
  4. Cut the Merit Pay program $20 Million. (Both 3 and 4 were in the omnibus bill SB2)
  5. Freeze Charter School expansion.
  6. Cut the USTAR program $6.9 Million (Omnibus bill)
  7. Cut the extended year for special educators program $2.9 Million (Omnibus bill)
  8. Cut the Math/Science Salary Supplement program $4.7 Million (Omnibus bill)

As you can see it will be a difficult legislative session and we will need a unified UEA membership to persuade the state to protect Utah's public schools.

To enter the BLOG CONTEST email me at rick@ogdenweber.org and use the word "Budget".

Thanks Rick

Monday, November 17, 2008

National Council of Urban Education Associations

Our UniServ President Clay Kirkham and Paul Fawson (member of WEA's Executive Board) will be attending the Fall Conference of the NCUEA in San Jose in December. The NCUEA is a group of the largest NEA affiliates and meets twice a year to discuss many of the concerns and issues facing associations nationwide. They are a powerful group in making NEA policy. The NCUEA also offers association leaders some great training to help them do their jobs. If you are interested in becoming more involved in OEA or WEA please contact us or your leaders.

To enter our BLOG CONTEST email me rick@ogdenweber.org with "NCUEA" in the message.
Thanks Rick

Friday, November 14, 2008

What the heck is a UNISERV?

UnServ is short for "unified services". Our Ogden/Weber UniServ provides services for over 1600 members in Ogden and Weber. We represent the unified membership of NEA, UEA, OEA and WEA. Your valuable membership dollars come back to our office to help pay for those services. Go to our website at http://www.ogdenweber.org/ and see our staff, OEA leaders, and WEA leaders. Click on the OEA and WEA icons and find copies of our contract and links to the district, UEA and NEA websites. Please give us ideas to make our web page better. I am the UniServ Director and I am here to represent you in any concern you have. Please call me if you have any concerns or questions. Rick Palmer 390-6365

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org to enter our BLOG CONTEST. Just send me the "word" UniServ and I will enter you in the drawing for prizes. We will draw at the December AR meeting. You may enter once per month. Thanks for your membership.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Praxis II Test Training

Sean Mabey, from NEA Member Benefits, will be training teachers on tips to pass the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching test that is required to receive your Level II license in Utah. We have invited teachers from Ogden and Weber to come to our UniServ office at 939 25th St. in Ogden at 4:30 tonight, November 13, to enjoy Sean's many wise ideas for studying and succeeding in passing the test. Hope to see you there. Please call Tina @ 399-3746 to RSVP.

To enter our BLOG CONTEST and win some neat prizes please email me at rick@ogdenweber.org and put PRAXIS in the message. Thanks Rick

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When Do I Need My Building Rep?

Most of our schools in Ogden and Weber have an "Association Rep" who represents the OEA and WEA in your building. They are the backbone of the association. They communicate information to you as members and bring concerns back to your OEA and WEA leadership. They also are your "Association Rep" when you need someone to sit in with you during a meeting with your principal or other administration. Please feel free to call us if your AR can't make it. In the case of any legal issues or possible disciplinary action please contact me at the UniServ office (399-3746) or my cell phone (390-6365).
Thanks Rick

To enter our November BLOG CONTEST please send me an email with "Association Rep" in the message. Thanks

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Use your membership card to ACCESS savings

Most of you should have received your new UEA membership card in the mail. If you haven't let us know. Please activate your card and go to the UEA Website at www.utea.org and log in for more Access to Savings. You can search for savings by zip code or city. Also look for an ACCESS flyer in your box soon. Please let us know of any problems. We also love to hear anecodotal stories of ways to save using your card.

Membership pays.

To enter our BLOG Contest for November please email me rick@ogdenweber.org with the word ACCESS in the message. We will draw for winners at our December AR meetings. Thanks Rick

Monday, November 10, 2008

Transformation Team

Representatives from all areas of UEA stakeholders are meeting together to come up with a plan to help UEA succeed in its Strategic Plan. In our first meeting we looked at the process and the task. UEA's strategic goals include advancing the well-being of members, strengthening the teaching profession, engaging in meaningful partnerships that promote quality public schools and building organizational capacity. In our next meeting we will analyze data and start forming our plan for success.

To enter our November BLOG CONTEST please email me rick@ogdenweber.org with the word "transformation" in it.
You may enter once per month. We will draw for prizes at the December AR meeting. Thanks for bookmarking this blog and I hope I can keep you informed. Rick

Friday, November 7, 2008

Future Educators Association and Teachers of Tomorrow

"Aspire to Reach Higher! Teach!" is the theme of the FEA Fall Conference to be held at WSU December 5. Students from Weber, Ogden and Davis school districts will join with WSU students to learn more about the teaching profession. Stephanie Heath, WSU College of ED recruiter has worked with Suzy Davis, OHS FEA advisor, and Jodi Lunt, Davis School District, to plan this fun and informative day on campus.

To enter our BLOG CONTEST please send me an email with "FEA" included in your message. Send it to rick@ogdenweber.org You may enter once per month. We will select the winners at our AR meetings in December. Thanks Rick Palmer

Thursday, November 6, 2008

UPPAC is an advisory commision of the Utah State Board of Education

The Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission is an advisory commission of the Utah State Bard of Education. It sets standards of professional performance, competence and ethical conduct for persons holding licenses issued by the board. They have the power to suspend or revoke your teaching license. You have a right to representation and a hearing when that happens.

To enter our BLOG CONTEST please email me rick@ogdenweber.org with the abbreviation UPPAC included. We will draw for prizes in the December AR meeting. Enter once only.

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Voters Have Spoken

Voters braved the cold, wet weather to make their voice heard on Tuesday. Many of us stayed up late to see the results come in. Here are some of the local results:
  • House Dist. 6 Kerry Gibson retained his seat
  • House Dist. 7 Ryan Wilcox won and is a new face in the legislature replacing Glenn Donnelson
  • House Dist. 8 Gage Froerer returns to the legislature
  • House Dist. 9 Neil Hansen won
  • House Dist. 10 Brent Wallis defeated Ed Allen.
  • House Dist. 11 Brad Dee won
  • House Dist. 12 Richard Greenwood (appointed to take Gregg Buxton's position) won
  • Sen. Dist. 19 Allen Christensen won
  • Sen. Dist. 20 Scott Jenkins won
  • State School Board Dist. 4 Dave Thomas defeated Chris Dallin
  • The only contested school board race between Christina Morales and Jeff Harris had not been called because of write in votes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day GO VOTE

Educators all over the state will be voting for education friendly candidates today. We must change the faces at the legislature or we can't change the bad legislation that they produce. Our big win over the voucher proponents hopefully will continue today. Brave the bad weather and make your voice heard. Take others to the polls also. Thanks for all you do.

Monday, November 3, 2008

U-PAC Recommends Local Candidates

You should have received your UEA ACTION in the mail. Make sure you check the recommended candidates in your district. For complete Utah election information, go to www.elections.utah.gov . Hope you voted early, but if not get out tomorrow and make your voice heard.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Blog Contest to Begin in November

We will be giving rules for the Blog Contest in November. A flyer will be sent out to each member giving the website and blogsite url. See you in November. Have a great Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update on the Utah Retirement System

Here are a few facts from the "Deseret News" story today.
  • URS fund has lost 20% or $3.5 Billion with this downturn
  • URS's ability to pay benefits isn't in question.
  • The plan was worth more than $20 Billion in 2007.
  • Last year the URS plan paid out $800 Million and took in $650 Million
  • The plan earned $1.3 Billion on its investments.
  • The plan deversifies with 40% in stocks, 25% in bonds and 13% in real estate and the rest in other investments.
  • The plan is funded and stable.

We look forward to the economy working itself out of this downturn, but it is good to know our retirement system is in good shape.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Professionalism Presentation

I will be presenting my Professionalism and Ethics power point to district schools again this year. Weber's Supt. Jacobsen suggested that his principals arrange for me to come visit and present the ideas on professional behavior. Yesterday I showed it to two Intro to Ed Classes at WSU. I look forward to coming to the schools and discussing this important topic.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Visits to Weber State University

I have been invited to present to a couple of WSU College of Education Intro to Ed 1010 classes today. I will present a power point dealing with Professionalism and Ethical Behavior. It is very similar to the one I have presented in faculty meetings in Weber and Ogden Districts. I think it helps us to have the relationship with WSU College of Ed. Many of our new teachers have heard a little bit about the association at college. More important than just joining as student members is the positive first impressions they might receive. I am also speaking to a group of Elementary Student Teachers this afternoon. I show them the UEA membership dvd and offer them membership in the student association.

Monday, October 27, 2008

UEA Celebration Contest

Hi everyone. Please go to the UEA Website http://www.utea.org/ to get information about this years UEA/Utah Jazz Celebration. Last year Kellie Lopaz, T.H. Bell teacher, was a recipient and her school received a visit from the Jazz Bear. Click on the apple at the right to go there.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Leadership Spotlight on Barbera Wayment

Barbera Wayment, special education teacher at Washington Terrace, is the newest member of the UEA Board of Directors representing minority members. Barbera served as our Building Rep at her school and always had great membership numbers. She is enthusiastic and we know she will do a great job along with our UEA Board Member, Mary Courney.

We are sad to report the passing of Ken Despain, former OEA President and member of the UEA Board of Directors. You will be missed at the Barn Golf Course.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Early Voting in Weber County

Where Can I Go To Early Vote?

  • Weber County Library-Huntsville, 131 S. 7400 E., Huntsville
  • North Ogden City Offices, 505 E. 2600 N., North Ogden
  • Weber County Library-Roy, 1950 W. 4800 S. Roy
  • The Weber Center, 2380 Washington Blvd., 1st floor, Ogden
  • The Weber Ice Sheet, 4390 Harrison Blvd., Ogden
  • Marriott-Slaterville City Offices, 1570 W. 400n., Marriott-Slaterville

Early Voting locations will be open at the following times:

Tue thru Fri Oct. 21-24 8am-5pm

Sat. Oct 25 9am-5pm

thur Fri Oct. 27-31 8am-5pm

Beat the long lines of November 4 and vote early.

For next election, sign up for permanent absentee voting. The county sends you a ballot at home and you never have to brave the lines again.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Future Educators Association and Teachers of Tomorrow

FEA, WSU College of Education and Teachers of Tomorrow have planned some exciting activities in the next few months.

  • November-Teacher Appreciation Breakfast at OHS.
  • November-Multicultural Conference, Scholarship Day, and Majorfest @ WSU
  • December-FEA Fall Conference @ WSU
  • January-Education Emphasis Week-"The Chalk Guy" @ WSU
  • February-Storytelling Festival @ WSU
  • February-FEA National Conference-Denver

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome New Members of WEA Executive Board

Cara Dayley, a teacher at Municipal and Candace Kuhn, a Washington Terrace teacher are the new members of the WEA Executive Board. They replace Jake Burnett, who resigned and Terie Maxfield, who was appointed to the Vice-President position due to the retirement of Martsie Spencer. We welcome these fine representatives to our board.

Monday, October 20, 2008

UEA Convention

It was good to see many of you down at the Southtown Exposition Center last week for the UEA Convention. I liked the new venue because of the easy access and free parking. The convention hall seemed more open and it was easier to find sessions. I spent most of my time at the membership booth and the Read Across America session where we gave away hundreds of books to students eager to read.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

U-PAC Hosts Bi-Annual Forum

The UEA Political Action Committee will host a "Candidate Forum" at the UEA Convention Thursday, October 16 immediately after the opening session. Come by and meet and greet our recommended candidates. Local PACs meet and interview to decide who to recommend to our members. Come by and grab a hot dog and visit with your legislative candidate. See you there.
Here are the recommended candidates in Weber County:
  • Richard Greenwood in House Dist. 12
  • Mark Openshaw in House Dist. 11
  • Ed Allen in House Dist. 10
  • Neil Hansen in House Dist. 9
  • Steven Olsen in Senate Dist. 20
  • Trent Alvord in House Dist. 8
  • No recommendations were made in Senate Dist. 19, House Dist. 6 or 7.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Celebrate "Read Across America" at UEA Convention

UEA members can provide "Celebrating Read Across America" tickets to any student (K-6) who has read at least three books between Sept. 1 and October 15, 2008. Tickets are printed in the Convention Booklet and can be reproduced (only one ticket per student). Students can then visit the "Read Across America" booth at the convention and receive a free book plus other surprises. See you there.

Monday, October 13, 2008

President Van Roekel to Keynote UEA Convention

Our new NEA President, Dennis Van Roekel, a 25 year math teacher from Paradise Valley High School will open the UEA's professional conference at South Towne October 16, 2008 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Van Roekel, very popular among UEA's leaders and staff, has visited Utah on numerous occasions. He, along with our own Lily Eskelsen, were elected this past July by the delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly in Washington, D.C. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Legislative Ethics Committee Meets in Private

The Utah State House of Representatives Ethics Committee met privately in a hearing Wednesday to hear testimony concerning two charges of unethical behavior by members. Rep. Greg Hughes, a proponent of the private school vouchers and leader of the Conservative Caucus, has been accused of trying to persuade another representative to change her vote on the voucher bill in exchange for financial support in her unsuccessful campaign in 2006 against Phil Reisen. Rep. Phil Riesen is also one of the defendants based on a charge that he leaked information to the press about the Hughes complaint. One of our Weber County representatives, Lou Shurtliff, is co-chair of the Ethics Committee. The hearings will resume Friday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

O/W UniServ PAC Recommends Candidates

The Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee has interviewed and voted to recommend the following candidates for the November 4 General Election.
  • Ed Allen-House District 10
  • Richard Greenwood-House District 12
  • Mark Openshaw-House District 11
  • Steve Olsen- Senate District 20
  • Trent Alvord- House District 8

We hope you are registered and please vote November 4.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Neil Hansen and Chris Dallins Speak to OEA Reps

Chris Dallin, candidate for State School Board District 4, spoke to the OEA Reps at their monthly meeting. Chris, PR director for McKay Dee Hospital, is running for the state school board against Dave Thomas, former state senator.

Neil Hansen, candidate for Utah House District 9, spoke also detailing his support for teachers in the battle for increased salary, smaller class sizes and a strong retirment program. He has been recommended by our political action committee.

Register and vote November 4.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Election Looms in One Month

I hope everyone is registered to vote November 4. Not only is the general election for president a hot topic for conversation, but we have several races for legislature that will determine what support for education funding we might enjoy next year. With the economic woes and revenue projections down, we will need courageous leaders to prioritize the state's school children in their budget talks. Check to see if you are registered and see you at the polls November 4.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Praxis II Test Training

Sean Mabey, NEA Member Benefits representative, will present helps to those taking the PLT Praxis II test. It is scheduled for Nov. 13 at 4:30-6:30 at our office at 939 25th Street in Ogden. Please RSVP with Tina at 399-3746. See you there.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

UEA Welcomes Featured Speaker Alfie Kohn

Education and parenting author, Alfie Kohn, will be the featured speaker at the UEA Convention on Friday, October 17, 2008, beginning at 10 a.m. The 2008 UEA convention will be at the South Towne Exposition Center in Sandy, Utah. Kohn writes and speaks widely on human behavior, education and parenting. Kohn's criticisms of competition and rewards have been widely discussed and debated, and he has been described in Time magazine as, "perhaps the country's most outspoken critic of education's fixation on grades and test scores."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Spotlight on Celeste Gardner OEA Executive Board

OEA would like to welcome the newest member of our Executive Board, Celeste Gardner, special education teacher at Hillcrest Elementary. Celeste brings association leadership experience and we are excited to have her join our board.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OHS Future Educators and WSU Chapter of FEA Read for the Record

On Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008, the OHS chapter of the Future Educators Association will be assisting the nation wide effort to break the Guiness Book of World Records. Our local goal is to read to 1500 children that day. The local chapter of the UEA purchased the books for us to read to the children. We will be reading at Polk Elementary, Horace Mann, Discovery Playhouse Daycare, Headstart and other preschool and daycares in Ogden. Jumpstart's Read for the Record wants to bring national attention to early education programs and the need for books in the homes of our children. This year we will be reading Corduroy from Penguin Young Readers.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Read for the Record

Suzy Davis, FEA advisor at Ogden High, has organized a "Read for the Record" event for October 2. Students will be reading the book "Corduroy" to hopefully 1000 children as part of the Future Educators Association worldwide event to bread the Guiness Book of Record. We purchased 20 books and helped with the event through the use of a NEA grant.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Membership Campaign in Full Swing

Ogden hired almost 120 new teachers and Weber has hired over 180 new teachers this year. We had 40 or 50 members retire last year and many others leave the district. We have signed up over 60 new members in Ogden and over 70 new members in Weber. Each one of you can help say positive things about membership to the new teachers. Thanks for your help in maintaining our strong membership.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Special Session of Utah State Legislature Meets Today

A special session of the Utah State Legislature is meeting today and Friday, Sept. 26 to hammer out some budget cuts because of the revenue shortfall of $272 million reported this month. Legislative leaders have promised to "hold harmless" public education, but cuts in human services and higher ed could be tough.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OEA Spotlight on Sherrie Dame

Sherrie Dame is a great fifth grade teacher at Polk Elementary. She also serves on the OEA Executive Board, Negotiations Team and Membership Committee. Sherrie is an expert on New York City since her boy lives there and is involved in the theatre business. She can tell you where the best places to see and stay. We love Sherrie for her willingness to stand up for the association and support the teaching profession.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Association Rep Spotlight: JOAN HEAP

Our spotlight today shines brightly on our Building Rep at North Ogden Junior High, Joan Heap.
Joan teaches English and was chosen as our Utah Teacher of the Year a couple of years ago. She also starred in many of the anti-voucher tv commercials that help us win that battle. She is an excellent role model of a professional educator and we thank her for her service to the association and to students in North Ogden. Thanks Joan

Friday, September 19, 2008

Utahns for Public Schools Asks for Ethics Pledge

Utahns for Public Schools, the coalition that successfully defeated vouchers, has challenged Utah legislators and candidates to sign an ethics pledge. Utah has some of the weakest reporting laws (in the nation) for campaign donations. Go to www.utahnsforpublicschools.org for more information.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Praxis II Test Training

Marlene Irons, WEA President, led 28 prospective Praxis II test takers through a training Tuesday night. They learned some techniques to make the test a less stressful experience. We will hold another Praxis II training November 13. Sean Mabey, NEA Member Benefits specialist, will present. The training will start at 4:30 and we will meet at the UniServ office at 939 25th St. in Ogden. RSVP to Tina at 399-3746.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Anatomy of a Pay Raise

Two years ago one of our extra curricular advisors in the Weber District came to the WEA with a concern over pay for extra duties. We took the concern to negotiations and agreed to form a committee to research coaching and advisor pay in the district. The committee found that Weber was below the other districts around us. The committee revamped the salary schedule for coaches and advisors and the WEA negotiated a 23% increase in pay for this year. The advisor who first came to WEA, the leadership of Mary Johnston at the district, the work of the committee and WEA leadership made this happen. Yes, you do get value for your association dues dollars. Thanks for all you do. We are now working in both Ogden and Weber on increasing the Elementary Preparation time in each school. With your help we will do it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What does OEA/WEA do for me?

We asked the question at our Rep Meeting, "What do I get for my membership dues" and compiled this list in about 5 minutes: BARGAINING-YOUR LEAVE, SALARY, AND BENEFITS

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dinosaur Park Party Huge Success

Thank you again, for all those who attended our annual Membership Dinosaur Park Party. We fed over 460 hamburgers. It was a beautiful night and the smiles on the faces let us know it was a success. The face painting and balloon makers were very popular. The weather cooperated and the prizes were fun. Thanks to all OEA and WEA members, leaders and families. We appreciate you.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Future Educators Association and Teachers of Tomorrow

Utah has a teacher shortage...wow that is surprise. Weber State University, Ogden School District, Weber School District and Davis School District are doing something to help. It is called Teachers of Tomorrow and Future Educators Association. Davis, Weber and soon Ogden will offer Ed 1010, Intro to Education, as a concurrent enrollment class of students interested in being teachers. Joan Iverson, a master teacher, is leading the Weber class at West Haven Elementary. I visited her class and saw 16 fantastic students and future educators. Joan does a great job at Bonneville High where she teaches in the Special Education Dept. . Suzy Davis at Ogden High has been an amazing advisor to our Future Educators and works closely with Stephanie Heath, WSU College of Ed recruiter to organize activities and programs for the future teachers. Troy Wakely, a counselor at Ben Lomond, is helping with the BLHS FEA chapter.We look forward to these programs growing and recruiting more of our students into the career we love so much.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Praxis II Test Training

Marlene Irons, Weber Education Association, will be presenting tips on passing the Praxis II PLT test Sept. 16. This session is full, but we plan to hold another this year. We will get the word out to those interested.

See you at the Dinosaur Park Party Friday night at 6pm. Don't forget to fill out your Horace Mann card for entrance. Thanks Rick

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Educators' Workshop

We invite all educators in their early years of teaching to our annual "NEW EDUCATORS' WORKSHOP" at the UEA Convention, Friday, October 17. Our location for the UEA Convention this year is the Southtown Exposition Center. Go now to www.utea.org and sign up before October 8 or call 1-800-594-8996 Ext. 120 to register. Alfie Kohn, noted author, will keynote and look for our brochure in your school detailing the other exciting sessions. Sign up today.
Hope to see you soon and don't forget our Dinosaur Park Party, Sept. 12 at 6 pm.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Go the UEA website @ www.utea.org for savings using your membership card. Click on the membership card icon to go to the ACCESS SAVINGS. Some of the examples are: 20.00 off at PepBoys Auto, .99 large pizza at Papa Johns, 1 week free at Gold's Gym, rent 2 get one free at Blockbuster, 10 to 20 % off of many hotels and many more. Check it out.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Visit our website at www.ogdenweber.org

Hi visit our UniServ website for more information. www.ogdenweber.org

Dinosaur Park Party Friday, Sept. 12 6-8pm

We invite all of our new teachers and members and families to join us for a fun night at the Ogden Eccles Dinosaur Park. Our sponsors, Horace Mann Insurance and Value Builders, have made it possible for your free entrance to the park and dinner for you and your family. Just fill out the Horace Mann Card and bring it with you Friday, Sept. 12 from 6-8 pm. See you there. We will have balloon makers and face painting for the kids.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"I Love Teaching" Award Presented

Sharon Hall, Adult Finance teacher at Weber High, was awarded the "I Love Teaching" award at the Weber School Board Meeting last Wednesday, Sept 3. Linda Carver lavished great praise on Sharon's great dedication to the students of WHS. We also found out that Linda and Sharon were sorority sisters back in the day. We applaud Sharon and her find example to the profession.

Friday, August 29, 2008

New UniServ Page!

Tell us what you think of the new Ogden/Weber UniServ page!