Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OEA Negotiations Update: Continued

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org for a summary of the OEA negotiations. Our website is still on the fritz...We will vote to ratify the tentative agreement, Wed., August 12 @ 3:30 @ the UniServ office at 939 25th ST. Ogden. Call 399-3746 with questions or email me.

One of the positive memos of understanding that we signed is one to form a committee with the district to study our Ogden Corrective Action (teacher discipline) policy. It will be worthwhile to discuss some of the things we deal with when administrators use corrective action with our teachers.

Many of the other changes in contract language were editorial (his/her) to statutory language necessary to comply with new laws dealing with Family Medical Leave for example.

We will go over the specific language at our meeting Wednesday.

One of the most often asked questions is: Did the administrators and classified employees share in the cuts? Both of those employee groups will not receive step increases this year. They did not receive the "one time" money that teachers will receive in December. All employee groups benefitted from the infusion of money to mitigate the insurance premium increases.

We feel that the mediation process was valuable. At least $420,000 was added to the financial package through the mediation process. We thank Lavonne Ritter, Federal Mediator, for her long hours working with both teams.

Stay tuned. Rick