Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Stimulus Money to Come to Utah

The "jobs bill" that Congress passed and President Obama signed this week will bring around $101 million new education dollars to Utah. UEA's Director of Research, Jay Blain gave us this information from the U.S. Dept of Ed concerning the acceptable uses of the money:
  • Recalling teachers, recalling other building employees including building administrators
  • Reinstating furlough days or other days lost to funding cuts
  • COLAS or steps on salary schedules
  • Provide money for local programs
  • Adding hours, days or programs at a school level

The applications are being emailed to governors today (Friday) and as soon as the governor returns the application the money will follow quickly. The money will be distributed either by using the WPU or using Title 1 formulas. If you have questions you can email Jay Blain at jay.blain@utea.org or email directly to educationjobsfund@ed.gov
