Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Educators Could Soon Receive Pay Based on Student Test Scores"

In Tuesday's Deseret News, www.deseretnews.com, Amy Stewart writes about a resolution sponsored by Rep. Poulson that recommends guidelines for teacher performance pay plans. This is actually a resolution that UEA supported last year after many discussions and a formulation of a position paper on performance pay. The UEA wants to be a part of any discussion of this potentially controversial idea. There are plans around the nation (Minnesota and Denver for example) where the association has worked to put together plans for differentiated pay. We need to be at the table, or the legislature will pass something unhealthy. This resolution helps set some guidelines.

Go to www.utea.org for updates on legislation.
