Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

FEA Conference at WSU

FEA students from Granite, Davis, Ogden and Weber districts attended an FEA conference headed by Stephanie Heath at WSU today.  They attended breakout sessions and a keynote address.  Shawna Blamires (T.O. Smith) and Tami Youngman were honored by former students.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

New PAC supports education

New political action committee formed to support education. Read the article in the Sunday sl tribune.rick

Friday, December 16, 2011

OEA/WEA Leadership meets with Weber Legislators

Five of our ten Weber County legislators: Brad Dee, Brad Galvez, Ryan Wilcox, Gage Froerer, and Allen Christensen met with our leadership Thursday night to listen to UEA Government Relations Director Kory Holdaway discuss some of the upcoming issues concerning education.  Also attending was Jay Blain, UEA Bargaining Director.

Issues discussed included the budget, collective bargaining, payroll dues deduction, and orderly termination policy.

Go to www.myuea.org and click on the Under the Dome icon to learn more.  Also watch the video that explains the "Educator on the Hill" program that will begin when the session starts in January.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Educators pleased with guv's education recommendations" SL Trib

Congrats to our WEA Blog Contest winners of Subway cards: Krista Stettler (Wahlquist), Mary Margaret Lyon (Bonneville), Debra Green (Sand Ridge), and Melanie Malan (WHS).

Governor Herbert's budget has the following recommendations:
  • Additional $111 million on public schools
  • Total of $3.6 billion (28% of the budget)
  • $41 million for the 12,500 new students
  • $21.5 million or an Increase of 1% in Weighted Pupil Unit (funding for a possible pay increase)
  • $10 million to continue extended day kindergarten
  • $12 million for computer-adaptive testing
  • $2 million for Charter School start up costs
  • $2.2 million for college readiness tests (ACT)
Read the articles at:http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/53100691-78/million-recommendations-utah-education.html.csp


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dr. Ann Miller Retires from Weber District after 39 years of service

Dr. Jeff Stephens paid tribute to Dr. Ann Miller (Director of SPED) at the Weber School Board meeting last night for her 39 years of service (24 as SPED Director).  She is an amazing lady.  Marilyn Runolfson was appointed as her replacement and then Lisa Dalstrup was also appointed as the new Green Acres principal.

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Utah School Growth


Read this article in SL Trib about student growth in Utah this year.

We will draw for the WEA blog contest winners Monday at AR meeting.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Congrats to Mary Shaffner and Bradi Holder

Winners of December's OEA Blog Contest for $15 Subway cards were Mary Schaffner (OHS) and Bradi Holder (Heritage) the luckiest teacher in the world (Bradi also won a Kindle at UEA Convention.  She should go to Wendover this weekend..


Monday, December 5, 2011

WEA Leaders attend NCUEA in Orlando

Association leaders from around the country attended the National Council of Urban Education Associations last week in Orlando, FL.  Representing WEA and the UEA were President Jo Egelund and UEA Board Member, Terie Maxfield.  The meeting has speakers on important educational issues and also great leadership training.

We will be drawing for the OEA Blog Contest today.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Parents for Neighborhood Schools Meets with President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh

The "Parents for Neighborhood Schools" met for their first time last night at the UniServ office.  Parents from around Weber District met and listened to UEA President Gallagher-Fishbaugh about the importance of parent involvement in changing public policy concerning education in Utah.

Go to our website www.ogdenweber.org to see a flyer on a benefit for a family in need. (Dec. 8th)


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

State Revenue growing by $280 Million

Read Lisa Riley Roche's entire article in the Deseret News.
"New estimates released Monday by Gov. Gary Herbert anticipate a $280 M increase in state revenues in the 2013 budget year, but officials caution that much of that money is already committed. "

To enter the December BLOG CONTEST: Read the article and respond to rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Turkey Day

What are you thankful for?  I have a lot to be thankful for: a great, loving wife, three wonderful kids (with great daughter and son in laws) and nine great grandkids and two loving parents. (oh and a great job working with you all)

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org with what you are thankful for to enter the blog contest.

Monday, November 21, 2011

UEA Brief on Collective Bargaining


Go to this link to read UEA's position on collective bargaining.  Happy Thanksgiving.

To enter the BLOG CONTEST email rick@ogdenweber.org and respond to the brief.


Friday, November 18, 2011

SL Trib Article on teacher evaluation


Read this article on teacher evaluation and respond to rick@ogdenweber.org to enter the BLOG Contest

Thanks Have a nice weekend. Rick

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Interim Legislative Committee


Read the UEA's report of the interim meeting at the site listed above.
For the Deseret News Article on Senator Osmond's report to the interim committee go to this address.


You can enter the blog contest by responding to rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Senator Osmonds response to teacher meetings


Click on the above site to read Senator Aaron Osmond's response to the teacher meetings he has held.

To enter the blog contest email me: rick@ogdenweber.org with your response.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Contest Winners for November

November winners of $10 gift cards to Applebees and Itunes are:
WEA- Heidi Peaslee- Lakeview Elem. Allison Pfister-Lakeview -Shannon Hansen - Fremont High
Melanie Malan - Weber High

OEA- Nancy Shaw - Lincoln Elem. Amy Shirts - Heritage Elem.


We will continue the Blog Contest for December.


Blog Contest Drawing today at WEA AR meeting

We will draw for gift cards today at the WEA AR meeting.  We will draw for OEA winners also.

Read an interesting editorial from Sunday's Tribune  http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/opinion/52872782-82/schools-education-stephenson-grading.html.csp

Email me with your response to this article to be entered in the BLOG CONTEST rick@ogdenweber.org


Friday, November 11, 2011

Help Lincoln Elementary get a walking path

Vote at this site: http://www.refresheverything.com/search/?q=mt+eyrie
to help Lincoln Elementary (Ogden) get a walking path.

Thanks Rick

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good Analogy to Merit Pay: How to pick the best dentist

Go to this site to read a good analogy on merit pay.

Email rick@ogdenweber.org to enter blog by responding to the story.


Legislative Issues: Go to www.myuea.org

To learn more about the upcoming legislative issues concerning collective bargaining, orderly termination and other hot-button items go to the UEA website at www.myuea.org and click on the Political Action/Under the Dome site.

You can also reach it by going to our website: www.ogdenweber.org and click on the political action site.

To enter the BLOG CONTEST for gift card drawing email me: rick@ogdenweber.org with a list of the position papers on UEA's Under The Dome site.

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ohio votes down anti-collective bargaining law


Go to this site and read more about how the Ohio Education Association helped defeat the anti-collective bargaining law in Ohio.

To enter the BLOG contest email rick@ogdenweber.org and tell me your response

you may enter more than once.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Educators pack Weber Board room to comment on upcoming legisation

The Weber District Board Room was "standing room only" last night to listen to Senator Aaron Osmond and State Supt. Larry Shumway discuss their proposed legislation.  The emotions ran high as educators from northern Utah (Weber and Ogden were well represented) spoke to the controversial bills.  To learn more about the proposed bills go to "Under the Dome" at www.myuea.org (Political Action) or our UniServ website: www.ogdenweber.org (Political Action)

Also you can go to http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/52867332-78/teachers-osmond-utah-education.html.csp and read Rosemary Winter's article.

Today's Blog Contest question:  How do you feel about this legislation?

Email rick@ogdenweber.org to enter for the chance to win fun gift cards.

You may enter more than once.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ogden District team and OEA Team meet in negotiations training today

Kathy Yamamoto, Boise Education Association UniServ Director, spent 6 hrs with OEA and Ogden's negotiation teams today discussing Interest Based Bargaining.  It was successful and we will schedule a second training in December.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Teacher Performance pay considered



Parents for Choice promote Indiana"s Voucher Plan


Read this article on Indiana's voucher program and the legislature's plans for education in Utah.

Halloween is over but this is scarrrrrryyyyy!!!

Enter the blog contest by telling me what Utah State Senator wants to give "Tuition Tax Credits".

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org to win gift cards.

Thanks for reading the BLOG.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Taxation policy, Economic Development and Education funding

The TEF message (TAX POLICY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, and EDUCATION FUNDING) will be presented to five school community councils: Lakeview, Farr West, Fremont, South Ogden and Washington Terrace.  We will show the TEF video and handout our message cards.

To enter the NEW IMPROVED BLOG CONTEST:  email rick@ogdenweber.org

and tell me what TEF stands for.

You can enter more than once for some nifty gift cards.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Senator Osmond to present termination plan

Senator Aaron Osmond (took Chris Butter's place) and State Supt. Larry Shumway will present their ideas to the public, Monday, Nov. 7 at the Weber School District Board Room at 7:00 pm.  Their plans include eliminating the state "Orderly Termination Law" and allowing teachers to be "at will employees".

To access Senator Osmond's presentation to the Interim committee you can go to our website: www.ogdenweber.org

To enter our BLOG CONTEST for GIFT CARDS email me with your response to this blog entry
by emailing me at rick@ogdenweber.org

You may enter more than once.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

School District to allow "Bible" on slip

Amy Choate-Nielsen's article in the Deseret News today: "A California school district has given the OK to a Christian church group to include the word "Bible"on permission slips distributed in schools"

Go to www.deseretnews.com to read the entire article on religious freedom in schools.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

State Senator A. Osmond and State Supt. Shumway propose changes to Orderly Termination Law

Representatives from Ogden and Weber school districts will be meeting with Senator Osmond (took Chris Butters place) and Supt. Shumway in the next couple of weeks to discuss their legislation to change the current orderly termination law.  We will have OEA and WEA representatives there to listen and represent teachers.  This is only one of many negative pieces of legislation we will be dealing with in the next session.  We have planned to meet with all of our Weber legislators before the session to discuss our priorities.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good news and bad news

The good news first:  OEA's VP Sara Byrd gave birth to a healthy baby boy (8lbs +) named Marcus Alexander...congrats to the parents.

Bad news: we are sorry to announce the passing of Lynn Trenbeath, long-time Davis District administrator and a mediator for both WEA and OEA during our troubled negotiations.  She was a special lady and will missed by many.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Read Randy Shumway's opinion article in Deseret News

Go to www.deseretnews.com and read Randy Shumway's comment piece: "Education must be legislature's highest priority.


Go to USOE website to see new PSD Gateway

Go to www.schools.utah.gov/main to check out the new Public School Data Gateway.  This new website allows the public to compare schools.  Eventually this will be the site that grades schools also.


Monday, October 24, 2011

UEA Convention

Go to www.myuea.org to read information about the UEA Convention that was held last week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Attend UEA Convention Oct. 20-21

Hope you are able to attend the UEA Convention Thursday and Friday.  If not, enjoy the "Fall Break"...you surely deserve it.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Utah asks Federal Govt for waiver of some NCLB standards

Read in today's Salt Lake Tribune the article about Utah State Office of Education's request to grant waivers from the feds for NCLB.



Monday, October 17, 2011

Ogden Interest Based Bargaining Training Scheduled

OEA's negotiation team will meet with the District's team, Supt. Smith and one school board member in preliminary Interest Based Bargaining training, November 7th under the direction of Kathy Yamamoto, Boise Education Association Executive Director.  Kathy has extensive experience in facilitating IBB training.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Sl Tribune supports improved funding for schools

Go to www.sltrib.com and read the editorial about funding education in Utah.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Read in today's SL Tribune about Gov. Herbert's message to High School students

You can read in today's SL Tribune or Deseret News about Gov. Herbert's message to students
www.sltrib.com or www.deseretnews.com  Gov. Herbert will be speaking also at the UEA Convention next week.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Utah State Supt. Larry Shumway laments wilting funding

Read Lisa Schencker's entire article about Supt. Larry Shumway's "State of Education" speech. He said, "Our effort, our willingness to invest, just doesn't match our claim of valuing children, our claim of being committed to the future.  I believe we must do more."  (www.sltrib.com)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ethics, Professionalism and School Law: Ed 1010

I presented to Dean Rasmussen's Ed 1010 class at WSU today.  I talk to the students about the role of the association and the boundaries that teachers must be aware of to stay out of trouble.


Monday, October 10, 2011

WEA AR and Executive Board Meet today

The Weber Education Association Building Reps and Executive Board will meet today at 4:15 at the UniServ office.

Read today's Lee Benson column at www.deseretnews.com to read about how teachers can get things donated to their classroom.  Also check out Kate Bideaux's list of grants on our webpage at www.ogdenweber.org


Friday, October 7, 2011

Read about the Future Educators "Read for the Record" event in the Standard-Examiner

You can go to www.standard.net and read the article about the Ogden and Weber Future Educators reading to break a world record in elementary classrooms yesterday.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Future Educator students "Read for the Record"

Today, for two hours, Future Educators around the world are reading "Llama, Llama, Red Pajama" to thousands of students in order to break the world record.  Our OHS and Weber FEA Chapters, under the direction of advisors Suzy Davis and Joan Iverson are reading to elementary students around the districts.  Grants from the UEA Children at Risk Foundation helped buy the books and the WSU FEA chapter directed by Stephanie Heath also sponsored some books. 


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ogden School Board fills open seat

You can read in today's Standard Examiner www.standard.net about the replacement for Supt. Brad Smith on the Ogden School Board. The board interviewed five applicants and chose Jeffrey N. Heiner, 36, a Roy native and a manager at MarketStar.  He will be sworn in at the school board meeting Thursday, Oct. 6 at 5pm.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Evaluation Summit

The Utah State Office of Education Evaluation Summit brought in experts on evaluation from around the area and country.  The keynote speaker made it quite clear that evaluations were not to "fire teachers", but to help identify those who need help and prescribe the support needed.

Annette Brinkman, Granite District, presented their support for teachers and principals they use in their district.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Redistricting Drama to Play out : Deseret News

The special legislative session to start the redistricting of legislative and school board boundaries begins today.  You can read more about it at www.deseretnews.com

Tomorrow I will be attending an "Evaluation Summit" in SLC where keynoters and presenters will discuss the new evaluation plan that each district must complete.


Friday, September 30, 2011

OEA Leadership to meet with Supt. Smith

OEA President Doug Stephens and Vice-President Sara Byrd will meet with Supt. Smith and other district leadership Wednesday to discuss our concerns and plan for our Interest Based Bargaining training.
OEA's regular AR meeting and Executive Board meeting is Monday, Oct. 3 at the UniServ office.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OEA Priority Schools Community Partnerships

OEA is working with NEA to receive a grant to help with Community Partnerships in our five School Improvement Grant Schools: Madison, Dee, Odyssey, George Washington, and OHS.  I will be in a conference call with NEA in Washington, D.C. and our Western Region representative, Bev Johnson to plan our use of the grant.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Go to our website to view grant and seminar opportunities

Go to www.ogdenweber.org and look at the many grant opportunities and a social studies seminar in October.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What does WEA do for me?

Go to our website at www.ogdenweber.org and read a list of things that WEA has done for members. Rick

Monday, September 26, 2011

Whose mediocrity? SL Trib Opinion on Howard Stephenson's plan to privatize schools

Please read at www.sltrib.com the opinion piece: "Senator's goal: Privatize schools

"Sen. Howard Stephenson has on, seemingly all-consuming goal: to privatize public schools..."

Friday, September 23, 2011

Read in Thursday's, Sept. 22, Deseret News about "School Comparison data made public"

If Senator Howard Stephenson is happy you know it can't be good...read yesterday's article in the Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) about the new "Public School Data Gateway" that the USOE has built to give data on schools and (I am sure it is coming) specific teachers.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

SL Tribune: If school gets "F", let's privatize it, Stephenson says.

Sen. Howard Stephenson thinks that if a school receives an "F" under the new USOE grading system it should be "dismantled" and let private contractors and parents put it back together.  Also Sen. Stuart Reid wants to put all three education depts. Higher Ed, k-12, and ATC's under the leadership of the governor.

Read the entire article in today's Salt Lake Trib at www.sltrib.com


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ogden Supt. Brad Smith meets with Ben Lomond High faculty

New Ogden Supt. Ben Smith met with the BLHS faculty this morning and answered questions from the faculty about his goals and qualifications for being appointed Supt.  He was accompanied by Sandy Coroles, Donna Corby and school board member Jennifer Zundel.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Ogden "Alternative Compensation" Committee picked

We were happy that the Ogden School Board chose to include a UEA staff person, Dr. Sara Jones, on their "Alternative Compensation" committee.  Also, one of our OEA Executive Board members, Clay Kirkham, was chosen as a Special Ed representative.  Their first meeting is October 7.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Ogden School Board open position

The appointment of board member Brad Smith to supt. has caused an opening in District #4.  The district is taking applications until Sept. 22.  You can find a list of the requirement on their webpage at www.ogdensd.org.

You can read about the UEA Road Trip at www.myuea.org


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two interesting editorials on education in Utah in Deseret News

Go to www.deseretnews.com and read in the opinion section two interesting editorials on education in Utah.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

UEA Convention: October 20-21

The UEA Convention and Education Exposition will be held again October 20 and 21at the
South Towne Exposition Center.  Friday, Oct. 21 a special session for new educators and education students will be held with several break out sessions and keynote speaker, Cea Cohen Elliott who will speak about peacemaking and conflict resolution.

Thursday's keynote will be noted Jeopardy champion, Ken Jennings.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

UEA Road Trip a Huge Success

Over 600 Ogden and Weber teachers and families attended our annual Dinosaur Park Party last night.  It was a beautiful night and our UEA Road Trip leaders were able to meet and greet our teachers.  We thank Chris Guymon and Nathan Cressell for sponsoring our night and for Paul Merrill of "Fat Boy" icecream for sponsoring our refreshments.  Our UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, Vice-president Tom Nedreberg, Jay Blain, and Mike Kelly (UEA Staff) visited five of our schools and even read to classrooms at Lakeview Elementary.

You can read an article at www.standard.net.


Monday, September 12, 2011

UEA Road Trip in Ogden/Weber Districts Today

The UEA Leadership team will be visiting the following schools today:
  • Farr West Elementary
  • Lakeview Elementary
  • Sand Ridge Jr. High
  • Ben Lomond High
  • Madison Elementary
They will also be attending our WEA AR meeting today and our Dinosaur Park Party tonight at 6 pm


Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Win for OEA members

You can read the memo from new Supt. Brad Smith on our webpage: www.ogdenweber.org  It is a big win for OEA and it allows to begin to repair relations with the district and receive training in Interest Based Bargaining which allows for more collaboration.  You can also read an article in today's Salt Lake Tribune at www.sltrib.com


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Memo from Supt. Smith reinstates collective bargaining and recognizes OEA

OEA was delighted to see the memo from Supt. Brad Smith that was sent yesterday.  We are excited to return to bargaining and especially to receive training with the district on Interest Based Bargaining which is much more collaborative than the "positional bargaining" we have used in the past.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OEA Leadership meets with new Supt. Brad Smith

OEA President Doug Stephens and VP Sara Byrd met with Supt. Brad Smith, Bruce Penland and Brenda Ruffier this morning to discuss future issues.  We felt that progress was made.  We will be sending out more information soon.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

OEA ARs and Executive Board to meet tonight

Tonight is our first regular OEA Building Rep and Executive Board meeting for the new school year.  We will be discussing the appointment of the new supt. and also plans for the UEA Road Trip next Monday. 

Ogden School Board is also meeting tonight to honor retiring Supt. Zabriskie and swear in the new supt., Brad Smith.


Monday, September 5, 2011

UEA roadtrip to visit Weber and Ogden schools Sept. 12

UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh will visit five schools, WEA AR meeting and Dinosaur Park Party Sept. 12 as part of the month long UEA Road Trip.


Friday, September 2, 2011

OEA's Board met last night to discuss the new Supt.

OEA's Executive Board met last night to discuss the appointment of the new Ogden Supt.  Our leadership will report out to the building reps at our regular meeting Sept. 6th.  OEA President Doug Stephens and Vice-President Sara Byrd will have their first meeting with the new Supt. on Wednesday morning.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

OEA Executive Board to meet

The OEA Executive Board will meet to discuss the appointment of the new supt. in Ogden today at 4:00.  Staff from UEA will also attend.

To listen to Doug Stephens on the Doug Wright Show yesterday go to www.ksl.com (I think it was the third hour)  Doug Wright also had Steve Marker, Ogden School Board member on his show in the same hour.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

News organizations follow new Supt. appointment in Ogden

Most of the TV stations had segments reporting the new appointment of Brad Smith, Ogden School Board Member to the Supt. job.  You can read in today's Deseret News about it.



Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Supt. in Ogden appointed by school board.

Brad Smith, a member of the Ogden School Board and an attorney, was appointed Monday night as the new Ogden Supt. to replace Noel Zabriskie who resigned for family reasons.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Ogden District School Board Meeting tonight to announce new Supt.

OCSD School Board will meet in special closed session tonight to appoint a new Supt.  and then will come out in public session at 5:00 pm


Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Hearts go out to the Zabriskie family

We send our thoughts and prayers to Supt. Zabriskie and his family at this time of loss.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome new principals to Ogden District

Stacy Briggs is the new principal at OHS this year.  She comes to us from Provo and she has a middle school background in math.  Vincent Ardizonne is the new principal at Heritage.  He has taught at Horace Mann and worked as an administrative intern.  Lichelle Watne is the new principal at Hillcrest.  She has been working as an Instructional Coach at Polk.  We welcome them all to their new positions and look forward to working with them.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

OEA Leaders meet to plan year

OEA Building Reps and Executive Board members met Monday night with UEA Legal Counsel Tracey Watson and UEA Bargaining staff member Jay Blain to discuss our OEA Contract Crisis and our organizing plan for the year.


Monday, August 22, 2011

WSU Orientation meetings today

I will be presenting to over 150 new WSU Sudent Teachers and new students today at Weber State.  I give them some membership information and encourage them to join as student members. Rick

Thursday, August 18, 2011

UEA President speaks to Weber new teachers

UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh spoke to the new teachers at Weber District's orientation.  The WEA provided lunch for the new teachers, WEA building reps, principals and mentors.  Our reps were able to meet the new teachers and answer questions.  Ogden School District would not let the OEA meet with new teachers this year for the first time.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Things that are bugging me....

Having two teeth pulled yesterday wasn't a lot of fun...but what the Ogden School Board has done is worse.  Here are a few things that really bug me about this whole fiasco..

  1. After three years of telling us "we don't have enough money to pay the teachers the steps", the board finds over $1 million to put on the salary schedule.
  2. With our district in "district improvement" and many of our schools at the bottom of the state the board is going to put a "focus on achievement and invite the teachers to join them"...oh like we haven't been focusing on that??
  3. The School Board is going to go to a merit pay plan...but not for two years...and that will make the difference in our test scores??
  4. We have been asking the district to use some of their capital funds for salaries and have been told no...now, because they want to gut the OEA they are using those funds (building money) to pay the increases.  I am sure they think that by paying off the teachers they will forget the heavy handed tactics of excluding us.
  5. The school board thinks they have all of the answers and they show their disdain for their employees by their micromanaging small details of the district that should be left to the professionals.
  6. Loritab helps the pain in my mouth...what will help the pain of dealing with the board other than changing those faces in the next election.

Monday, August 15, 2011

WEA ARs to meet with new teachers Thurday, August 18

WEA leaders and ARs will meet for training August 18 at 9:30 am at Orion Jr. High and then provide a lunch for the 80 new hires in Weber District.  WEA's new President, Jo Egelund, new vice-president Cynthia Auble and WEA Board members will host the lunch.  UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh will speak.


Friday, August 12, 2011

UEA and NEA Support OEA's fight for collective bargaining

UEA leadership and staff have been very supportive of our fight to bargain a contract in Ogden.  Also, NEA has assisted with the staff and legal team.  Our OEA leadership team will meet with our building reps on August 22 to plan our next steps as the school year begins. The OCSD has refused our proposal to come back to the bargaining table for this year.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Message on Website: www.ogdenweber.org

Go to our Ogden/Weber UniServ website at www.ogdenweber.org to read a summary of our contract crisis and support that we have received from UEA and NEA.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Leadership in Ogden/Weber UniServ

Serving for the next two years as UniServ President and Vice-President are Marlene Irons (South Ogden Jr.) and Clay Kirkham (Gramercy Elementary).  Also serving on the UniServ Council are Sara Byrd (Highland Jr.), Jo Egelund (Fremont High), Cynthia Auble (South Ogden Jr.), Doug Stephens (Ben Lomond High) and Terie Maxfield (Farr West Elementary).  The Ogden/Weber UniServ serves over 1500 members in the Ogden and Weber Districts.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

WEA and OEA Association Rep Trainings Scheduled

WEA will hold their AR Training August 18 at 9:30 at Orion Jr. High right before we meet with Weber New Teachers at a luncheon we are providing.  UEA President Sharon Fishbaugh-Gallagher will speak to our new teachers.

OEA will hold their AR Training August 22 at 4:30 pm at the UniServ office.  We are delivering New Teacher packets to the new hires in the district.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Project Launch a success

25 Future Educators spent a great week at Weber State University last week and culminated the week with a day in Davis Schools.  Lincoln and Antelope Elementaries hosted the students for day of working with teachers.  Friday night the students and their parents for a nice dinner.  Stephanie Heath and Suzy Davis, along with the WSU staff did a great job.


Friday, August 5, 2011

OEA and WEA Executive Boards met Wednesday

Both OEA and WEA Executive Boards met in separate meetings Wednesday, August 3.  OEA's board includes our new leadership of Sara Byrd (Highland) VP, Ann Olsen (Shadow Valley) Board member with Lisa Vipperman (Highland) moving from VP to a Board member.  Our board split into subcommittees to plan in three different goal areas 1)Recruitment and retention of membership 2)Public Relations and 3) Political and Community action.  Our first Association Rep meeting will be held August 22 for our current and new building reps.  We will be explaining our organizing plans for this year in light of the district's actions with collective bargaining. For the first year OEA has been excluded from new teacher orientation where we have done the majority of our recruitment.

WEA's team met with a new leadership team of Jo Egelund (Fremont) President, Cynthia Auble (South Ogden VP, and new board members Joan Iverson (Bonneville), and Sheri Hardy (Kanesville).  Plans were made for the new teacher orientation meeting and AR training which be held August 18 at Orion Jr. High.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Project Launch participants visit the USDB

Future Educators participating in the WSU Project Launch will be visiting the Utah State School for the Deaf and Blind this morning and working with the elementary students at Kitty College this afternoon.  Tonight they will receive instruction from Suzy Davis on "7 habits" and then get some exercise at the Swenson Gym.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Project Launch: WSU Future Educators week continues

Future Educators will attend break-out sessions: Outdoor recreation, Claire Hughes in the Writing Center, and Dr. Walker, Creativity in the Classroom before working with the Kitty College elementary students in the afternoon.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

WSU Project Launch: Day Two

Future Educators continue their week-long on-campus experience today with breakout sessions with WSU Advisor, Tara Peris, College of Education professor, Dr. Crawford, and a stress management session with Dr. Chris Eisenbarth.  The students will work with elementary students this afternoon at "Kitty College".


Monday, August 1, 2011

Project Launch begins at WSU this week

The Future Educators Association at WSU is hosting 27 incoming freshman (future educators) in their week-long Project Soar where the students will get an oncampus look at the career of education.  They will stay on campus and receive sessions from WSU staff and FEA advisors.


Friday, July 29, 2011

UEA leaders and staff to meet Saturday

UEA leaders and staff from around the state will meet at the UEA offices Saturday to discuss the recent plans to attack our association by Sen. Stephenson. Rick

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ogden District School Board to meet August 4

Ogden School Board will meet in a work session August 4. We hope they will discuss (in executive session) our requests to return to the bargaining table. Rick

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sen. Howard Stephenson's attack on the UEA

Sen. Stephenson will introduce legislation to eliminate our right to bargain, our ability to deduct association dues from payroll and start giving tax credits for private school tuition.

Read in sl trib and standard about petitions

Go to www.sltrib.com and www.standard.net to read about the petitions. Rick

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Doug Stephens to turn in petitions today

President Doug Stephens will turn in over 2000 signatures in to the district today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Message to OEA Members from President Doug Stephens

O.E.A. Members,
I will deliver the signed contracts that we have gathered at the UniServ office on the morning of July 20th, (Wednesday).  The last chance for you to have me deliver your contract to the district will be to turn it in tomorrow, July 19th (at the UniServ office) from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Please turn in your contract on your own if you cannot get them to us at the UniServ Office, 939 25th Street tomorrow. Remember the deadline is July 20th at 4:00pm.

If you turn in your contract to us and would like verification that we have a receipt from the district for you please email me( stephensd@ogdensd.org ) and I would be happy to respond that I have a receipt for you.

If you want a copy of the receipt you will need to check with the staff at the UniServ office.  The phone number is 801-399-3746.

Doug Stephens

Ogden teachers send us your personal (home) emails

Please send us your personal (home) emails to continue to contact you throughout the summer.

Send them to me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nice article by President Gallagher-Fishbaugh in Sunday Trib

Go to http://www.sltrib.com/ to read a very nice opinion piece by Sharon on our situation here in Ogden.

Also, in the Standard Examiner (http://www.standard.net/)  Brad Smith, OCSD Board member continues to say that the OEA refused invitations to meet in April and May..TOTALLY FALSE...

Watch today's KSL's "Sunday Edition" and KUTV's "Take Two"for more discussion of the contract crisis in Ogden.

Thanks Rick

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Go to the UEA webpage at www.myuea.org

There is a pretty complete list of the press coverage of the rally at the UEA website: www.myuea.org
and at our website: www.ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, July 15, 2011

A big THANK YOU to all of our members, leaders, staff and many friends for a successful rally Thursday

Thank-you to all who helped (you know who you are) in our very successful rally yesterday.  I have never been more proud to be a member of this organization.

Go to our website: www.ogdenweber.org for Press coverage, announcements, questions given to the district etc.

Thanks Rick

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ogden teachers, other unions rally for collective bargaining

"An estimated 800 people rallied in Ogden's Liberty Park on Thursday to protest the city school district's decision to not negotiate a contract with its teachers union"...Read the rest of Rosemary Winters's story at www.sltrib.com

A big thanks to everyone who attended and those who supported us who could not attend


Rally this morning at 10:00 am...Liberty Park, 21st and Monroe Blvd, Ogden

OEA members, Ogden teachers and friends will rally this morning at 10:00 am in the Liberty Park, 21st St. and Monroe Blvd, Ogden.

Speakers will include Doug Stephens (OEA President), Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and Greg Johnson, NEA Executive Board member from Oklahoma.

After the rally, Ogden teachers will walk to the Ogden School District offices.

Please wear red in solidarity of our request to the Ogden School Board to return to the table to discuss these unprecedented actions taken to issue an ultimatum to teachers and bypass negotiations for the 2011-12 school year.

We hope to see you there.

One in solidarity,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Watch KUTV "Take Two" and KSL "Sunday Edition shows this Sunday, July 17

OEA President Doug Stephens and UEA Director of Communications, Mike Kelly, will be on the KUTV Sunday "Take Two" show with Rod Decker this Sunday, July 17 at 10 am on Channel 2.  They will be on with Ogden School member, Brad Smith.

UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh, will be on the KSL "Sunday Edition" show with Bruce Lindsey this Sunday, July 17 at 9:00 am with Rep. Greg Hughes (topic of collective bargaining)

One in solidarity,


Ogden Teachers to Rally Thursday: Educators troubled by Ogden School Board "ultimatum"

Where: Ogden Liberty Park, 21st Street and Monroe Blvd, Ogden
When: Thursday, July 14, 10 a.m.
What: Teacher rally
Who: Presenters will include local, state and national teacher representatives, a parent and an administrator.  Hundreds of teachers, parents and concerned citizens are expected to attend.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Ogden Teachers meet to discuss contract

Over 200 Ogden teachers listened to their OEA and UEA leaders as their questions were answered about the unprecedented actions of the Ogden School Board.

Please come join us at our rally, Thursday, July 14 at 10:00 am at the Liberty Park, 21st and Monroe Blvd. in Ogden.

Go to our website at www.ogdenweber.org to learn more.


Editorial Response to be published in the Standard-Examiner

We have posted our OEA Response to the Standard Examiner editorial and the Brad Smith (school board members) letter to the editor on our webpage at www.ogdenweber.org






Friday, July 8, 2011

Please attend Ogden teacher meeting Monday, July 11

Please attend our Ogden Teachers meeting, Monday, July 11 at 4:30 at the Pleasant Valley Branch of the Weber County Library (auditorium), 5568 Adams Ave., Ogden. (across from the Ogden Regional Hospital)  Local and state leaders will be their to answer questions and give you information on our next steps.  Go to our website (www.ogdenweber.org)  for copies of the the following documents:
  • New Ogden Common Contract
  • New Teachers' Procedural Manual
  • Summary of changes from negotiated agreement
  • Summary of changes in salary schedule
  • 2009-10 negotiated agreement
  • 2009-2010 salary schedule
You can read more about what is happening in today's Salt Lake Tribune, www.sltrib.com and Deseret News, www.deseretnews.com

Thanks for your support
One in solidarity

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please attend a members only meeting at the Pleasant Valley Branch of the Weber count library

We need all Ogden teachers to attend a  meeting Monday, July 11, 2011 at 4:30 pm at the Pleasant Valley Branch of the Weber County Library, located at 5568 Adams Ave, (across from Ogden Regional Hospital)  It is crucial that you attend to be informed on the current contract crisis and learn what our next steps will be.

If you have questions call me at 801-390-6365 or email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

More information is on our website at www.ogdenweber.org

Please spread the word to all Ogden teachers to attend this important meeting.

Rick Palmer

Media Alerts on Ogden contract crisis

Here are some places to view articles and interviews dealing with our contract crisis:
  • www.ogdenweber.org (You can access Doug Stephen's, UEA Executive Director Mark Mickelsen's  and Supt. Z's interviews with Doug Wright (KSL Radio)
  • www.standard.net (you can access yesterday's editorial comment (blasts us and supports the district's view on performance pay...surprise, surprise, surprise) and a great Grondahl cartoon.
  • www.sltrib.com (you can access todays front page headlines  "Ogden gives teachers ulitmatum"
We are meeting in an emergency OEA Executive Board meeting today with UEA's Executive Director and Legal Counsel.  Yesterday we mailed a "hot pink" alert on our upcoming rally and gave more information to our members.  We need everyone at the rally at Liberty Park, 21st and Monroe at 10 am, Thursday, July 14.  Bring your other teacher friends and families to support our right to bargain.

Thanks One in Solidarity

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

OEA to Rally July 14th in Liberty Park

President Doug Stephens issued a call to action for all members and teachers in the Ogden District and our UEA family to attend a rally in Liberty Park, 21st and Monroe Blvd, Ogden, UT at 10:00 AM.  We will have speakers from UEA and NEA.  We will give more information in the email that was sent to your school email and a mailing (look for a bright pink flyer in the next couple of days) that we are preparing to mail out as I write this.  Please continue to check this site and our website (www.ogdenweber.org) for more info and the new documents that the District has imposed on us.

Thanks One in Solidarity

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ogden School Board Arbitrarily Changes Negotiated Agreement without negotiations with OEA

I hope you have had a chance to look at the documents on our webpage (www.ogdenweber.org):
  • The new "Procedural Manual" and "Common Contract" that take parts of our former Negotiated Agreement and has made huge changes- 26 sections entirely gone, 24 sections left alone, 42 sections w/changes (some huge ones) and 3 entirely new sections
  • My summary of the changes (I eyes are crossed from trying to cross-reference between the three documents)
  • The changes in the salary schedule (some teachers will receive a lot of money, some not so much) that even out the steps at about 3% increments as you go down the column. (I calculate it will cost at least $1 million to pay for it, much more than steps cost)
  • Supt. Z's video explanation to the Standard-Examiner Editorial Board (no friends of ours)
I will need to post a copy of the old Negotiated agreement since the district took it off their page.

If you have questions please email me at rick@ogdenweber.org or call me at 801-390-6365

Thanks for your support and solidarity

Monday, July 4, 2011

Go to UniServ Webpage for contract changes

You can go to www.ogdenweber.org to see a list of the many changes that the Ogden School Board has made to our contract without ANY NEGOTIATIONS.  Please continue to check this blog, your school email and our UniServ website for communication concerning the contract.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Go to our website to view the Supt. Zabriskie video with the Editorial Board from the Standard

Go to the ogden weber uniserv website: http://www.ogdenweber.org/ to view the Zabriskie video about the gutting of our contract negotiations.


Friday, July 1, 2011

OEA President sends message to all members

You should have received an email from President Doug Stephens today on your school email.
We will keep you posted at this location as we get more information.  Look for a mailing next week also.
Thanks Rick

Ogden City School Board issues ultimatum to teachers

Read in today's Standard-Examiner: www.standard.net.com
Ogden SB sends letter to teachers "sign or lose your job".


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bagley Cartoon on School Funding

Go to www.sltrib.com and view the Bagley Cartoon in the opinion pages today...it is great.

Also a good article in the Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) on the lack of male elementary teachers in Utah.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Utah's public ed funding worsens

Read in today's Salt Lake Tribune about the lack of effort in the legislature's funding of public education.
You can read the entire article at www.sltrib.com


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Read SL Trib Article today on School Districts in trouble

You can read in the Salt Lake Trib today: www.sltrib.com about several school districts and their problems with budgets. It mentions that Ogden will not be paying steps for the third year in a row.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ogden School District forms plan to cope with shortfall

You can read the entire article by Nancy Van Valkenburg in the Standard-Examiner today at www.standard.net

Ogden district is dealing with a $2.3 million shortfall resulting from decreased funding by the Utah State Legislature. The cuts will come from a $200,000 cut to capital projects (buildings), a $400,000 cut to expenditures (which ones?), and withdrawl from the district's "rainy day fund" (surplus). Eugene Hart also said, "Money was not set aside for employee raises." (no steps again???)

Not very encouraging.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Charter School Debate in USA Today

Read a good opinion piece in today'sUSA Today:The Charter School Debate.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

OEA and WEA Welcome new board members and leaders

After our delegates return from NEA RA, the new leadership will come on board. In OEA, Sara Byrd, Highland Jr. High, replaces Lisa Vipperman as Vice-President and Lisa remains on the OEA Executive Board. Ann Olsen, Shadow Valley Elementary, comes on the board and replaces Vickie Winn, Horace Mann Elementary. In WEA, Jo Egelund, Fremont High, replaces Marlene Irons as President and Cynthia Auble, South Ogden Jr. High, will replace Terie Maxfield. Terie will remain on the UEA Board and Marlene will be our UniServ President. Sheri Hardy, Kanesville Elementary, was appointed to the WEA Board, replacing Paul Fawson. Joan Iverson, Bonneville High, was elected to the Executive Board also.

We give big kudos to all those who serve unselfishly in our association and welcome our new leaders.


Monday, June 20, 2011

OEA and WEA Delegates to attend NEA Representative Assembly

Several leaders from OEA and WEA will be attending this year's NEA Representative Assembly i Chicago where thousands of delegates from around the country will meet to determine the business of the NEA.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

WEA/OEA Leaders Attend UEA Summer Leadership

Terie Maxfield, UEA Board, Lisa Vipperman, OEA, Allison Pfister and Debbie Green, WEA, all attended breakout and planning sessions for two days at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, UT. They learned organizing skills, bargaining info and learned about the need for political action in our locals.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Weber School Board Approves 2011-12 Budget

Weber School Board approved the 2011-12 budget Wednesday night that included a 3% cost of living raise along with paid steps and lanes. The district had to take $3 million out of reserves to do that. It was also Supt. Jacobsen's last board meeting. We owe Supt. Jacobsen a huge thank you for his leadership over the past 10 years in Weber. We also say good bye to Mike Skeen, Roger Bailey and several fine principals. It has been my pleasure to work with these fine people the past 7 years. We look forward to the new leadership and hope to build the same relationships we have enjoyed.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

UEA Summer Leadership, June 13-14

Leaders from around the state will be attending UEA Summer Leadership Conference at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, UT June 13 and 14. There will training sessons and information to help strengthen our local associations.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Studies link attendance with school performance...who knew???

Read Sara Lenz's article in the Deseret News today about how coming to school helps performance...astonishing...www.deseretnews.com


Monday, June 6, 2011

Standard Examiner Blasts Teachers, Parents, Students etc

I think the Standard Exaggerator just about hit everyone in Ogden District: parents, students, teachers, administrators, etc. How dare we fight for our "contractual" rights of a salary schedule when our "test scores" are so low. Read the lovely editorial in today's standard examiner. www.standard.net


Friday, June 3, 2011

Washington High and Ogden High receive School Improvement Grants

Both Washington High and Ogden High are recipients of the Federal funding, "School Improvement Grants" for the next three years. They will each receive about $1 million over the next three years. Their goals are to increase graduation rates and instruction using incentives and lengthened instructional periods. The OEA will monitor the grants (as we have with Odyssey, Dee and Madison) to assure that teachers are protected.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ogden School Board sends out email to all employees

You will have to ask an employee of Ogden School District to send you a copy of the "memo" from the Ogden School Board to all employees. Our OEA rally must have hit a nerve, because the memo goes on and on (a page and a half) of reasoning behind why the school district could not pay steps for two years and could not spend 150,000.00 for another half day of pay (that is the only difference in our last proposal and what they ended up paying). The real pathetic part of the message was asking those teachers thinking of moving to greener pastures (Weber) to think about the increases in health insurance premiums. Huh??


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ogden Summer Institute Starts Today at Marriot

Ogden Institute starts today the Marriot in downtown Ogden.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New UEA Attorney

Welcome to Tracey Watson who has replaced Mike McCoy as the UEA Legal Counsel. We want to thank Mike for his many years of service to members and are looking forward to working with Tracey. Rick

Friday, May 27, 2011

OEA Rallies for Contract

OEA members and supporters met to rally for a contract Thursday at the District office. Sharon Gallgher-Fishbaugh (UEA President) and Doug Stephens (OEA President) spoke to a large group of members and supporters. Media coverage from TV and local newspapers (Standard and the Trib) was positive. You can go to www.standard.net and www.sltrib.com for coverage. Fox 13 also might have some video on their website. Rick

Thursday, May 26, 2011

OEA Rally Today at 4pm at District Office

Please come and support our OEA Rally today at 4pm at the district office. Wear Red in solidarity of our teachers who work so hard for kids.

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, May 25, 2011




Friday, May 20, 2011

Janice Hill, Green Acres, Weber Teacher of the Year

We congratulate Janice Hill, Weber School District teacher of the year.
We also give best wishes to all of our retiring members in both Ogden and Weber.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ogden School Board Meeting tonight

We are looking forward to hearing about new administrative appointments tonight at school board meeting. We are also hoping to hear some news about Ogden's negotiations after the board meets in Executive Session tonight. OEA's Executive Board is meeting Friday afternoon to discuss any news.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Teachers (Canyon District) voice negotiation concerns

Read about Canyon's teachers in the Deseret News at www.deseretnews.com


SL Tribune Editorial Details Low funding

Read in today's opinion page in the SL Trib: www.sltrib.com about the lack of education funding in this year's legislative budget.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congrats to Janice Hill-Weber Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Weber's Teacher of the Year, Janice Hill, Green Acres. We are proud of all our fine teachers in Weber and Ogden.

Rick Palmer

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sue Dickey wins NEA Director

In a very close vote, Sue Dickey was elected the new NEA Director for Utah for a one year term. Rick

Friday, May 13, 2011

Operation UEA-United Educators taking Action

Three simple requests to all of our members:

  • Share the revised UEA message- "Speak for Tomorrow Today"-with your colleagues, friends, and family. We should have more details this summer. Watch for updates and message training.

  • Plan to attend your neighborhood caucus in March 2012. Take 5 friends. Seek election as a delegate. This will allow us to equalize the playing field on Capitol Hill. If we fail to do this, we all suffer. Watch for updates and training opportunities.

  • Find one parent in your school who would be willing to work with the UEA to build a brighter future for our neighborhood public schools. We need a name, phone number, school, and e-mail address. Send these to your local president, who will compile a list of names to forward to the UEA.

Thanks Rick

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Despite boost, some districts will get less cash

Read Lisa Schencker's entire article on school funding problems at www.sltrib.com


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OEA Negotiations Waiting on School Board

April 28th the OEA Negotiations Team, Doug Stephens, Lisa Vipperman, Clay Kirkham and Whit Freund met with the Ogden City School District team, Brenda Ruffier, Rich Moore, Bruce Penland and Eugene Hart and gave them a counter-proposal based on the fact-finder's report. That counter was given to the school board (the district team has no...I repeat...no decision making power unlike most teams) at their May 5th school board meeting where they "took it under consideration". That means two more weeks of this marathon year-long process. Oh, did I mention that Weber settled for this next year already and Ogden is still trying to settle last year's contract? The frustration level is at red for sure...I feel guilty asking for patience. It is ridiculous...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OHS FEA Chapter holds Teacher Appreciation Tea

Students from Suzy Davis's FEA and AVID groups held a Teacher Appreciation Tea to honor some of their favorite teachers.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Principal Ray Long wins Huntsman Award

You can read nice articles about Ray Long (Fremont High) winning the Huntsman Award this year in the Standard Examiner (Saturday) and the Tribune (Sunday). www.standard.net and www.sltrib.com


Friday, May 6, 2011

OHS FEA Honor Teachers

You can read the entire article at www.standard.net

Ogden High FEA club honored their favorite teachers at a tea held in the commons at OHS. This has become an annual affair organized by Suzy Davis, FEA Advisor.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Weber School Board approves contract

Last night the Weber School Board approved the tentative agreement that gives teachers a 3% raise plus lanes and steps for the next contract year. Thanks again to our negotiations team: Marlene Irons, Terie Maxfield, Shari Combe, Lee Claycomb, and Kirk Ottley.

You can see a new salary schedule and a summary of negotiations at our website: www.ogdenweber.org under WEA NEGOTIATIONS

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SB 229 should not be law

Please contact your legislators and ask them to uphold Gov. Herbert's veto of SB 229.
SB 229 would mandate that money would go from sales tax to transportation when we have so many other necessary things to accomplish. You can find your legislator by going to www.myuea.org and clicking on the under the dome icon.

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

WEA Negotiations Summary and New Salary Schedule

Go to our UniServ website at www.ogdenweber.org and take a look at the negotiations summary and new salary schedule for Weber (if the school board ratifies it tomorrow night).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Children at Risk Foundation Grants

You are encouraged to apply for an individual or group grant from the Children at Risk foundation. The deadline for the 2011-12 school year is May 20, 2011. Contact your building rep for a flyer or contact our office for an application form.
Rick 801-390-6365

Friday, April 29, 2011

Kanesville Honors Gaye Pesout with Memorial Bench

Kanesville Elementary has completed a memorial bench on their walking track to honor Gaye Pesout for her many years of service to students and the association. She is sorely missed. I will post a picture when I get it.

Thanks Rick

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Indiana approves broad voucher plan

"Indiana will create the nation's broadest private school voucher system and enact other sweeping education changes, making the state a showcase of conservative ideas just as Gov. Mitch Daniels nears an announcement on whether he will make a 2012 presidential run."

Read the entire article in today's (April 28th) Deseret News Page A12, www.deseretnews.com


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Read Opinion Article in SL Trib: Solving school problems no place for gimmickry

Go to Wednesday, April 27th opinion page in SL Trib and read article by Mary Sanchez.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lawmakers drawing lines in the state...

Read Dennis Romboy's article on Legislative Redistricting at www.deseretnews.com


Monday, April 25, 2011

UEA House of Delegates April 30

Delegates from Ogden and Weber will join other teachers from around the state at our annual UEA House of Delegates meeting, this Saturday, April 30 at Copper Hills High. The delegates will debate and vote on new business, the budget, legislative priorities and resolutions.


Friday, April 22, 2011

WEA Negotiations Update

WEA's Building Reps (ARs) will meet Thursday, April 28, at 4:15 pm to discuss and hold a ratification vote on the tentative agreement reached last night in negotiations. The WEA Executive Board will meet at 4:00 pm that same night to vote to recommend the agreement. More information will be given to the building reps and they will be getting the message out after ratification is complete. The Weber School Board will meet May 4 to discuss and ratify the agreement.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thomas Sowell's Column in Deseret News on Bullying

Go to http://www.deseretnews.com/ and read Thomas Sowell's column on bullying in the Comment section and let me know what the heck it means...he starts out complaining about teachers and then well...help me please. Oh, and while you are there you can also read George Will's column on No Child Left Behind.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

OEA and WEA Negotiations Updates

WEA's Negotiation Team will be meeting with the district team Thursday, April 21 to continue discussions of our proposals.

OEA's Negotiation Team will be scheduling a meeting with the district team to discuss the results of the Fact Finder's report.

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Veto override session planned...

Read Lisa Riley Roche's article about the upcoming special legislative session planned for Monday, April 25th at www.deseretnews.com


Monday, April 18, 2011

SL Trib Article on Public School funding

Go to http://www.sltrib.com/cat/education/ to read a great article about public education funding in Utah. Rick

Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Legislation: The last of the worst...

Here are the last of my blogs on legislation of note. You can go to www.myuea.org and check out all of the legislative voting records and more detailed explanations of legislation.

  • SB179: Math Education Iniative would require the legislature to appropriate money to award grants to school districts and charter schools to adopt the Singapore math program and would impose requirements for honors math courses and teachers. UEA opposed because it is not the legislature's job to decide curriculum. Did not pass.

  • SB206: Labor Organization Provisions in Teacher Contracts requires that an employer promptly cease or commence a union dues wage deduction upon the written request of the employees. Passed. UEA opposed it as unecessary since we already do it.

  • SB224: Partisan School Board Elections would have required that Utah State Board of Education members be elected in partisan elections. Did not pass. UEA opposed.

  • SB256: Teacher Effectiveness Evaluation Process moves the teacher evaluation system to the district level and removes the requirement of "reasonable assistance" for improving performance. Passed. UEA opposed it.

  • SJR1: Joint Resolution on State Board of Education Authority would have placed control and supervision of public education in the hands of the legislature. Did not pass. UEA opposed it.

  • SJR9: Joint Resolution-Governance of Public and Higher Education would have amended the constitution to place public and higher education under the governor's control. Did not pass. UEA opposed.

Whew....that was painful.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

OEA Receives Fact Finder Report

Michael Zimmerman, Hearing Officer for our Fact-finding, sent OEA President and Ogden City School Board his report. The report includes the following recommendations:

  • Pay an amount equal to 100% of the value of the steps to all step-eligible teachers paid in equal amounts (each teacher would receive the same one-time stipend)

  • The district should reiterate its statement made last year that it supports the payment of steps when state funding improves and that the district will work to restore permanent step increases.

  • The district should pay all teachers an additional full day at the daily rate this year. 1/2 half to be worked May 27, 2011 and the other 1/2 to be used for professional development

  • The district should pay all teachers an additional 1/2 day at the daily rate in March of 2012.

  • The district should put the 2011-12 ARRA days at the beginning of the school year and pay them at 75% of daily rate.

The OEA ARs and Executive Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to support these recommendations. Now, we must wait for the OCSD Board to act.

I think a copy of the findings has been sent to ARs and members. If you have questions please email Doug Stephens at stephensd@ogdensd.org or me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks rick

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Grading Schools and other bad votes...

SB59: Grading schools: UEA opposed. Those voting for UEA's position were: Galvez, Dee, Greenwood, Wilcox Those voting against UEA's positon were: Froerer, Christensen, Jenkins, Reid, Peterson, Pitcher SB65: Statewide Online Education Program: UEA opposed. Those voting for UEA's position were Greenwood and Christensen Those voting against UEA's position were: Froerer, Jenkins, Reid, Peteson, Pitcher, Dee, Galvez, Wilcox More legislation tomorrow. Rick

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More legislation....

Here are some more education bills:

  • SB65:Statewide Online Education Program establishes a statewide online education program. Passed. Opposed by the UEA.

  • SB73: Public School Teacher Tenure Modifications in its original form would have classified educators as either "proficient" or "low performing" based on student scores. As passed, the bill prohibits school districts from using last-hired, first-fired as a policy for reduction-in-force. Passed. The UEA opposed it.

  • SB119: School District Superintendents Amendments provides that a district superintendent is not required to hold an administrative/supervisory license. Passed. Opposed by the UEA.

  • SB127: Post Retirement Employment Amendments allows a retiree who begins employment with a participating employer on or after July 1, 2010 to be reemplyed whithin one year. Under the new law, an employee will be able to retire and after a 60 day wating period can come back and work without benefits and make less than $15,000 or 50 percent of the retirement allowance. Passed. Supported by the UEA

More voting records tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Enjoy your time off, you deserve it...RICK

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More legislation of note...

Here is some more of the legislation that affects schools:

  • SB38: K-3 Reading Amendments revises the language to assess the reading level of first, second or third grade students and notify parents by Feb. 15 of each school year if a student is below grade level. Passed. Supported by UEA.

  • SB59: School Grading System would assign a letter grade to a school based on student test scores. Passed. Opposed by UEA

  • SB63: K-3 Reading Improvement Program Accountability provides allowable uses for K-3 Reading Improvement Program money. Passed. Supported by the UEA

Have a great spring break.


Monday, April 4, 2011

UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh Keynotes WSU FEA Conference

Our UEA President, Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh gave the keynote presentation to around 150 FEA High School Students last Friday, April 1st at WSU. She talked about why she became a teacher and the great career that education presents to them. After the opening session the students attended breakout sessions. Students from Davis School District, Weber School District and Ogden School District attended. Rick

Friday, April 1, 2011

Legislative Voting Records Continued...

Here are the voting records of our Weber legislators on some key issues:

  • HB 388: Operation and Management of Charter Schools provides charter school different standards than traditional public schools and a lack of oversight. Passed. Opposed by the UEA.

Those voting against our position were: Dee, Froerer, Galvez, Peterson, Pitcher, Wilcox, Christensen, Jenkins, Reid

Voting for our position: Greenwood

  • SB59: School Grading System would assign a letter grade to a school based on student test scores.

Those voting against our position were: Froerer, Peterson, Christensen, Jenkins, Reid

Those voting for our position were: Dee, Greenwood, Galvez, Wilcox

More legislation Monday. Have a great weekend.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

More legislation of note...

HB447: Kindergarten Literacy Improvement Program would create a computer-based kindergarten literacy softward program for all kindergarten students. Failed Opposed by the UEA due to cost. HJR 1: Joint Resolution Amending State and Local Taxing Authority would have required a two-thirds majority vote of the legislature to approve any tax or fee increase. Rejected in committee. Opposed by the UEA SB4: Current School Year Supplemental Public Education Adjustments contains provisions for education funding proposed by the Executive Appropriations Committee. Passed. Supported by the UEA More voting records tomorrow. Rick

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More voting records...

Here are some more voting records on notable education legislation:

  • HB264: State Board of Education Election Process Amendments would have provided for direct, nonpartisan election of state board members. Supported by the UEA Did not pass.

Voting against our position were: Dee, Foerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Pitcher, Wilcox

Voting for our position was: Peterson

  • HB 301: School District Property Tax Revision was opposed by UEA because it reduced transparency and may lead to future funding restrictions. Passed.

Voting against our position were: Dee, Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Peterson, Wilcox, Jenkins, Reid

Voting for our position was: Pitcher

Christensen was absent or did not vote.

More legislation tomorrow. Rick

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More legislation of note...

Here is some more legislation from the past session:

  • HB313: Charter School Funding Amendments would take money from the current revenue stream of property tax and redistribute it to charter schools. Opposed by the UEA Did not pass

  • HB339 Charter School Enrollment Amendments gives the State Board of Education authority to approve an annual increase in charter school enrollment capacity equal to 2% of total school district enrollment. Opposed by the UEA Did not pass

  • HB388: Operation and Management of Charter Schools provideds that a "chartering entity" may use certain data to measure the performance of a charter school; prohibits a chartering entity from imposing performance standards that would limit a charter school from accomplishing the purposes of charter schools. Opposed by the UEA. Passed

More voting records tomorrow.


Monday, March 28, 2011

More voting records

HB152 Forbids teachers from serving as the parent rep on the community council-UEA Opposed Voting for: Dee, Froerer, Galvez, Peterson, Pitcher,Wilcox, Greenwood, Christensen, Reid Absent or not voting: Jenkins HB183 Restricts association leave-UEA Opposed Voting for: Froerer, Galvez, Peterson, Wilcox, Christensen, Jenkins, Reid Voting against: Dee, Greenwood HB 199 Advertisements on Buses-UEA Supported Voting for: Dee, Froerer, Galvez, Peterson, Pitcher, Christensen Voting against: Greenwood, Wilcox, Jenkins, Reid More legislation tomorrow. Rick Read Molly Farmer's article on public ed funding survey at www.deseretnews.com

Friday, March 25, 2011

More legislation of note

Here are some more legislation from the past session:
  • HB264: State Board of Education Election Process Amendments would have provided for the direct, nonpartisan election of state school board members. Did not pass. Supported by the UEA.
  • HB301: School District Property Tax Revisions rolls six specific property tax levies into two, and exempts school districts from certain truth-in-taxation notice and hearing requirements. Passed. Opposed by the UEA because it reduces transparency and may lead to future funding reductions for traditional public schools.
  • HB302: Reading Program Amendments is a bill that imposes requirements for reading instruction in kindergarten through grade three and standardizes the reading testing for K-3 students. It makes the use of technology as an opt-in consideration, funded with new money to education. Passed. UEA did not support or oppose.

More legislator voting records Monday.

Thanks Rick

Thursday, March 24, 2011

More Voting Records

HB98: Capital Outlay Funding Modifications for small districts-UEA Supported

Voting Against: Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Wilcox

Voting For: Pitcher, Christensen, Reid, Dee

Not voting or absent: Jenkins, Peterson

HB110: Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments helps math and science teachers- UEA Supported

Voting For: Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Wilcox, Pitcher, Peterson, Dee, Jenkins, Christensen, Reid

Continued tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More new legislation

Here are some more bills of note:
  • HB 152: School Community Council Amendments modifies provisions pertaining to the membership, selection and operation of school community councils. Passed. The UEA objects to a provision that forbids certified school employees from serving as parent representatives on a school community council.
  • HB 183: School District Leave Policies limits the association leave a local school board may grant for certain employee association or union duties. Passed. Opposed by the UEA
  • HB 191: Nonresident Tuition Waiver Amendments originally would have eliminated in-state tuition for all nonimmigrant alien students, regardless of how long they lived in Utah. Did not pass. Opposed by UEA.
  • HB 199: Advertisements on School Buses would allow for up to 35 percent of a school bus to be used for advertisements. Money collected through advertising will stay in the transportation budget of the school. Passed. Supported by the UEA
  • HB 220: Civics Education Amendments requires schools to teach about specific forms of government and political philosophies, including that the U.S. is a "compound, constitutional republic." Passed. Opposed by the UEA on the basis that curriculum decisions should be left to the local school district.

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grading your legislators

The UEA Legislative Team took 17 important votes and gave a grade to all representatives and senators this session. Here are the grades for our Weber County legislators. The percentage represents the number of times they voted with UEA's position. If you have a different legislator, let me know and I will give you their grade.
  • Senator Allen Christensen 44%
  • Senator Scott Jenkins 25%
  • Senator Stuart Reid 20%
  • Rep. Richard Greenwood 65%
  • Rep. Brad Dee 54%
  • Rep. Dixon Pitcher 50%
  • Rep. Jeremy Peterson 40%
  • Rep. Ryan Wilcox 38%
  • Rep. Brad Galvez 35%
  • Rep. Gage Froerer 29%

Even grading on the curve that isn't a very good report card, is it?


Monday, March 21, 2011

Legislation of Note in the 2011 Legislative Session

HB 75: Dangerous Weapons Amendments eliminates the 1,000-foot restricted perimeter around a school zone for carrying a weapon. Passed. Opposed by the UEA
HB 92: Public Education Regional Service Centers gives school district regional service centers legal standing. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 98: Capital Outlay Funding Modifications allows a local school board of a school district with an enrollment of fewer than 2,500 students to use the proceeds of a capital outlay levy for certain maintenance and operations functions. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 110: Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments allows teachers who have the qualifications, but not the degree to apply for math and science incentive pay. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 111: Full-day Kindergarten would have allowed funding for two half-day kindergartens, but prohibit funding for full-time kindergarten. Did not pass. Opposed by the UEA
HB 123: K-12 Education Amendments would have dramatically modified how education money is distributed to school districts and charter schools. To study during interim. Opposed by the UEA.

More tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

All-day classes improve scores

Read Sara Lenz's article on the benefits of full-day kindergarten at www.deseretnews.com

Of course, you will also read Gayle Ruzinka's (Eagle Forum) criticism: "It seems more and more they try push little children out of the home sooner. I believe a child does better if they can stay at home with their mother or father and prepare for all-day in first grade". Duh, yes Gayle in a perfect world that would be great...but we have lots of our little kiddies coming unprepared for school because they don't come from the greatest homes that some of us were blessed with...get real Gayle.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ogden Fact-Finding Begins

OEA's negotiation team met with our Hearing Officer, Michael Zimmerman last evening to answer questions and give him more information on our position. Michael Zimmerman is the past Chief Justice of the Utah Supreme Court and was appointed by State School Supt. Larry Shumway to serve as hearing officer for our fact-finding. We delivered our information to him last week and had a conference call to answer questions Monday afternoon in preparation for our first face-to-face meeting. We will continue to update you as new information comes to us.

Thanks for your patience in this long process.

Oh and it is time for negotiations to start for this year. WEA will begin their negotiations process next week.

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Congrats to Blog Contest Winners

Congrats to Lynette Grow (West Haven), Glen Larsen (South Ogden), Marty Chen (Uintah) and Christy Olsen (Roy Elem) for winning gift cards in this year's final blog contest...thanks again for the tens and tens of people who enjoy my blogging.

Go to www.myuea.org to "Under the Dome" for a good summary of this year's legislative sesssion.

Monday, March 14, 2011

WEA Blog Contest Ends Today

We will be drawing for gift cards today in WEA AR meeting. Good luck to all my loyal readers.
Today's final WEA Blog Contest Question is: Who does BYU play in the first round of March Madness? (hint: the college is in Spartanburg, South Carolina)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, March 11, 2011

Good news...bad news...

Would you like the good news or bad news first??? Let's start with good news...there is less to talk about. You can go to www.deseretnews.com for a summary.

Good news (with scepticism)
  • The legislative session is over...no more damage to teachers (maybe)
  • The budget funded growth in education. (that is if costs of everything don't continue to rise)
  • The budget funded 2.2% more in education. (why don't I believe it)
  • Sen. Chris Buttars retired...(yes, I did see the zombie movie where they come back to life)

Bad news (do I have room on this blog for everything?...no)

  • Seniority taken away as a way to reduce staff...older doesn't mean better eh?
  • Teacher Association leaders denied time for association business...anyone want to volunteer to spend countless hours representing teachers?
  • Guns near schools...makes us all safer...huh?
  • Private online schools receiving public money...does not compute!!!
  • Legislative transparency diminished...Gayle Ruzinka texting me sweet nothings.
  • Grading schools based on test scores...oh yeah only 80% are A and B schools.
  • More charters, more charters, more charters...yeah
  • Teaching that we are a "compound republic"...huh?

Today's WEA Blog Question: Who did BYU beat yesterday? (Hint: Horned Frogs)

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, March 10, 2011

WEA Blog Contest Question

WEA Blog Contest Question: What ends today??? Thank heavens...

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Education funding projections positive

I am always reluctant to celebrate too early when discussing appropriations. Until the dust settles Thursday evening we won't know for sure, but it looks brighter than previous years. There are some things that bother me still...putting money in the WPU is good, but taking it from line items that help pay for lanes and steps is not good. Especially after the two years Ogden has fought for steps and Weber's fight for steps this year. Why give the districts any reason to cry poverty when it comes to the salary schedule. Yes, they are saying growth will be funded for the first time in three years. Again, cautious optimism may be the best we can hope for this year.

WEA Blog contest ends Monday, March 14...today's "snow melt question" is: What is my favorite pastime...besides helping teachers in need.. email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Congrats to OEA Blog Contest Winners

Congrats to Lisa Vipperman, Rosemary Salazar, and Christine Heslop for winning Chili's gift cards. WEA's contest will continue until we draw for winners March 14th at WEA AR meeting.

Countdown to the end of the legislature on Thursday, March 10 at midnight.
Keep informed at www.myuea.org and click on Under the Dome for the best summary of what is happening.

WEA Blog Contest Question: (sorry Christine, you have won enough) What great basketball coach (Jazz) was honored at the legislature yesterday?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Monday, March 7, 2011

HB 313 Charter School Funding

This (very bad) bill modifies funding provided to a charter school to replace local discretionary property taxes that are not available to charter schools.

UEA opposes it because:
  • This bill would take money from the current revenue stream of property tax and redistribute it to charter schools.
  • USOE data show that charter schools enroll fewer limited English proficient students, economically disadvantaged students, special education students, and minority students. Yet, charter schools still do not ouperform traditional public schools.
  • This bill would result in a disparity of funding to those districts with charter schools.
  • Local elected school boards set property tax levy rates (they must hold "truth in taxation" meetings). This bill would give property tax money to charter schools with no accountability to taxpayers through elected officials.

Please contact your legislators this final week of the session.

Today's "pray for good weather" Blog Contest question (today is the last day for OEA entries) is: Why doesn't the Standard Examiner like us?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, March 4, 2011

Educators on the Hill

Four Weber educators and one Ogden teacher attended the "Educator on the Hill" today at the legislature. Barb Wayment (UEA Board member), Nikki Longmore (Washington Terrace), Belen Pulsipher (Washington Terrace), and Lee Claycomb (WEA Board Member) attended the hill today along with Elizabeth Carlin (Dee Elementary). They received information regarding pressing issues and were able to visit with their legislators. They also were able to listen and question our 2nd District Congressman, Jim Matheson.

Today's "Go Silverwolves" Blog Contest Question: Who defeated Fremont High at the State 5-A basketball tourney today?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Last week of Blog Contest

Today's issue is SB 59: School Grading System
This bill would assign a letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) to public schools based on a formula combining achievement, growth and graduation rates. It would also require that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of A or B.

UEA opposes this bill because: (let me count the ways)
  • We believe the concept of one single grade for a school oversimplifies the complex nature of schools and contributes to a lack of transparency for parents.
  • The legislation creates a new, redundant reporting system. U-PASS reports are already in place, providing multiple indicators of school achievement and progress.
  • SB 59 requires that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of an A or B. This ensures some schools will always fall behind. The UEA supports standards where each school can achieve excellence.

Today's "Grade the Legislator" Blog Contest questions is: Give the legislator a grade for this session.

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SB 179 Math Initiative

SB 179 (Howard Stephenson again) creates a program that awards grants to districts and charter schools for Singapore Math and the improvement of math education. The estimated cost is $1,813,000.

UEA opposes this bill because:
  • During this current budget crisis, a new program with a fiscal note of more than $1.6 million is irresponsible.
  • This bill specifies the adoption of Singapore Math rather than providing money that would allow a district to select and implement a math program best suited to meet the needs of its students as determined by their local school board.
  • This bill oversteps the role of the legislature by mandating coursework, textbooks and detailed curriculum for our public schools.

Today's "Where in the world is..." Blog Question is on what continent do we find Singapore?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org Last week of OEA blog contest and Next week is last week for WEA Blog contest.

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Statewide Online Education Program

SB 65 (Howard Stephenson's bill...surprised?) would create a statewide online education program to allow students to earn high school graduation credit through the completion of online courses. The estimated $2.5 million cost for this program will be borne by the individual school districts.

We oppose because:
  • It would divert public education funds away from school districts to private providers with little accountability just as school vouchers would have done.

Nuff said.

Today's "Congrats Fremont High and go Ogden High" Blog Question is: What issue did I discuss yesterday on the blog?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Monday, February 28, 2011

UEA Legislative Issues:State School Board Elections

As the legislative session winds down (thank heaven for small miracles) we need to contact our legislators about some important issues. Today's issue: State Board of Education elections.
  • The current process takes away the voice of the people.
  • No other elected state official is vetted through a nominating committee appointed by the Governor.
  • A direct, no-partisan election would increase accountability to voters and better involve the community in the electoral process.
  • A non-partisan election would allow for implementation of good policy, free from party platforms.
  • Simplifying nomination and election procedures would increase transparency.
  • A recent poll shows Utahns reject the idea of partisan school board elections.

Contact your legislator and inform them of our positions.

Today's "only 9 days left of the session" Blog Contest question is: whose pictures are on the blog?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, February 25, 2011

Educators on the Hill Today

Today we had several Weber Educators on the Hill to lobby their local legistlators. WEA Vice-President Terie Maxfield (Farr West), WEA Board members Glen Larsen (South Jr.), Paul Fawson (Roy High), Building reps Kristin Teller (Green Acres) and Trish Hill (Washington Terrace) and Marianne Allen (Weber High) attended House and Senate Ed committee meetings and Marianne even testified to the committee on a couple of their bills. One bill that changes how teachers teach that the United States is a "republic" not a "democracy" passed with some amendments. Marianne tesitified that we are already doing it and the bill is unecessary. Another bill sponsored by Howard Stephenson would stop the practice of using seniority to dictate reduction in forces in schools.

Today's "when will it quit snowing" Blog Contest question is: What good news did we hear Tuesday that might help funding education?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, February 24, 2011

HB 183 Passes House

Go to www.myuea.org and click on the Under the Dome to read the lobby team's report of yesterdays legislative news. HB 183 passed the house. It takes away the district's ability to pay for released time association leaders. Thanks to Rep. Greenwood who voted against it.

Today's "Wisconsin Badgers" Blog question: Who sponsored HB 183?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Increased Revenues Help

Tuesday's news that tax revenues will come in higher by $47 million for ongoing programs and another $26 for one-time programs was good news, but doesn't completely cover the cuts that the legislature made in their base budget. They are still a ways from the Governor's budget proposal that added $50 million and paid for growth of 14,000 students. We still have three weeks left for the budget decisions to be made. Several teachers will visit the hill Friday for "Educator on the Hill". If you have postcards for your legislators let your Building Reps know so we can get them delivered.

Today's "Wear red for Ed" (Wisconsin solidarity) Blog Question is: What is the Wisconsin governor trying to do to teachers?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks rick

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Tax to fund schools?

Lisa Riley Roche writes in today's Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com): "restoring the sales tax on food is being quietly pushed as an option to ensure there's enough money to fund growth in public education this legislative session."

Today lawmakers will get new revenue numbers that could help reduce the cuts in public education.

Today's "Wear RED in support of Wisconsin teachers" Blog question: What tax is the main revenue source for education in Utah?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Senator to rework bill on bad teachers

You can read in Saturday's Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com) Lisa Schencker's article about a Republican lawmaker's plan to rework a bill (SB 73) intended to make it easier to fire ineffective teachers after hearing from educators Friday who feared it would unfairly penalize whose who teach in poor areas.

The hearing room was packed with educators (most of whom attended Educator on the Hill) including our own Weber teachers, Jo Egelund (Fremont High), Cynthia Auble (South Ogden Jr.) and Mary Oregon (Washington Terrace Elementary). Several testified along with UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and UniServ Director Starr Orrullian from Granite Education Association.

The committee decided to hold the bill to allow the sponsor to rework it.

It is an unnecessary bill with severe consequences to teachers in Title One schools or any underperforming schools.

Today's "Long Weekend" Blog Contest Question: Who is the sponsor of SB 73? (Hint: He is also the chair of the Senate Education Committee and Executive Director of the Utah Taxpayer's Association. email me at rick@ogdenweber.org enjoy your President's Day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

UEA President's Blog

I refer you to UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh's blog at www.myuea.org under the Politics and Legislation Icon at the top of the web page.

Also, you should have received a "Call to Action" postcard in the mail that asks you to contact your legislator about the many issues dealing with your classroom. It is easy to go to the website (info given on the card) and email your legislator.

Also your building reps have postcards that can be written to your legislator and I will deliver them on the "Educator on the Hill" Fridays. Please let me know and I will pick them up from you.

Today's "Whose your legislator" Blog Question is: Who is your legislator? (House or Senate)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lawmakers can't agree on ed funds

Lisa Schencker writes in the Tribune today (www.sltrib.com) that the appropriations committee is still having trouble agreeing on what programs should be cut and which should be funded. The base budget (they have to start with one at the beginning of the session) shows a 7% cut in funding and then there is another $91 million that has not been allocated that adds another 4% to the possible cuts (11% total). It is imperative that you contact your legislator. You all received a "Call to Action" from UEA with information on how to contact them. Also your building reps have postcards that I can deliver to the legislators on our Friday "Educator on the Hill" days.

Today's "Don't cut my budget" Blog question is: Name one of the programs that could get cut this year. Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lawmakers: Teach U.S. is a republic..huh?

All is well at the Capitol with legislators like Rep. Michael Morley R-Spanish Fork (why did I not have to guess he was from Utah County) working overtime to make sure those Socialist, Communist and probably Al Queda loving government and history teachers correctly teach that the United States is a "republic" not a "democracy". Read it today at www.sltrib.com. Fiddling while Utah's public education system is burning seems to make a lot of sense to 57, yes 57 representatives who took time (even 10 minutes is too long) to waste debating and voting for HB220. Our country is safe now from the pervasive teaching of "democratic" government in the U.S. Please...really??? How about coming up with the millions we need to fund our classrooms? We can't even get a discussion of the governor's idea to have businesses pay state income tax quarterly (it would give us $130 million one time money) because they call it a "tax increase". Frustrated...then email your legislator and let them know.

Today's "gnashing of teeth" Blog contest question (Oh, congrats Karen Draper, Glen Larsen, Cheryl Parkinson and Cindy Wallace for winning Chili's Gift Cards) is: What Rep. said "Let's let the teachers and the curriculum specialists make those decisions."?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Monday, February 14, 2011

Most want Education independent

Read Molly Farmer's front page story at http://www.deseretnews.com/. She writes "Changing who oversees Utah's public education system might seem like a novel idea to some lawmakers, but a recent Deseret News/KSL survey by Dan Jones shows that notion isn't popular among the public."

Today's "who wants the legislature in charge of education" Blog Question is: What percentage Strongly Oppose placing the State Board of Education under the supervision of the state Legislature"?

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Friday, February 11, 2011

Educator on the Hill

Mary Margaret Lyon, English Teacher at Bonneville High and WEA Executive Board member, is here at the Legislature today, joining teachers from Utah and Davis Counties, as they lobby their representatives and senators. Of course, the budget is the main focus as the base budget was passed with a 11% cut. UEA does not expect it to stay at 11% by the end of the session. Several National Board Certified Teachers are also here to stress the need for funding for more teacher scholarships to work for the NB Certification.

Today's "We need more money" Blog Contest Question: What position does Mark Mickelsen hold at UEA? (Hint: Go to www.myuea.org and look for staff) Email me your answer at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting Education Articles

Failing Grades: Letter to Editor in Salt Lake Tribune (www.sltrib.com) JoLynn Miller grades the legislature.

Lisa Schencker writes in the Salt Lake Tribune: Changes proposed to extended-day Kindergarten (www.sltrib.com) Taylorsville Republican Johnny Anderson (owner of day cares) proposes changes to extended day kindergarten.

Utah Lawmakers want to destroy education to save it: Charles Trentelman-Wasatch Rambler in the Standard-Examiner- (www.standard.net)

Read and enjoy (make sure you take your blood pressure medicine first)

Today's "Makes your blood boil" Blog Contest Question: What local State Senator wants to give control of public education to the Governor through a constitutional amendment? (Hint: He took Jon Greiner's spot.)

Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Facing a Budget Ax

Molly Farmer's frontpage story in the Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) talks about only one of the many programs on the "chopping block" if the budget is cut by 11%. Other programs include the K-3 Reading block grants that pay for many of the reading coaches and programs used in schools to increase reading instruction. The Regional Service Centers are more value to the rural districts. The article talks about the possibility of not funding the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind. Now is the time to contact your legislator and let them know the importance of funding education growth and preserving the programs that matter to kids. You can use the "Under the Dome" (http://www.myuea.org/) or go to our website (http://www.ogdenweber.org/) and click on the Political Action icon to find your legislator's info. Remember not to use your school computer.

Today's Blog Question: Who is the Supt. of the USDB? (hint: read the article)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teacher leaves class, camps out at Capitol

Peg McEntee (http://www.sltrib.com/) writes a nice column today about our new UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and her work at the legislature. I hope you can go read it.

Our OEA Blog Contest Winners (25.00 Applebee Gift Cards) for February are: Christine Heslop (OHS) and Jenny Venegas (Washington High). We will continue the contest in March and draw for new winners at the March AR meeting. WEA's contest will continue also and we will draw next Monday for the February winners.

Today's Blog Contest Question: What grade did Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh teach? (Hint: read the SL Trib column)