WEA and Weber School District have reached impasse in negotiations over the district's refusal to pay step increments for those eligible teachers on the salary schedule. The legislature did not fully fund education and the district is having to go to the taxpayers for a tax increase and look for cuts in other places. WEA feels that the contract steps should be paid and that the district has an obligation to their employees to honor the contract. This represents about 60% of our teachers and we feel it is is worth the time to go to mediation over this issue. WEA also has worked with the insurance committee to look at recommendations that would keep insurance costs down, but is dismayed that the district is not willing to share in those increases. The loss of three more quality teaching days (the legislature hasn't funded those for two years) is also a hit for teachers only. We feel that the cuts should be more equitable and we should look at other options. Hopefully as we enter mediation we can achieve a more acceptable agreement.