Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Monday afternoon the OEA Negotiations Team reached tentative agreement with the district. We will present the details to members next Wednesday, August 12, at 3:30 PM at the UniServ office (939 25th St.,Ogden). Here is a summary of the tentative agreement. (A MORE DETAILED ONE SHOULD APPEAR ON OUR WEBSITE http://www.ogdenweber.org/ BY THURSDAY.

  1. Payment in lieu of steps at 75% of step costs for 2009-10 paid equally to all licensed employees according to their FTE (Full Time Equivalent). Applies to licensed employees under contract as of November 15, 2009. Paid in a single payment before Christmas.
  2. 2009-2010 steps will be paid in 2010 if state funding for 2010-2011 returns to 2007-2008 level. 2010-2011 steps will be subject to negotiations at that time.
  3. Payment of all lanes. (educational lanes)
  4. Six professional development days (ARRA) paid at 75% of the daily rate.
  5. District pays 86% of premium for health insurance.
  6. Changes were made in the following sections of the Negotiated Agreement:3-22, 2-10, 2-16, 2-20, 2-35, 3-30, 3-41, 4-10, 4-15 (new), 4-20 renumbered from 4-15, 4-25 renumbered from 4-20, 4-45, 4-60, 4-70,71,72, 4-83, 4-91, 8-30, 8-51, 9-10, Renewed memos 1-4, changes to memo 5 and added a memo 6 (ARRA days) and a memo 7 on correction action.

If you have any questions email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks for your patience and we will see you Wednesday.