This bill would assign a letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) to public schools based on a formula combining achievement, growth and graduation rates. It would also require that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of A or B.
UEA opposes this bill because: (let me count the ways)
- We believe the concept of one single grade for a school oversimplifies the complex nature of schools and contributes to a lack of transparency for parents.
- The legislation creates a new, redundant reporting system. U-PASS reports are already in place, providing multiple indicators of school achievement and progress.
- SB 59 requires that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of an A or B. This ensures some schools will always fall behind. The UEA supports standards where each school can achieve excellence.
Today's "Grade the Legislator" Blog Contest questions is: Give the legislator a grade for this session.
Email me at
Thanks Rick