Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

WEA and OEA Leaders Attend NEA Conference

Leaders from OEA and WEA spent part of their MLK Weekend attending the NEA Western States Region conference in Mesa, AZ. They heard President Van Roekel, VP Lily Eskelsen, and Sec-Treasury Becky Pringle speak about NEA's agenda and mission. They also attended leadership sessions and met with other leaders of UEA in caucus meetings. It was a good opportunity for our local leaders to network with our neighboring states and be trained in communication, membership recruitment and other important aspects of our job.

Attending from OEA were Clay Kirkham and Lisa Vipperman. Attending from WEA were Marlene Irons, Terie Maxfield, Paul Fawson, Cynthia Auble, Cheryl Parkinson, Glen Larsen, and Jo Egelund.
