Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OEA Leadership Hosts New Teacher Luncheon

OEA's Executive Board and Association Building Reps met Tuesday morning for training and information before attending the luncheon for Ogden New hires at the district office. Our leaders presented information to the new teachers and encouraged them to join the OEA. One big recruitment tool this year is the opportunity for our new teachers to sign up for a Basic Med Insurance program for the duration of the 90 waiting period. UEA and OEA will subsidize the premium and the new teachers will only pay $75 for the 90 days of insurance. We signed up 19 new members yesterday and hope that our building reps will contact the new teachers again in their buildings.

OEA's negotiation team is working with the Supt. to choose a mediator. President Stephens received some names from the Supt. and will respond. We hope to get started as soon as possible. We sent a negotiation update out in the mail to our OEA members yesterday.
