Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day in Vancouver, BC

Celebrating the 143rd birthday of Canada with a few hundred thousand Vancouverians today. Lots of celebrations, food and music. Julie walked my tush off today and we saw a lot of the city. We took the ferry over to Granville Island and sat next to a Teachers' Union staffer. She said they have the same problems we have in Utah...budget cuts and high class sizes. The big difference is that all teachers must join the union and they pay a percentage of their salary in membership dues. It was a nice, overcast, drizzly day with a temperature of 62 degrees.

Weber Education Association and the Weber District have agreed to use Lynn Trenbeth (retired from Davis County) for our mediator for negotiations. We used Lynn 6 years ago and she will be fair and helpful.

OEA will be looking to resume negotiations when we all get back in town in a week or so.
