Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Good Morning From San Jose...does any one know the way?
I represent my other UniServ Directors around the state on the UEA Transformation Team. Our purpose is find ways of "transforming" UEA so that we can meet our strategic goals. You can help us by going to the UEA Website at www.utea.org and answering a few survey questions. If you were unable to hear NEA President Van Roeckel's (sic) fine speech at the UEA Convention, his remarks are there also and I encourgage you to take a few moments and check them out. One of our goals is to listen more to our members. We are a "service" oriented association and we want to hear ideas from you, our strength. Thanks again for checking out my attempt to communicate with you and I love to hear your comments. I will try and survive the 65 degree weather here. Oh, did I hear it snowed in Ogden? I will be hearing reports from our NEA leaders and staff today and tomorrow. Check back and I will share some of what I hear. Rick