Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Thursday, March 31, 2011
More legislation of note...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
More voting records...
- HB264: State Board of Education Election Process Amendments would have provided for direct, nonpartisan election of state board members. Supported by the UEA Did not pass.
Voting against our position were: Dee, Foerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Pitcher, Wilcox
Voting for our position was: Peterson
- HB 301: School District Property Tax Revision was opposed by UEA because it reduced transparency and may lead to future funding restrictions. Passed.
Voting against our position were: Dee, Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Peterson, Wilcox, Jenkins, Reid
Voting for our position was: Pitcher
Christensen was absent or did not vote.
More legislation tomorrow. Rick
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
More legislation of note...
- HB313: Charter School Funding Amendments would take money from the current revenue stream of property tax and redistribute it to charter schools. Opposed by the UEA Did not pass
- HB339 Charter School Enrollment Amendments gives the State Board of Education authority to approve an annual increase in charter school enrollment capacity equal to 2% of total school district enrollment. Opposed by the UEA Did not pass
- HB388: Operation and Management of Charter Schools provideds that a "chartering entity" may use certain data to measure the performance of a charter school; prohibits a chartering entity from imposing performance standards that would limit a charter school from accomplishing the purposes of charter schools. Opposed by the UEA. Passed
More voting records tomorrow.
Monday, March 28, 2011
More voting records
Friday, March 25, 2011
More legislation of note
- HB264: State Board of Education Election Process Amendments would have provided for the direct, nonpartisan election of state school board members. Did not pass. Supported by the UEA.
- HB301: School District Property Tax Revisions rolls six specific property tax levies into two, and exempts school districts from certain truth-in-taxation notice and hearing requirements. Passed. Opposed by the UEA because it reduces transparency and may lead to future funding reductions for traditional public schools.
- HB302: Reading Program Amendments is a bill that imposes requirements for reading instruction in kindergarten through grade three and standardizes the reading testing for K-3 students. It makes the use of technology as an opt-in consideration, funded with new money to education. Passed. UEA did not support or oppose.
More legislator voting records Monday.
Thanks Rick
Thursday, March 24, 2011
More Voting Records
Voting Against: Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Wilcox
Voting For: Pitcher, Christensen, Reid, Dee
Not voting or absent: Jenkins, Peterson
HB110: Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments helps math and science teachers- UEA Supported
Voting For: Froerer, Galvez, Greenwood, Wilcox, Pitcher, Peterson, Dee, Jenkins, Christensen, Reid
Continued tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
More new legislation
- HB 152: School Community Council Amendments modifies provisions pertaining to the membership, selection and operation of school community councils. Passed. The UEA objects to a provision that forbids certified school employees from serving as parent representatives on a school community council.
- HB 183: School District Leave Policies limits the association leave a local school board may grant for certain employee association or union duties. Passed. Opposed by the UEA
- HB 191: Nonresident Tuition Waiver Amendments originally would have eliminated in-state tuition for all nonimmigrant alien students, regardless of how long they lived in Utah. Did not pass. Opposed by UEA.
- HB 199: Advertisements on School Buses would allow for up to 35 percent of a school bus to be used for advertisements. Money collected through advertising will stay in the transportation budget of the school. Passed. Supported by the UEA
- HB 220: Civics Education Amendments requires schools to teach about specific forms of government and political philosophies, including that the U.S. is a "compound, constitutional republic." Passed. Opposed by the UEA on the basis that curriculum decisions should be left to the local school district.
More tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grading your legislators
- Senator Allen Christensen 44%
- Senator Scott Jenkins 25%
- Senator Stuart Reid 20%
- Rep. Richard Greenwood 65%
- Rep. Brad Dee 54%
- Rep. Dixon Pitcher 50%
- Rep. Jeremy Peterson 40%
- Rep. Ryan Wilcox 38%
- Rep. Brad Galvez 35%
- Rep. Gage Froerer 29%
Even grading on the curve that isn't a very good report card, is it?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Legislation of Note in the 2011 Legislative Session
HB 92: Public Education Regional Service Centers gives school district regional service centers legal standing. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 98: Capital Outlay Funding Modifications allows a local school board of a school district with an enrollment of fewer than 2,500 students to use the proceeds of a capital outlay levy for certain maintenance and operations functions. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 110: Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments allows teachers who have the qualifications, but not the degree to apply for math and science incentive pay. Passed. Supported by the UEA
HB 111: Full-day Kindergarten would have allowed funding for two half-day kindergartens, but prohibit funding for full-time kindergarten. Did not pass. Opposed by the UEA
HB 123: K-12 Education Amendments would have dramatically modified how education money is distributed to school districts and charter schools. To study during interim. Opposed by the UEA.
More tomorrow.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
All-day classes improve scores
Of course, you will also read Gayle Ruzinka's (Eagle Forum) criticism: "It seems more and more they try push little children out of the home sooner. I believe a child does better if they can stay at home with their mother or father and prepare for all-day in first grade". Duh, yes Gayle in a perfect world that would be great...but we have lots of our little kiddies coming unprepared for school because they don't come from the greatest homes that some of us were blessed with...get real Gayle.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Ogden Fact-Finding Begins
Thanks for your patience in this long process.
Oh and it is time for negotiations to start for this year. WEA will begin their negotiations process next week.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Congrats to Blog Contest Winners
Go to www.myuea.org to "Under the Dome" for a good summary of this year's legislative sesssion.
Monday, March 14, 2011
WEA Blog Contest Ends Today
Today's final WEA Blog Contest Question is: Who does BYU play in the first round of March Madness? (hint: the college is in Spartanburg, South Carolina)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Friday, March 11, 2011
Good news...bad news...
Good news (with scepticism)
- The legislative session is over...no more damage to teachers (maybe)
- The budget funded growth in education. (that is if costs of everything don't continue to rise)
- The budget funded 2.2% more in education. (why don't I believe it)
- Sen. Chris Buttars retired...(yes, I did see the zombie movie where they come back to life)
Bad news (do I have room on this blog for everything?...no)
- Seniority taken away as a way to reduce staff...older doesn't mean better eh?
- Teacher Association leaders denied time for association business...anyone want to volunteer to spend countless hours representing teachers?
- Guns near schools...makes us all safer...huh?
- Private online schools receiving public money...does not compute!!!
- Legislative transparency diminished...Gayle Ruzinka texting me sweet nothings.
- Grading schools based on test scores...oh yeah only 80% are A and B schools.
- More charters, more charters, more charters...yeah
- Teaching that we are a "compound republic"...huh?
Today's WEA Blog Question: Who did BYU beat yesterday? (Hint: Horned Frogs)
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Thursday, March 10, 2011
WEA Blog Contest Question
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Education funding projections positive
WEA Blog contest ends Monday, March 14...today's "snow melt question" is: What is my favorite pastime...besides helping teachers in need.. email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Congrats to OEA Blog Contest Winners
Countdown to the end of the legislature on Thursday, March 10 at midnight.
Keep informed at www.myuea.org and click on Under the Dome for the best summary of what is happening.
WEA Blog Contest Question: (sorry Christine, you have won enough) What great basketball coach (Jazz) was honored at the legislature yesterday?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Monday, March 7, 2011
HB 313 Charter School Funding
UEA opposes it because:
- This bill would take money from the current revenue stream of property tax and redistribute it to charter schools.
- USOE data show that charter schools enroll fewer limited English proficient students, economically disadvantaged students, special education students, and minority students. Yet, charter schools still do not ouperform traditional public schools.
- This bill would result in a disparity of funding to those districts with charter schools.
- Local elected school boards set property tax levy rates (they must hold "truth in taxation" meetings). This bill would give property tax money to charter schools with no accountability to taxpayers through elected officials.
Please contact your legislators this final week of the session.
Today's "pray for good weather" Blog Contest question (today is the last day for OEA entries) is: Why doesn't the Standard Examiner like us?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Friday, March 4, 2011
Educators on the Hill
Today's "Go Silverwolves" Blog Contest Question: Who defeated Fremont High at the State 5-A basketball tourney today?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Last week of Blog Contest
This bill would assign a letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) to public schools based on a formula combining achievement, growth and graduation rates. It would also require that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of A or B.
UEA opposes this bill because: (let me count the ways)
- We believe the concept of one single grade for a school oversimplifies the complex nature of schools and contributes to a lack of transparency for parents.
- The legislation creates a new, redundant reporting system. U-PASS reports are already in place, providing multiple indicators of school achievement and progress.
- SB 59 requires that no more than 80 percent of schools would qualify for a grade of an A or B. This ensures some schools will always fall behind. The UEA supports standards where each school can achieve excellence.
Today's "Grade the Legislator" Blog Contest questions is: Give the legislator a grade for this session.
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
SB 179 Math Initiative
UEA opposes this bill because:
- During this current budget crisis, a new program with a fiscal note of more than $1.6 million is irresponsible.
- This bill specifies the adoption of Singapore Math rather than providing money that would allow a district to select and implement a math program best suited to meet the needs of its students as determined by their local school board.
- This bill oversteps the role of the legislature by mandating coursework, textbooks and detailed curriculum for our public schools.
Today's "Where in the world is..." Blog Question is on what continent do we find Singapore?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org Last week of OEA blog contest and Next week is last week for WEA Blog contest.
Thanks Rick
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Statewide Online Education Program
We oppose because:
- It would divert public education funds away from school districts to private providers with little accountability just as school vouchers would have done.
Nuff said.
Today's "Congrats Fremont High and go Ogden High" Blog Question is: What issue did I discuss yesterday on the blog?
Email me at rick@ogdenweber.org
Thanks Rick