Hope you all have had a great holiday break and will be excited to start a new year. January 3rd I will be up at Weber State University to talk to new student teachers (around 130) and new teacher education students (around 100) during their orientation meetings. I give them a little info about what I do and how joining the UEA as a student member offers them savings and benefits down the road. I hand out membership forms and materials. WSU has one of the largest student membership groups in UEA and we hope to organize a unit there along with our strong Future Educators Association Pro Chapter advised by Stephanie Heath.
Also Monday, Jan. 3, our OEA Building Reps will be meeting to listen to our latest proposal from the district. They will be deciding whether or not to present the tentative agreement to the membership at a meeting to be determined.
Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ogden Education Association Executive Board Meets
The members of the OEA Executive Board met Tuesday afternoon to discuss the proposal offered at our last mediation meeting with the district. The board will present the proposal to our Building Reps at the regularly scheduled AR meeting January 3rd at our UniServ office. Secondary Reps will attend at 3:30 and then we will have a "crossover" meeting with both Secondary and Elementary Reps at 4:15. The AR's will decide rather or not to call for a ratification meeting of the general membership.
OEA negotiations team to meet with OEA Executive Board
Our OEA Negotiations Team (Doug Stephens, Whit Freund, Clay Kirkham) met with the Ogden District Team (Brenda Ruffier, Rich Moore, Bruce Penland and Eugene Hart) and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath last evening to discuss non-financial items and a financial proposal from the district. Doug has called a meeting of the OEA Executive Board for this afternoon to discuss the proposal. We will be discussing more about it at our regular OEA Building Rep Meeting January 3. Have a great holiday break.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Board is exploring grading schools
Sara Lenz has a front-page article in today's (Monday, Dec. 20) Deseret News discussing the possible grading of Utah public schools. To read it go to: www.deseretnews.com
Friday, December 17, 2010
OEA President speaks at Ogden School Board Meeting
OEA President, Doug Stephens, spoke to the Ogden School Board last evening on behalf of the over 500 members of OEA who support the reinstatement of steps on the salary schedule. Ogden is only one of two districts that has frozen steps for two consecutive years (Provo is the other one) and our negotiations have been at impasse for several months. He was joined by Michelle Braeden, teacher from OHS, who spoke sincerely about the need to retain and recruit the best teachers to the district. Doug also delivered almost 700 signature of teachers and employees supporting the reinstatement of steps. Our negotiations teams will meet Monday to continue mediation with Lynn Trenbeath, our mediator. The school board also met in executive session last night to discuss negotiations.
Our meeting with legislators went well last night. Attending were the following legislators: Brad Dee (House Dist 11 and House Majority Leader), Scott Jenkins (Senate Dist. 20 and Senate Majority Leader), Richard Greenwood (House Dist. 12), newly elected Jeremy Peterson (House Dist. 9), Brad Galvez (House Dist. 6) and Dixon Pitcher (House Dist 10). Leaders from both OEA and WEA were also in attendance. We shared our Taxation, Economic Investment and Funding for Public Education DVD and discussed the upcoming session.
Our meeting with legislators went well last night. Attending were the following legislators: Brad Dee (House Dist 11 and House Majority Leader), Scott Jenkins (Senate Dist. 20 and Senate Majority Leader), Richard Greenwood (House Dist. 12), newly elected Jeremy Peterson (House Dist. 9), Brad Galvez (House Dist. 6) and Dixon Pitcher (House Dist 10). Leaders from both OEA and WEA were also in attendance. We shared our Taxation, Economic Investment and Funding for Public Education DVD and discussed the upcoming session.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ogden Weber UniServ leaders to meet with Legislators
Tonight our O/W UniServ leaders and PAC members will meet with our local legislators to discuss the agenda of the upcoming legislative session. Our message will be to "Make Quality Public Schools a Priority - Now!"
Our message includes the following points:
Our message includes the following points:
- A Quality Public School for Every Child Must be Our Top Priority.
- We Must Renew our Commitment to Adequately Fund Quality Public Schools.
- Investing in Public Schools Grows the Utah Economy.
We will discuss tax changes and funding priorities that have affected our districts.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Leaders Ok guv's plan for income
Wendy Leonard writes in the the Deseret News this morning: "Utah legislative leaders approved new revenue estimates Tuesday as they began dissecting the governor's budget before voting on it during the upcoming legislative session. Already, some Republican members of the House have said they oppose certain provisions of the proposed $11.9 billion budget Gov. Gary Herbert laid out Friday."
You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
OEA Negotiations Update
OEA's Negotiation Team, mediator Lynn Trenbeath, and the Ogden District Negotiations Team will meet at 3:30 pm, December 20 to continue discussions. We will discuss non-financial items that have been proposed, but not agreed to, and also financial ideas for how to spend the "Federal Edujobs" money. Ogden is the only district in the state that has not settled negotiations.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Governor's Budget Proposal to add $63 Million to School Funding
The UEA is encouraged by the $63 million in additonal funding for public education proposed by Utah Governor Gary Herbert in his 2011-12 budget proposal. It includes $50 million for new growth (over 14,000 new students next fall), $7.5 million for extended day kindergarten, $2million to work on instituting the "Common Core Curriculum" and $2.5 million for increased math and literacy instruction. UEA President Gallagher-Fishbaugh said," We appreciate Govenor Herbert's commitment to our public schools...We know that the governor has to strike a balance between the needs of public education and other ongoing funding requirements. He has done just that in his budget proposal."
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ogden/Weber UniServ Leaders to meet with legislators
Our OEA and WEA leaders and PAC members will be meeting with our legislators next Thursday, Dec. 16 to discuss our goals for the new legislative session.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ed Leaders Ok Statement: "We need more money"
Lisa Schencker wrote Saturday,Dec. 4 in the SL Tribune: "State education leaders want lawmakers to find more cash for schools. State Board of Education members voted Friday to approve a statement that says 'future funding for education must increase if we are to meet the demands of a growing number of students...We must find a new revenue without eliminating existing sources.'
Kim Burningham was quoted as saying, "We just need desperately more funding. The funds have been deeply restricted over recent years so that money is not available."
Some ideas for increased funding sources include: freezing the property tax levy (so it does not decrease when property assessed evaluaton increases), reviewing and eliminating sales tax exemptions, fair compensation for public lands and examination of severance taxes on natural resources.
Kim Burningham was quoted as saying, "We just need desperately more funding. The funds have been deeply restricted over recent years so that money is not available."
Some ideas for increased funding sources include: freezing the property tax levy (so it does not decrease when property assessed evaluaton increases), reviewing and eliminating sales tax exemptions, fair compensation for public lands and examination of severance taxes on natural resources.
Monday, December 6, 2010
WEA Building Reps Ratify Agreement
Representatives from a majority of the schools in Weber District voted to ratify the agreement with Weber District. A joint press release will be sent out Tuesday. Contact your building reps for details of the agreement.
OEA Reps met to discuss strategies in negotiations with the district. The district has refused to meet until January. This is not acceptable and is not bargaining in good faith. Jay Blain, UEA's bargaining director was in attendance and spoke to the AR's. There is no good reason for the district to be dragging their feet in finishing up negotiations.
OEA Reps met to discuss strategies in negotiations with the district. The district has refused to meet until January. This is not acceptable and is not bargaining in good faith. Jay Blain, UEA's bargaining director was in attendance and spoke to the AR's. There is no good reason for the district to be dragging their feet in finishing up negotiations.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Weber Education Association Negotiations Ratification
The WEA negotiations team will present the tentative agreement to members and building representatives, Monday, 4:15 pm at Two Rivers High on 12th street in Ogden. We will present the proposals that were tentatively agreed to last Thursday at our meeting with the district team and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath. The agreement must also be approved by the school board. We will discuss new contract language and a financial agreement.
Friday, December 3, 2010
School Board to discuss grading Utah Schools
Read today at www.sltrib.com Lisa Schencker's article about the Utah State Board of Education's consideration of a new rule Friday (today) to grade school based on their performance.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NEA Student Program Conference
I am attending an NEA Student Program Organizer meeting in Miami this week. Organizers (I am filling in for our Student Organizer, Carol Cremer, who is retiring) from around the country are meeting here to talk about their programs and learn new and innovative ways of strengthening their state chapters. Utah does not have organized chapters (as of yet), but we have members all over the state. At Weber State we have an organized Future Educators Professional chapter with Stephanie Heath as our advisor. She (along with Suzy Davis, OHS) run our FEA chapter conferences and other programs throughout the year. We hope to organize a chapter at WSU for the student program soon. Our relationship continues to grow with WSU
Friday, November 26, 2010
WEA Negotiations Update
WEA Negotiations Team has scheduled a meeting Tuesday (just the team) and will then meet with the District Team on Thursday to discuss a possible settlement to our negotiations impasse. The passage by the Utah State legislature of the resolution to allow the Federal "jobs bill" money to flow to districts should free up money to to help reach a settlement.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Meeting at UEA
Marlene Irons (WEA President) and I are meeting with other UniServs to formulate a message of investing in education and providing a quality education for each student in Utah. We are receiving information from NEA and UEA staff in preparation for our organizing project to engage members in this message. We will be meeting with our legislators in December to kick off our campaign. You can learn more about the message at http://www.utahsfuture.org/ or at the new UEA website http://www.myuea.org/
Happy Turkey day and get home early and safe through the blizzard today.
Happy Turkey day and get home early and safe through the blizzard today.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Be thankful for your health, family and life in this wonderful country. We are thankful for each and every member of OEA and WEA and for your committment to quality public education.
Friday, November 19, 2010
O/W UniServ to host meeting with legislators
Our OEA and WEA Executive Boards and our PAC have invited our legislators and our newest state school board member to a meeting on December 16 to discuss our TEF (Taxation, Economic Development and Education Funding) message and the upcoming legislative session. We hope to discuss the issues of public education funding and the taxation policies of the past years that have left us 51st in per student funding in the U.S. .
You can view the TEF video at the new UEA website www.myuea.org
You can view the TEF video at the new UEA website www.myuea.org
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Legislature Accepts Fed "jobs bill" Money
After about an hour and a half of what I characterize as "bloviating" (not a word, I checked) by legislators who love the sound of their own voice, the senate and the house approved the 101 million from the "edujobs" bill. From the hyperbolic speech from some legislators you would think the Federal govt was sendin another " Johnson's army" to attach the State of Deseret and take our first born girls back to D.C. Even those (Speaker-elect Becky Lockhart-Utah County sponsored the bill in the house) who supported the strongly worded resolution spoke against the "intrusion" of the federal government on our state. The best speech (can't remember which legislator made it) equated the money to the federal money that flowed into Utah after our fires and floods..other crises...well education is in crisis and this is a little help.
The state office of education will now send application forms to the districts and the money (which has been sitting gaining interest in Utah since Sept) can be disbursed in the monthly payments to the districts.
Both OEA and WEA need to get back to the negotiations table now and talk about how the money will flow to employees. (all employees are eligible except district administrators)
We have had preliminary talks about how the money will be used. Of course, the districts' refusal to pay step increases is the reason we are still in mediation. Hopefully, this new money will help us achieve a settlement.
The state office of education will now send application forms to the districts and the money (which has been sitting gaining interest in Utah since Sept) can be disbursed in the monthly payments to the districts.
Both OEA and WEA need to get back to the negotiations table now and talk about how the money will flow to employees. (all employees are eligible except district administrators)
We have had preliminary talks about how the money will be used. Of course, the districts' refusal to pay step increases is the reason we are still in mediation. Hopefully, this new money will help us achieve a settlement.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Utah GOP to vote to OK funds, slight feds
Read Lisa Riley Roche's entire article about the special session at www.deseretnews.com
I will be attending the interim education committee meetings and the special session also.
I will be attending the interim education committee meetings and the special session also.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Weber State Hosts Future Educators Conference
Future Educators from Weber, Ogden, Davis and Provo school districts are meeting today at WSU for their Fall FEA Conference. There will be break-out sessions and competitions.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Negotiations Update
WEA's negotiation team is meeting on Wednesday to discuss some items and learn more about the Special legislative session to be held that day. I will be attending the leg session to hear the discussion and I also want to hear the issues before the Education Interim Committee. Hopefully both OEA's and WEA's negotiation teams will be able to get back to the table to discuss the federal money.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Governor Herbert calls for a special legislative session
Governor Gary Herbert has called for a special legislative session for next week to approve $101 million in federal aid to our schools. Legislators will meet Wednesday, Nov. 17 at noon (during their interim committee meetings) to authorize districts to receive the "jobs bill" money. NEA was instrumental in getting that bill passed. The money will be used for employee compensation. Both OEA and WEA have been waiting to negotiate how that money will flow to our teachers. Half of the money will be used to cover the deficit in the budget and we should see about $1 million in Ogden and over $2.5 million in Weber.
Sen. Howard Stephenson wants to make it easier for schools to fire bad teachers. He plans to propose a bill this coming legislative session that would remove certain protections when teachers perform poorly.
Read both of these articles in todays SL Tribune at www.sltrib.com
Sen. Howard Stephenson wants to make it easier for schools to fire bad teachers. He plans to propose a bill this coming legislative session that would remove certain protections when teachers perform poorly.
Read both of these articles in todays SL Tribune at www.sltrib.com
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ed 1010 Class at Weber State University
I had the opportunity to present to Dr. Jack Rasmussen's (Dean of College of Education) Ed 1010 class today. I have presented to three other classes this semester and several others the past couple of years. I give them my presentation on Ethics, Professionalism and School law that coincides with their unit on School Law. I also talk to them about the value of joining the association and give them student membership materials. I also had Marilyn Lofgreen hand out over 100 membership forms to her TAPT group last week. (Teaching Assistant Path to Teaching). The TAPT group receives tuition help in their quest to become teachers. They usually are working currently as paraprofessionals in schools. I also have presented to a group of students in Stephanie Heath's transition class from her Future Educator Project Launch (summer program for incoming freshmen). I will be attending an NEA Student Organizer workshop for UEA at the end of this month. The student program and FEA programs are receiving support from UEA and the Children at Risk Foundation. Many of our FEA advisors will be attending the FEA International Conference in February.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Public Schools to be graded?
The Deseret News reports (Richard Platt) that "Utah's public schools may start getting "graded" in the future as part of a concentrated, cost-effective way to improve the quality of education in the state."
Sen. Howard Stephenson said,"The entire community gets involved if a school is getting a D or and F, because of student results...it mobilizes the entire community to engage, and make a difference."
Read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Sen. Howard Stephenson said,"The entire community gets involved if a school is getting a D or and F, because of student results...it mobilizes the entire community to engage, and make a difference."
Read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Use of Technology
Here are some suggestions to help you avoid technology-use pitfalls;
- Read your district's acceptable use policy
- Assume you have no privacy
- Ask for proper training
- Do no use your school computer to communicate or view anything that you do no want your administrator to read
- Think before you send
- Avoid sending or forwarding messages to a huge list of people at school
- Do not give your password to others
- Be aware that students can misuse technology at school
- Be cautious about letting other use your school computer
- Keep communciations professional
- Keep personal information private
- Remove inappropriate materials from your websites or blogs
Monday, November 8, 2010
Legislative Issues of Concerns for the 2012 session
Here are some of the issues that will appear in the legislative session this year that the UEA Legislative Team will be monitoring:
- Merit Pay
- Alternative Compensation
- Teacher Evaluation
- School Property Tax Equalization
- Replace sales tax on food
- Replace some property tax with sales tax
- Giving Schools grades
- Retirment
- Charter School funding
- Orderly Termination Act
- Full-day kindergarten
- Partisan school board elections
- Year around schools
That is just a start of what might be a very interesting session.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hoping for a special legislative sesssion
We are expecting that the Governor will call a special legislative sesssion for November 17 (their regular interim meetings are scheduled then) to discuss the "Jobs Bill" money coming to our districts. The original estimates of compensation dollars coming to employees has been cut in half because of the current deficit in the budget. Weber is not expecting around $2.6 million and Ogden should get around $1.1 million. Our negotiations teams will be working with the district and our mediator to determine how that is used.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Election Hangover
Election night was a very rough time for public education. We lost several of our legislative friends (the few we had) and the make-up of the legislature took a hard turn away from public schools. The upcoming session will be a difficult one and it will take a concerted effort from all of us to hold strong for schools. It will be interesting to see if Gov. Herbert can moderate the lawmakers and keep his campaign promises to prioritize public ed funding. We have had two miserable years and we need some good news. Look for every bad education bill that we have fought against to come blazing down the aisles in the House and Senate. Our lobby team will need kevlar jackets to withstand the barrage they will face. Sorry to paint such a dire picture, but it is going to be tough.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Election Results
For complete Utah election results go to: http://www.electionresults.utah.gov/
Also you go to the new UEA website at www.myuea.org and look at how our recommended candidates did.
Also you go to the new UEA website at www.myuea.org and look at how our recommended candidates did.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
New Websites
If you haven't looked at the UEA's new website go to www.myuea.org and also check out our new UniServ website at www.ogdenweber.org
Monday, November 1, 2010
Remember to Vote Tuesday
Remember to vote Tuesday. Rick
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Halloween
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Halloween.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
State School Board Candidates District 2
The candidates for State School Board District 2 are:
Keith Buswell and Monty B. Hardy
Keith Buswell works for Wadman Construction. He wrote in his resume: "As a candidate for the state school board, I do not represent any special interest group or have a particular agenda. I am committed to education and will approach decisions with common sense while applying my experience to do all I can to "do the right thing".
Monty Hardy is a board member of Venture Academy Charter school and has a background in finance.
Please remember to vote Nov. 2 if you haven't already.
Keith Buswell and Monty B. Hardy
Keith Buswell works for Wadman Construction. He wrote in his resume: "As a candidate for the state school board, I do not represent any special interest group or have a particular agenda. I am committed to education and will approach decisions with common sense while applying my experience to do all I can to "do the right thing".
Monty Hardy is a board member of Venture Academy Charter school and has a background in finance.
Please remember to vote Nov. 2 if you haven't already.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Revenue for schools: Sales-tax hike not right solution
The Tribune Editorial Board wrote in their Opinion Page today:
"A proposal to shift education funding from current school property-tax levies to a higher state sales tax is brewing in the Legislature's Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee. While the intention is comendable-to more evenly spread education costs among Utah's school districts-its potential for unintended consequences is too great."
Go to www.sltrib.com to read the entire editorial.
We want to wish Marlene Irons, WEA President our sympathies with the passing of her mom.
"A proposal to shift education funding from current school property-tax levies to a higher state sales tax is brewing in the Legislature's Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee. While the intention is comendable-to more evenly spread education costs among Utah's school districts-its potential for unintended consequences is too great."
Go to www.sltrib.com to read the entire editorial.
We want to wish Marlene Irons, WEA President our sympathies with the passing of her mom.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Dino Park Party a Big Success
Hundreds of Ogden and Weber teachers, employees and kids braved a frigid October evening and enjoyed a truly spooktacular evening at the Eccles Dinosaur Park party sponsored by Horace Mann Insurance. Many of the kids (and some parents) came in costume and enjoyed finding our OEA and WEA leaders for treats. We actually had to buy more candy after seeing the big turnout. Thanks to all who participated and helped out. The park is beautifully decorated and truly spooky. Thanks again to the staff at the park for all of their help.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Equalized Education Funding
Read Elizabeth Stuart's entire article about equalization of education funding at www.deseretnews.com
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dress Warmly for Monday's Dino Park Party
I guess our nice fall is moving away and winter is around the corner. We are looking forward to seeing you all and your guests on Monday, October 25th at the Eccles Dinosaur Park for our annual party. We will open at 6 and finish at 8. dress the kids warmly and we will have treats for the kids. The concessions will be open (hot cocoa sounds good), but we will not be serving dinner. Horace Mann is our sponsor and is paying for your admission into the park. Please bring your flyer and HM info filled in or grab one at our table at the gate. See you there...brrrrrr. The Halloween decorations are spooktacular... Rick
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Good Education Requires Right to Fire Poor Teachers
Read Molly Farmer's entire article about the panel (included UEA's President Gallagher-Fishbaugh) that screened "Waiting for Superman" at www.deseretnews.com
UEA Convention Speaker: Collaboration leads to school success
Author Alan Blankstein ("Failure is not an option: six principles that guide student achievement in high performing schools") delivered the keynote address about collaboration at the UEA's annual convention last Friday. Blankstein is also the president and founder of the HOPE (harnessing Optimism Potential through Education) nonprofit organization that works with schools to develop successful leadership teams and school cultures.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lawmakers consider all-day kindergarten
On October 6th Molly Farmer wrote in the Deseret News:
"The state is considering if and how to fund optional extended-day kindergarten throughout Utah."
Brenda Hales, associate Superintendent from the State Office of Education, told lawmakers about the pilot program in its fourth year that is currently serving more than 8,000 students. Teaching students for a full day instead of half has been proven to dramatically improve a child's literacy, particularly for at-risk children. When children show up on their first day of class, some have never been read to, while others can read full paragraphs and spell their names.
We will have to monitor this legislation in January as funding talks begin.
"The state is considering if and how to fund optional extended-day kindergarten throughout Utah."
Brenda Hales, associate Superintendent from the State Office of Education, told lawmakers about the pilot program in its fourth year that is currently serving more than 8,000 students. Teaching students for a full day instead of half has been proven to dramatically improve a child's literacy, particularly for at-risk children. When children show up on their first day of class, some have never been read to, while others can read full paragraphs and spell their names.
We will have to monitor this legislation in January as funding talks begin.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
UEA President explains dual endorsement
President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh sent a message to members yesterday explaining the UEA's dual endorsement in the Governor's race.
"...the U-PAC (UEA Political Action Committee) is made up of representatives from all areas and UniServs of the state. ...we engaged in a lengthy conversation (and) ...requested that all members of the U-PAC go back to their constituents and ask for their feedback...I also e-mailed the local presidents and UDs (UniServ Directors) explaining the process...the dual endorsement decision was made based upon this feedback and discussion...The U-PAC chose a dual endorsement because of several factors...A brochure with a side-by-side comparison is being developed (and will) be mailed to members."
Both candidates have been invited to the UEA Convention and will speak.
"...the U-PAC (UEA Political Action Committee) is made up of representatives from all areas and UniServs of the state. ...we engaged in a lengthy conversation (and) ...requested that all members of the U-PAC go back to their constituents and ask for their feedback...I also e-mailed the local presidents and UDs (UniServ Directors) explaining the process...the dual endorsement decision was made based upon this feedback and discussion...The U-PAC chose a dual endorsement because of several factors...A brochure with a side-by-side comparison is being developed (and will) be mailed to members."
Both candidates have been invited to the UEA Convention and will speak.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
UEA Convention Oct. 14-15
Go to the www.utea.org to see more about the sessions and speakers you will see at the UEA Convention this Thursday and Friday. Don't forget the New Teacher Workshop on Friday and the Superstars awards celebration Thursday afternoon . Political candidates will be available at 12:30 Thursday with both Gov. Herbert and Mayor Corroon speaking. Don't miss the exhibits and Association Reps pick up your thank gift at Booth #313.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Falling Behind: Utah Schools Need Better Funding
Read the entire editorial at www.sltrib.com on the Opinion Page.
The Salt Lake Tribune is supportive of increased public school funding in this positive editorial.
The Salt Lake Tribune is supportive of increased public school funding in this positive editorial.
Friday, October 8, 2010
FEA Students Read for the Record
FEA members from OHS, BLHS and Weber schools read the book, "The Snowy Day" to hundreds of elementary students Thursday as part of the "Read for the Record" event. You can read about it in the Standard-Examiner today at www.standard.net
Thursday, October 7, 2010
State public school chief calls for targeted spending
Read Molly Farmer's article about State Supt. Larry Shumway's "State of Education" speech at www.deseretnews.com
"Targeted spending and strengthening business relationships are some of the improvements State Superintendent Larry Shumway would like to see made in the public school system during the upcoming school year."
"Targeted spending and strengthening business relationships are some of the improvements State Superintendent Larry Shumway would like to see made in the public school system during the upcoming school year."
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Teacher Accountablility
The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote in it's editorial several days ago:
"President Barack Obama made another big push for his education agenda this week, with a renewed call to hold the worst teachers accountable. Those who fail to improve quickly have 'got to go.' It is a hard directive, but a necessary one, given the sorry state of public education. Students are failing classes and flunking out at alarming rates unable to read or perform basic math skills. Obama's plan calls for teachers who miss the mark to get additional training and a chance to improve, which is fair. But those who still fail to improve after a reasonable period could be fired. No doubt, teachers' unions are disturbed to hear such tough talk again from Obama, and with it the prospect that some teachers could lose jobs. But the president has made clear his intent to change the status quo. Obama did take a conciliatory tone in expressing his desire to work with the education unions. Historically, collective bargaining units have been reluctant to address issues such as tenure that make it difficult to get rid of poorly performing teachers. That must change. Keeping bad teachers who wear tenure like a badge of honor hurts students students in chronically troubled schools. It also makes it difficult for good teachers to create environments where students can succeed."
"President Barack Obama made another big push for his education agenda this week, with a renewed call to hold the worst teachers accountable. Those who fail to improve quickly have 'got to go.' It is a hard directive, but a necessary one, given the sorry state of public education. Students are failing classes and flunking out at alarming rates unable to read or perform basic math skills. Obama's plan calls for teachers who miss the mark to get additional training and a chance to improve, which is fair. But those who still fail to improve after a reasonable period could be fired. No doubt, teachers' unions are disturbed to hear such tough talk again from Obama, and with it the prospect that some teachers could lose jobs. But the president has made clear his intent to change the status quo. Obama did take a conciliatory tone in expressing his desire to work with the education unions. Historically, collective bargaining units have been reluctant to address issues such as tenure that make it difficult to get rid of poorly performing teachers. That must change. Keeping bad teachers who wear tenure like a badge of honor hurts students students in chronically troubled schools. It also makes it difficult for good teachers to create environments where students can succeed."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
WEA Mediation Meeting
The Weber Education Association negotiation team met with the District team and mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, last evening and finished up talks and agreements on all non-money items. We are still waiting for the legislature to meet (probably in November) to discuss how much and when we will receive the "federal jobs bill" money that can be used for salary. We were happy to hear that P.E. specialists will be hired for each elementary school starting in January to give teachers another 30 minutes of prep time. Elementary prep time has been a priority of our WEA negotiations for four years.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Salt Lake Tribune Editorial: School Like Ours
Read in today's Salt Lake Tribune at www.sltib.com (under opinion) about Utah's test scores lagging behind other similar states. Utah's students lag far behind in reading, math and science test scores, according to a new local study that compares Utah students with those in states that similar demographics.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ogden/Weber Candidate Recommendations
Here are the PAC recommended candidates:
- House 6 No recommendation
- House 7 Ryan Wilcox
- House 8 Gage Froerer
- House 9 Neil Hansen
- House 10 Randy Rounds
- House 11 Brad Dee
- House 12 Richard Greenwood
- Senate 18 No recommendation
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Waiting for Superman
Gail Collins has a great column in the NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/)
today talking about the movie "Waiting for Superman" that follows five urban students in their quest to find a better education. NBC and MSNBC have been discussing education all week and there has been a lot of "union bashing". The column is worth reading.
today talking about the movie "Waiting for Superman" that follows five urban students in their quest to find a better education. NBC and MSNBC have been discussing education all week and there has been a lot of "union bashing". The column is worth reading.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jordan School Board ratifies agreement with teachers for lanes and steps
The Jordan School District has ratified the agreement with the Jordan Education Association that resulted from negotiations, mediation and finally a fact-finding hearing. Jordan teachers will receive their lanes and steps for this year, but will not receive them next year unless funding increases to pay for them. JEA went to impasse early in the process and mediation did not solve anything. A fact-finder was hired by the district and JEA (final cost to JEA was several thousand dollars). The JEA leadership and staff prepared extensive material that was presented to the fact-finder in a hearing. The fact-finder recommended that the school district pay the lanes and steps. Jordan did not receive steps last year, but took a one-time 1% bonus instead.
Weber resumes their mediation meetings with the district and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, next Monday, Oct. 4.
Ogden has not scheduled any further mediation meetings until we have more information about the federal money coming to our state. Our best information (from legislators) is that we probably will be able to use half of the federal money for salaries and benefits, because the legislature will cut the districts funding for this fiscal year because of the lack of tax revenues. The new tax revenue numbers will be here in November and the legislators tell us that they will meet in special session in November to discuss the money.
Weber resumes their mediation meetings with the district and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, next Monday, Oct. 4.
Ogden has not scheduled any further mediation meetings until we have more information about the federal money coming to our state. Our best information (from legislators) is that we probably will be able to use half of the federal money for salaries and benefits, because the legislature will cut the districts funding for this fiscal year because of the lack of tax revenues. The new tax revenue numbers will be here in November and the legislators tell us that they will meet in special session in November to discuss the money.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
President Obama wants longer school year, fewer bad teachers
Erica Werner writes in an AP story found in the Standard-Examiner today: "Barely into the new school year, President Barack Obama issued a tough-love message to students and teachers on Monday: Their year in the classroom should be longer, and poorly performing teachers should get out."
Read the entire article at www.standard.net
Read the entire article at www.standard.net
Monday, September 27, 2010
Herbert, Corroon agree education is priority
We can all sleep better tonight knowing that both candidates for Governor "understand educaton is a top priority for voters". Now if our schools had a $1000 for each time a politician had made that statement. I was glad that in their first televised debate that they were both asked the question about education being held "harmless" in the last legislature. What a joke... Corroon said "We have almost 24,00 new students coming into our education system, whether it's public or higher education, yet our budget was cut again. That's not holding education harmless, that's hurting our education system." The truth hurts doesn't it....
The Governor countered by pointing out huge funding increases to education over the past five years. He said, "Public education was facing a $400 million cut. They took a $10 million knick is all"...What BS.. Weber lost that much alone...Davis and Jordan lost twice that much...what is he talking about???
Again, our politicians speak "with forked tongue" when it comes to funding. The Utah Foundation shows that our effort to fund education has declined not increased. Anyone who has seen their pay cut and their class sizes increase realizes this.
The Governor countered by pointing out huge funding increases to education over the past five years. He said, "Public education was facing a $400 million cut. They took a $10 million knick is all"...What BS.. Weber lost that much alone...Davis and Jordan lost twice that much...what is he talking about???
Again, our politicians speak "with forked tongue" when it comes to funding. The Utah Foundation shows that our effort to fund education has declined not increased. Anyone who has seen their pay cut and their class sizes increase realizes this.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Elementary Prep time for Weber elementary teachers
The W.E.A. has been working hard in negotiations the past several years to give Weber elementary teachers more planning time. We are happy to hear that starting in January each teacher at each building will have a weekly 30 minute prep time. The district is using the last of their PE grant to pay for specialists who will provide instruction to each class once a week. We appreciate the support of Supt. Jacobsen and Mike Skeen in working to help our teachers.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
WEA Mediation to resume Oct. 4
WEA, Weber district and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, will resume mediation on Monday, Oct. 4. We will be discussing policy matters and also how we can utilize the Federal "jobs bill" money. Our legislators have informed us that they will probably meet in November for a special session to discuss the money. UEA is pushing for an October meeting. Please contact your legislators and encourage them to meet sooner than later and allow the money to flow to districts for local decision making.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Report: Teacher bonuses have no effect on scores
Read the AP story in today's Salt Lake Tribune at www.sltrib.com
Dorie Turner writes "Offering big bonuses to teachers failed to raise students' test scores in a three-year study released Tuesday that calls into question the Obama administration's push for merit pay to improve education. The report, conducted in the metropolitan Nashville school system by Vanderbilt University's National Center on Performance Incentives, was described by the researchers as the nations's first scientifically rigorous look at merit pay for teachers. It indicated that students whose teachers were offered up to $15,000 a year for improved test scores registered the same gains on standardized exams as those whose teachers were given no such incentives."
UEA has scheduled a meeting tomorrow with members of schools around the state who are involved either in the pilot merit pay program or SIG (School Improvemen Grant) schools who are offering bonuses based on assessments. Ogden's Madison, Dee and Odyssey are using the MAP assessment for a pre and post test to demonstrate growth that will allow their teachers to receive a $1000.00 bonus this year. We will discuss the programs at the state level.
Dorie Turner writes "Offering big bonuses to teachers failed to raise students' test scores in a three-year study released Tuesday that calls into question the Obama administration's push for merit pay to improve education. The report, conducted in the metropolitan Nashville school system by Vanderbilt University's National Center on Performance Incentives, was described by the researchers as the nations's first scientifically rigorous look at merit pay for teachers. It indicated that students whose teachers were offered up to $15,000 a year for improved test scores registered the same gains on standardized exams as those whose teachers were given no such incentives."
UEA has scheduled a meeting tomorrow with members of schools around the state who are involved either in the pilot merit pay program or SIG (School Improvemen Grant) schools who are offering bonuses based on assessments. Ogden's Madison, Dee and Odyssey are using the MAP assessment for a pre and post test to demonstrate growth that will allow their teachers to receive a $1000.00 bonus this year. We will discuss the programs at the state level.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The UEA: Working for you
Here is a brief overview of what the UEA has been doing to help members:
- Working with NEA, we helped secure $100 million in federal funds to help Utah public schools. The money can be used for compensation and benfefits.
- Utah Governor Herbert and Lt. Governor Bell met with the UEA Board to talk about public education.
- The UEA Education Excellence Coalition-comprised of parents, education, business and community leaders-began meeting during the summer of 2010. One of the goals is to create a sustainable, long-term plan for the state's K-12 public education system.
- UEA staff members are immersed in redesigning the UEA Website.
- UEA and NEA staff have been working with the local education associations and UniServs involved with School Improvement Grants (Ogden has three schools)
- UEA staff have put in thousands of hours preparing for this years 100th Anniversary UEA Convention, Oct. 14 and 15th.
- Leaders and staff from the UEA and urban and rural education associations met for a full day to discuss membeship and organizing around the Taxes, Economic Development and Public Education Funding message.
- The UEA has begun implementation of the transformation recommendations: (1)Advocating for members' needs through a strong public relations/image/member engagement campaign (2) enhancing the UEA's communication structure and (3) developing a system of collaboration between staff and governance.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Extended Kindergarten Program in schools is in limbo
Read Elizabeth Stuart's entire article at www.deseretnews.com
"Citing a need for more comprehensive data about the success of extended-day kindergarten, legislators on the Education Subcommittee declined to make a decision last week about whether to recommend continued funding for a statewide program."
'We are closing the gap by the end of kindergarten,' said Reed Spencer, elementary language arts specialist for the State Office of Education. 'There is no question about that'.
"Legislators raised questions, however, about whether students maintained those gains as they moved though first, second and third grades."
"Citing a need for more comprehensive data about the success of extended-day kindergarten, legislators on the Education Subcommittee declined to make a decision last week about whether to recommend continued funding for a statewide program."
'We are closing the gap by the end of kindergarten,' said Reed Spencer, elementary language arts specialist for the State Office of Education. 'There is no question about that'.
"Legislators raised questions, however, about whether students maintained those gains as they moved though first, second and third grades."
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ogden/Weber PAC Recommends Legislative Candidates
The Ogden/Weber UniServ Political Action Committee finished their candidate interviews last night and has made the following recommendations:
House District #6 No Recommendation
House District #7 Recommends Ryan Wilcox
House District #8 Recommends Gage Froerer
House District #9 Recommends Neil Hansen
House District #10 Recommends Randy Rounds
House District #11 Recommends Brad Dee
House District #12 Recommends Richard Greenwood
Senate District #18 No Recommendation
House District #6 No Recommendation
House District #7 Recommends Ryan Wilcox
House District #8 Recommends Gage Froerer
House District #9 Recommends Neil Hansen
House District #10 Recommends Randy Rounds
House District #11 Recommends Brad Dee
House District #12 Recommends Richard Greenwood
Senate District #18 No Recommendation
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Jordan Education Association settles for steps and lanes
Jordan Education Association has finally settled negotiations after going to mediation and fact-finding. Jordan teachers will receive their contractual steps and lanes this year. You can read the entire article at www.sltrib.com
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Utah to get funds for school testing
A coalition of 31 states, including Utah, was awarded $160 million in federal funding to develop an adaptive testing sytem for use in public schools. Judy Park, associate superintendent for student services and federal programs for the Utah State Office of Education, cochairs the executive committee of the partnership of states known as the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium. Utah was one of two states that applied for and received federal Race to the Top money to develop an assessment system. The tests the consortium plans to develop will be administered on a computer and given multiple times a year to students in grades 3-6 and 11, and will provide real-time results and a chance to chart student progress thoughout the school year.
For more information, visit www.k12..wa.us/SMARTER/ and www.corestandards.org/
For more information, visit www.k12..wa.us/SMARTER/ and www.corestandards.org/
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Feds to send $101M for Utah Schools
Read Joseph M. Dougherty's article in it's entirety at http://www.deseretnews.com/
"The U.S. Department of Education announced Monday that Utah will receive $101 million in stimulus funding geared toward teachers' jobs, despite earlier controversy over whether the state should apply for it and ongoing questions about exactly how much school districts will have to spend."
The money must be used for salary and benefits for educators, classified, and school administrators. It could mean as much as $5.6 million for Weber and $2.1 million for Ogden. The legislator must meet in a special session to accept the money. We are asking all of our teachers to contact their legislators (don't use your school computer or school email) and ask them to allow the money to come to the districts for the correct purpose.
Both OEA's and WEA's mediation meetings have been on hold until we know more about the money.
"The U.S. Department of Education announced Monday that Utah will receive $101 million in stimulus funding geared toward teachers' jobs, despite earlier controversy over whether the state should apply for it and ongoing questions about exactly how much school districts will have to spend."
The money must be used for salary and benefits for educators, classified, and school administrators. It could mean as much as $5.6 million for Weber and $2.1 million for Ogden. The legislator must meet in a special session to accept the money. We are asking all of our teachers to contact their legislators (don't use your school computer or school email) and ask them to allow the money to come to the districts for the correct purpose.
Both OEA's and WEA's mediation meetings have been on hold until we know more about the money.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Deadlines for UEA Awards approaching
Go to the UEA Website at www.utea.org to nominate your colleagues for the Excellence in Teaching Award (deadline Sept. 17). The Honor Roll Award (deadline Sept. 24) is given to community members, legislators etc who are friends of education and the Charles Bennett Award (deadline Sept. 24) is for community members who do work for Human and Civil Rights. All three are given at the UEA Convention.
Friday, September 10, 2010
USA Today Editorial: Education
Thursday, Sept. 9, USA Editorial page had a debate over "value added" teacher evaluations being made public. Go to www.usatoday.com to read both opinions.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Some Districts already counting on federal cash
Read Lisa Schencker's article at http://www.sltrib.com/
"Governor Herbert sent the state's application for the $101 million to the feds on Tuesday. The money is part of a federal $10 billion Education Jobs program meant to help save teaching jobs this school year."
Because the state legislature needs to have a special session (we are hoping for October) to approve the money, you need to contact your legislator and tell them to let the money flow to the districts to help bridge the gaps in the budget. You can find your legislator by going to the UEA website (Under the Dome) at http://www.utea.org/ or go to the UniServ website http://www.ogdenweber.org/ and click on "Political Action".
Thanks Rick
"Governor Herbert sent the state's application for the $101 million to the feds on Tuesday. The money is part of a federal $10 billion Education Jobs program meant to help save teaching jobs this school year."
Because the state legislature needs to have a special session (we are hoping for October) to approve the money, you need to contact your legislator and tell them to let the money flow to the districts to help bridge the gaps in the budget. You can find your legislator by going to the UEA website (Under the Dome) at http://www.utea.org/ or go to the UniServ website http://www.ogdenweber.org/ and click on "Political Action".
Thanks Rick
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Businesses are banking on education
Lisa Schencker has a good article on how businesses in Salt Lake are offering ideas to support education. Some of their ideas include:
- State-funded optional preschool for at-risk kids
- Statewide optional all-day kindergarten
- Giving the ACT to all students
- Setting goals of 90% of sixth-graders and ninth-graders reading and doing math at grade level
Read the entire article at www.sltrib.com
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
UEA President Urges State Leaders to Use Federal Education Money ASAP
"The children of a recession deserve the same educational opportunities as the children of prosperity," said UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh. "Each day we delay getting this money into our classrooms is a day lost in a child's education."
"The reality is we need this money now...for our students and our economy. I am disappointed to hear some state leaders suggest we delay getting this money to the schools where is is so desparately needed. This funding will go to urban and rural school districts and help stimulate Utah's economy."
Ogden could see as much as $2.1 million and Weber would receive as much as $5.6 million that could used for employee benefits and salary.
"The reality is we need this money now...for our students and our economy. I am disappointed to hear some state leaders suggest we delay getting this money to the schools where is is so desparately needed. This funding will go to urban and rural school districts and help stimulate Utah's economy."
Ogden could see as much as $2.1 million and Weber would receive as much as $5.6 million that could used for employee benefits and salary.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Republican Legislators Threaten to Cut Federal Funds in half
House Republicans did not get the opinion from the Attorney General's office that they were hoping. They had hoped to sue to stop the "jobs bill" money from coming to Utah schools. Carl Wimmer, head of the conservative "Patrick Henry Caucus", said "I don't think enough information has been given to citizens how dangerous and unprecedented this is is. It takes away locally elected representatives' authority, it commandeers the state's legislature, and it nullifies their power and bypasses them by Congress' authority."
Read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Now, Republican leaders, Speaker Clark and President Waddoups are threatening to take half of the $101 million back to pay for the budget deficit. The money is earmarked for salary and benefits for classified, licensed and school administrators. Governor Herbert met with Utah Republicans to explain his reasons for applying (Sept. 9 is the deadline) for the Federal jobs money.
It shouldn't amaze me (after 25 years in Utah) to see the hypocricy of legislators. They continually usurp local controls and negotiations while crying about Federal intrusion.
Rick Palmer
Read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Now, Republican leaders, Speaker Clark and President Waddoups are threatening to take half of the $101 million back to pay for the budget deficit. The money is earmarked for salary and benefits for classified, licensed and school administrators. Governor Herbert met with Utah Republicans to explain his reasons for applying (Sept. 9 is the deadline) for the Federal jobs money.
It shouldn't amaze me (after 25 years in Utah) to see the hypocricy of legislators. They continually usurp local controls and negotiations while crying about Federal intrusion.
Rick Palmer
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Five Utah Schools to Give Pay Boosts
Five public schools will give educators the chance to earn up to $2,000 more this year as part of a pilot program to tie teacher pay to student results.
State lawmakers granted the schools $300,000 to develop the perfomance pay model. The plans reward 40% of the pay based on student achievement, 40% on teacher instruction and 20% on parent satisfaction.
Rep. Greg Hughes, a Draper Republican, says the program is a way for the state to reward teachers who strive for excellence.
The schools chosen for the pilot program are Ashman Elementary in Richfield, Manila Elementary in Pleasant Grove, Midway Elementary in Midway, Canyon Rim Academy in Salt Lake City and Wasatch Peak Academy in North Salt Lake (the last two are charters).
State lawmakers granted the schools $300,000 to develop the perfomance pay model. The plans reward 40% of the pay based on student achievement, 40% on teacher instruction and 20% on parent satisfaction.
Rep. Greg Hughes, a Draper Republican, says the program is a way for the state to reward teachers who strive for excellence.
The schools chosen for the pilot program are Ashman Elementary in Richfield, Manila Elementary in Pleasant Grove, Midway Elementary in Midway, Canyon Rim Academy in Salt Lake City and Wasatch Peak Academy in North Salt Lake (the last two are charters).
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Utah Education Association Endorses Both Herbert and Corroon
In the race for Utah governor, the Utah Education Association's political action committee (U-PAC) has endorsed both Governor Gary Herbert and Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon. The U-PAC Executive Council which is comprised of educators from every geographic region of the state, made the decision at their August meeting.
Both Corroon and Herbert met with U-PAC representatives in July to outline their education plans. Both asked for and actively sought the Association's endorsement.
"A quality public school for every child is the Association's top priority," said UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh. "Both Governor Herbert and Mayor Corroon have identified public education as a priority in this campaign. In addition, they recognize the important connection between investing in public schools and growing the Utah economy."
Rick Palmer
Both Corroon and Herbert met with U-PAC representatives in July to outline their education plans. Both asked for and actively sought the Association's endorsement.
"A quality public school for every child is the Association's top priority," said UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh. "Both Governor Herbert and Mayor Corroon have identified public education as a priority in this campaign. In addition, they recognize the important connection between investing in public schools and growing the Utah economy."
Rick Palmer
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Some Charters hire for-profit management
In an Elizabeth Stuart, Deseret News article, we read "When Mountainville Academy found a $300,000 hole in its budget last year, administrators called Lincoln Fillmore. When C.S. Lewis Academy had questions about complicated state reports, administrators called Lincoln Fillmore. And when Gateway Preparatory Academy needed a short term loan, administrators called Lincoln Fillmore."
Lincoln Fillmore, a huge part of the Parents for Choice pro-voucher crowd, has a businsess, Charter Solutions, that helps charter schools with accounting, human resources, and other business concerns.
Weber has two new charter schools opening this year. Our district looks to lose over 400 students to these "public" schools. The lines between the public charter schools and these "private management companies" seems blurred at best.
Rick Palmer
Lincoln Fillmore, a huge part of the Parents for Choice pro-voucher crowd, has a businsess, Charter Solutions, that helps charter schools with accounting, human resources, and other business concerns.
Weber has two new charter schools opening this year. Our district looks to lose over 400 students to these "public" schools. The lines between the public charter schools and these "private management companies" seems blurred at best.
Rick Palmer
Monday, August 30, 2010
Corroon assails "Band-Aid" ed approach
Lisa Riley Roche wrote last week in the Deseret News, "Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon, the Democratic candidate for governor, said Monday the state needs to replace its 'Band-Aid' approach to public education with a long-term plan. In a kindergarten classroom at Dilworth Elementary School, Corroon released his proposal for 'bringing our schools into the 21st century,' the latest in a series of policy papers intended to showcase how he would be a better leader for the state than GOP Gov. Gary Herbert."
Saturday, August 28, 2010
OEA and WEA New Teacher Membership
Both OEA and WEA held successfull starts to their 2010-11 membership campaigns last week with Weber signing over 30 new members at their breakfast at New Teacher orientation at Orion Jr. High and Ogden signing up 20 at the OEA's luncheon at NTO at the District office. We also held Association Rep training to give our reps their membership materials. We are looking forward to a strong membership year as we work hard to our members salary and benefits in negotiations.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Ogden Standard-Examiner Supports Federal Money coming to teachers
I was happy to see the Standard-Examiner supporting the infusion of Federal money coming to teachers in their editorial this morning. The legislative leaders have made noise that they might try and block or reassign the money to other budget areas. The federal legislation is quite clear in its objective to be used for rehiring teachers who were laid off, supporting salaries and benefits of classified, licensed and school building administrators. We know that Gov. Herbert is completing the application for the money and we hope that the legislature does not mess with the process as they meet in special session to discuss the funding. Please contact your state legislators and tell them to allow the money to flow to the districts to be used as the congress designated. That is the definition of local control.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
OEA Negotiation Team meets with District Team and Mediator Tuesday
OEA's team met with the district team and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, Tuesday for a couple of hours to look at defining the issues, listing our interests and brainstorming options for settlement. We did not schedule another meeting with the idea that the new "jobs bill" money coming from the Feds will help. We have to wait until the legislature meets in special session to allocate the money. We hope they don't screw it up too much.
WEA's team postponed their mediation meetings for the same reasons as above. We are waiting for more info on the fed money.
Stay tuned.
WEA's team postponed their mediation meetings for the same reasons as above. We are waiting for more info on the fed money.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Federal Aid Perturbs Lawmakers
Last week the legisature met in interim meetings and discussed the "jobs bill" money coming to state public schools. They complained that this is "encroaching on the state's rights". It shouldn't surprise anyone that some of those leading the outcry against accepting the money are Senator Jenkins and Speaker Clark. Of course, the Patrick Henry Caucus (how many times can they deface a true patriot) is crying foul. Hell0oooo....our budgets are bleeding red ink and we need a band aid or a tourniquet even. Please call or email your legislators and say leave our money alone. For Weber and Ogden Districts it could mean $5.6 and $2 million dollars for employee salaries and benefits. We are at impasse in negotiations and anything would help reach agreement. Tell the legislators to "butt out" and allow the Governor (who has said he will apply for the money) to do his job and get some much-needed money into our schools.
Monday, August 23, 2010
OEA President to respond to Standard-Examiner Editorial
OEA's President, Doug Stephens, has responded to the editorial of last Wednesday entitled "No Raises for Teachers". We hope to see it printed this week.
WEA's negotiation team is scheduled to meet with mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, on Tuesday.
OEA's negotiation team will begin mediation with Lynn Trenbeath on Tuesday also.
I will be up on WSU's campus today talking to four groups of new education students and also new student teachers. (over 150 students) I will be promoting student membership in the association. We have evidence that student members become active members when hired.
WEA's negotiation team is scheduled to meet with mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, on Tuesday.
OEA's negotiation team will begin mediation with Lynn Trenbeath on Tuesday also.
I will be up on WSU's campus today talking to four groups of new education students and also new student teachers. (over 150 students) I will be promoting student membership in the association. We have evidence that student members become active members when hired.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Weber New Teachers Breakfast a Success
Members of the WEA Executive Board and Association Building Reps served breakfast to over 80 new hires to the Weber District this morning and we signed up 31 new members. It is a good start to our membership campaign this year.
OEA's negotiation team has agreed to have Lynn Trenbeath serve as our mediator for the upcoming negotiations that starts Tuesday, Aug. 24. Lynn also is working with WEA in their mediation process.
OEA's negotiation team has agreed to have Lynn Trenbeath serve as our mediator for the upcoming negotiations that starts Tuesday, Aug. 24. Lynn also is working with WEA in their mediation process.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Guv to apply for federal ed funds; Utah GOP upset
You can read Joseph M. Dougherty entire article at http://www.deseretnews.com/
He writes "The money is coming whether they like it or not, and many of them don't...Governor Gary Herbert plans to apply for the money, which comes from a federal law enacted Aug. 10 that provides funding for Medicaid and education salaries...' It would be foolish for the state of Utah not to accept this funding, which will directly benefit Utah's schoolchildren'...Kory Holdaway (UEA's lobbyist) said,"The value of one-time money isn't as great as ongoing money, but it's $100 million more than we had a week ago." Some Republicans are complaining about the federal money coming with strings attached.
We estimate a funding of $5.6 million for Weber District and over $2 million for Ogden. This money is earmarked for salaries and benefits of classified employees, licensed employees and school administrators. It comes as both of our associations have entered mediation because of the districts failure to honor the payment of our contractual step increments.
He writes "The money is coming whether they like it or not, and many of them don't...Governor Gary Herbert plans to apply for the money, which comes from a federal law enacted Aug. 10 that provides funding for Medicaid and education salaries...' It would be foolish for the state of Utah not to accept this funding, which will directly benefit Utah's schoolchildren'...Kory Holdaway (UEA's lobbyist) said,"The value of one-time money isn't as great as ongoing money, but it's $100 million more than we had a week ago." Some Republicans are complaining about the federal money coming with strings attached.
We estimate a funding of $5.6 million for Weber District and over $2 million for Ogden. This money is earmarked for salaries and benefits of classified employees, licensed employees and school administrators. It comes as both of our associations have entered mediation because of the districts failure to honor the payment of our contractual step increments.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
OEA Leadership Hosts New Teacher Luncheon
OEA's Executive Board and Association Building Reps met Tuesday morning for training and information before attending the luncheon for Ogden New hires at the district office. Our leaders presented information to the new teachers and encouraged them to join the OEA. One big recruitment tool this year is the opportunity for our new teachers to sign up for a Basic Med Insurance program for the duration of the 90 waiting period. UEA and OEA will subsidize the premium and the new teachers will only pay $75 for the 90 days of insurance. We signed up 19 new members yesterday and hope that our building reps will contact the new teachers again in their buildings.
OEA's negotiation team is working with the Supt. to choose a mediator. President Stephens received some names from the Supt. and will respond. We hope to get started as soon as possible. We sent a negotiation update out in the mail to our OEA members yesterday.
OEA's negotiation team is working with the Supt. to choose a mediator. President Stephens received some names from the Supt. and will respond. We hope to get started as soon as possible. We sent a negotiation update out in the mail to our OEA members yesterday.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Weber Mediation Continues
WEA's negotiation team, Weber district's team and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, met yesterday (Monday) at 9:00 a.m. for over two hours and discussed more options for coming to an agreement. The new "Jobs Bill" money or "stimulus money" coming from the federal government (estimated at possibly $5.6 million for Weber) was a major topic of discussion. We are just getting more information on how it can be used and when the money will be arriving. We will meet again next Tuesday, Aug. 24 at the district office.
The Deseret News weighed in on the stimulus money in an editorial you can read at www.deseretnews.com
The Deseret News weighed in on the stimulus money in an editorial you can read at www.deseretnews.com
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ogden Education Association Declares Impasse in Negotiations
OEA's Negotiation Team met with the district team, the classified team and the administrators's team Friday morning and heard the school boards final offer. It did not offer much of anything new and we were given an ultimatum of accepting by Monday (today) by 4 pm or the district would call impasse and send out a news release explaining our rejection of their plan. Our OEA board met immediately after and voted to go to impasse. Notification was made to Supt. Zabriskie and we sent out a news release. We will be sending a mailing to all members this week. We will work with the district to appoint a mediator and start the mediation process as soon as possible. We know that the Obama administration and Congress have passed a "jobs bill" that could bring up to $2 million dollars to Ogden District that can be used for salary. We are optimistic that this will help us reach an agreement. We will start the year without a new contract. If you have questions, please contact me (Rick Palmer) at 801-390-6365 or email Doug Stephens at stephensd@ogdensd.org
Weber mediation continues this morning at 9 a.m. with a meeting of the WEA team, the district team and mediator Lynn Trenbeath. We hope the infusion of $5 million dollars in stimulus money from the federal government will help us reach agreement.
Weber mediation continues this morning at 9 a.m. with a meeting of the WEA team, the district team and mediator Lynn Trenbeath. We hope the infusion of $5 million dollars in stimulus money from the federal government will help us reach agreement.
Friday, August 13, 2010
New Stimulus Money to Come to Utah
The "jobs bill" that Congress passed and President Obama signed this week will bring around $101 million new education dollars to Utah. UEA's Director of Research, Jay Blain gave us this information from the U.S. Dept of Ed concerning the acceptable uses of the money:
- Recalling teachers, recalling other building employees including building administrators
- Reinstating furlough days or other days lost to funding cuts
- COLAS or steps on salary schedules
- Provide money for local programs
- Adding hours, days or programs at a school level
The applications are being emailed to governors today (Friday) and as soon as the governor returns the application the money will follow quickly. The money will be distributed either by using the WPU or using Title 1 formulas. If you have questions you can email Jay Blain at jay.blain@utea.org or email directly to educationjobsfund@ed.gov
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Weber Mediation Met Yesterday
Both the WEA Negotiations Team and the District Team met with our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, yesterday for two hours to start the mediation process. We defined the issues and discussed our concerns and interests on both sides. We then looked at options. Lynn gave both groups homework and we will reconvene on Monday, August 16.
The new stimulus money could mean more than $5 million to Weber District and over $2 million to Ogden to help with retaining and hiring teachers. It is part of the almost $100 million that is Utah's share of the jobs bill that President Obama signed into law. The NEA lobbied hard for this bill that will save up to 1,500 teacher jobs in Utah alone.
Ogden negotiations continues tomorrow morning with a meeting with the classified, administrators and the district.
The new stimulus money could mean more than $5 million to Weber District and over $2 million to Ogden to help with retaining and hiring teachers. It is part of the almost $100 million that is Utah's share of the jobs bill that President Obama signed into law. The NEA lobbied hard for this bill that will save up to 1,500 teacher jobs in Utah alone.
Ogden negotiations continues tomorrow morning with a meeting with the classified, administrators and the district.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
1,500 teachers' jobs could be saved
"With President Barack Obama's signature on the $26 billion stimulus bill for education and Medicaid on Tuesday, Utah stands to nab about $101 million for education for fiscal 2011." You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
WEA resumes their mediation this morning meeting with the district team and mediator, Lynn Trenbeath.
WEA resumes their mediation this morning meeting with the district team and mediator, Lynn Trenbeath.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Utah steps up ed standards
Lisa Schencker wrote Monday in the Tribune (www.sltrib.com) "Utah joined more than 30 other states Friday in adopting new math and language arts standards meant to boost students' readiness for college and work."
Also state education leaders are hoping to eventually adopt new statewide tests to reflect the new standards and replace current tests.
OEA negotiations meeting has been scheduled for Friday, August 13 at the district.
Also state education leaders are hoping to eventually adopt new statewide tests to reflect the new standards and replace current tests.
OEA negotiations meeting has been scheduled for Friday, August 13 at the district.
Monday, August 9, 2010
OEA Negotiations meeting cancelled by district
Thursday night the OEA Negotiations team found out that the scheduled negotiations meeting with Ogden District Friday morning was cancelled. The school board, meeting in executive session Thursday night, did not have any new information for us, according to Ogden District spokesperson Brenda Ruffier. We were disappointed and will now wait to see when we can meet again.
Jordan School District and JEA is still stalled in their teacher negotiations. JEA and the Jordan District met with a Federal Mediator last week for two days and were not able to come to an agreement. Jordan Education Association is asking for contractual steps and lanes and the district only offered to give them steps and lanes next year (2011-12) only if the JEA would accept other cuts to pay for them. The will now proceed to a fact-finding hearing officer appointed by state supt. Larry Shumway.
Weber Education Association will continue the mediation process meeting Wednesday, August 11 with the district team and the mediator, Lynn Trenbeath (retired Davis administrator).
Jordan School District and JEA is still stalled in their teacher negotiations. JEA and the Jordan District met with a Federal Mediator last week for two days and were not able to come to an agreement. Jordan Education Association is asking for contractual steps and lanes and the district only offered to give them steps and lanes next year (2011-12) only if the JEA would accept other cuts to pay for them. The will now proceed to a fact-finding hearing officer appointed by state supt. Larry Shumway.
Weber Education Association will continue the mediation process meeting Wednesday, August 11 with the district team and the mediator, Lynn Trenbeath (retired Davis administrator).
Friday, August 6, 2010
Time for teachers to embrace accountablity
Leonard Pitts Jr., syndicated columnist for the Miami Herald wrote "it is troubling to see teachers unions reflexively reject anything that smacks of accountability". He writes about the efforts of Washington, D.C schools chief Michelle Rhee who fired 241 teachers, "most of whom had performed poorly on a teacher evaluation system." President Obama defended his "Race to the Top education initiative, saying "the goal isn't simply to fire bad teachers, but to lower class sizes, reward excellence and demand accountability".
As Ogden District begins the "School Improvement Grant" at Odyssey, Dee and James Madison, the OEA is hopeful that the district will work with us to make sure the contract is followed and that we are at the table for any changes that might come to those schools such as extended day pay, extended year pay, incentives and evaluations. One of our goals is to help teachers succeed and improve instruction for our kids. It is also our goal to perserve the due process rights of our teachers and honor the negotiated agreement. Our teachers are expected to have accountability and we should ask that of every employee, administrator, student and parent in the district.
As Ogden District begins the "School Improvement Grant" at Odyssey, Dee and James Madison, the OEA is hopeful that the district will work with us to make sure the contract is followed and that we are at the table for any changes that might come to those schools such as extended day pay, extended year pay, incentives and evaluations. One of our goals is to help teachers succeed and improve instruction for our kids. It is also our goal to perserve the due process rights of our teachers and honor the negotiated agreement. Our teachers are expected to have accountability and we should ask that of every employee, administrator, student and parent in the district.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
OEA Negotiations to meet Friday
OEA's Negotiation Team will meet with the district team Friday morning to continue discussions. The school board is meeting in executive session tonight to discuss negotiations. Our OEA Executive Board will also meet Friday to discuss the negotiations.
WEA's next Mediation meeting is August 11 with the district and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath.
Weber's school board approved the move to EMIA for our IHC network. We will continue with Altius also. They also voted to "blend" the premiums payments. The district has not offered any increase on their contribution to insurance premiums.
Project Soar at Weber State enters its fourth day with a "Day in the Schools" for the students. They will be spending most of the day in Davis Year Around schools.
UEA sponsored a "Power brokers" luncheon yesterday that allowed students to meet College of Ed staff and also district administration.
WEA's next Mediation meeting is August 11 with the district and our mediator, Lynn Trenbeath.
Weber's school board approved the move to EMIA for our IHC network. We will continue with Altius also. They also voted to "blend" the premiums payments. The district has not offered any increase on their contribution to insurance premiums.
Project Soar at Weber State enters its fourth day with a "Day in the Schools" for the students. They will be spending most of the day in Davis Year Around schools.
UEA sponsored a "Power brokers" luncheon yesterday that allowed students to meet College of Ed staff and also district administration.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day Three-Project Launch @ WSU
Today the students and mentors will visit and tour the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind in Ogden. Later today, they will listen to a presentation by the faculty of the Child and Family Services. UEA is sponsoring their "power brokers lunch" today where the students will be able to meet some of the College of Education staff and leadership.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Project Launch Begins at WSU
New, incoming Weber State Students (around 30) , with their eye on becoming teachers, begin their week-long adventure at WSU campus this morning with a check-in to their dorm rooms, ice-breakers with their Future Education Association (WSU students) mentors, and a panel of new teachers. Later they will participate in a presentation of the "7 habits of highly effective college students".
This afternoon Dr. Peggy Saunders will present " Class and Team Team Building".
This program has been organized by Stephanie Heath (College of Ed recruiter) with the help of the FEA advisors and WSU Staff members.
This afternoon Dr. Peggy Saunders will present " Class and Team Team Building".
This program has been organized by Stephanie Heath (College of Ed recruiter) with the help of the FEA advisors and WSU Staff members.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Narciccism Update...
Many of you might remember a "Link" newsletter article I wrote about "Why I want to lose 100 lbs." In March I weighed 344 lbs and I had lap band surgery. I am currently 264 (80 lbs lost) and feeling great. My blood pressure has dropped from 156/86 to an average of 120/70. I am sure my cholesterol is down also...I will check that in a couple of months. I have more energy and yes, I can walk all four sets of stairs of Ogden High without a respirator. Well, enough about me, hope your summer is winding down and you are getting in those last vacations before school starts up. August is almost here...I think I can hear the kids buying their school clothes...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jordan Education Association at Impasse
Jordan Education Association also started their mediation process with the district this week. The Jordan District is not offering steps again this year. JEA declared impasse and they met with the Federal mediator, LaVonne Ritter Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
OEA Negotiations Update
Our last communication from Brenda Ruffier (spokesperson for district negotiations team) said that we would plan to meet again after the August 5 school board meeting. The board will meet in executive session to discuss negotiations. Our OEA negotiations team (Doug Stephens, Lisa Vipperman, Sherrie Dame, Whit Freund and Rick Palmer) is hoping to meet soon after the board meets on August 5th. Our last proposal was to restore the payment of increment steps.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
WEA Negotiations Mediation Update
Our WEA Negotiations Team met with Lynn Trenbeath yesterday and discussed our interests and gave her some background on where we were in negotiations. We set up our next meeting (with the District team also) for August 11. That was the soonest we could get everyone back in town.
Monday, July 26, 2010
WEA Mediation Starts This Morning
The WEA Negotiations team (Marlene Irons, Terie Maxfield, Kirk Ottley, Lee Claycomb, Shari Combe and Rick Palmer) begins meeting with Lynn Trenbeath (mediator) this morning to start the mediation process. Lynn has already met with the district team. Non-payment of contractual step increments for over 60 percent of our teachers is the main objective.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
USA Today: Free Speech for students
Tuesday, July 20th edition of USA Today has an interesting editorial (Ken Paulson) on free speech in public schools. I suggest you go to www.usatoday.com and read the entire article in the "Forum" section. He argues that students have some rights to criticize public administrators and teachers on social networks.
Have a nice Pioneer holiday.
Have a nice Pioneer holiday.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
OEA Negotiations Update
We are waiting on the district to respond to our last meeting (three weeks ago) and the latest news is that the district team has met with the board leadership and Supt. Zabriskie and does not have anything for us at this time. Our next meeting has not been scheduled, but it is looking like August before we can meet.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Districts Give Steps in Negotiations
Out of the 21 districts that have settled or are close to settling negotiations, 20 have received their contractual increment steps. Only Provo District did not receive steps and took a one time bonus. Some districts like Davis and Canyons are taking furlough days (days without pay) to pay for steps.
In Weber District, over 60 percent of our teachers are eligible for a step increment. They range from a low of $408 to a high of $1871. These increments are important to long term earnings and must be preserved to keep the integrity of the salary schedule. The three days of Quality Teaching pay is also a large salary issue. Three days of salary range from a low of $555 on Lane One, Step One to a high of $1002 at the top of the salary schedule.
As we start mediation next Monday, July 26, our goal is to work to preserve the step increments.
In Weber District, over 60 percent of our teachers are eligible for a step increment. They range from a low of $408 to a high of $1871. These increments are important to long term earnings and must be preserved to keep the integrity of the salary schedule. The three days of Quality Teaching pay is also a large salary issue. Three days of salary range from a low of $555 on Lane One, Step One to a high of $1002 at the top of the salary schedule.
As we start mediation next Monday, July 26, our goal is to work to preserve the step increments.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Education Spending in Utah
The Census Bureau reported that Utah ranked dead last in spending per student. Utah spends $5,765 per student while Idaho, second to last, spends $6,931 per student. Nationally, schools spent, on average, $10,259 per student. That is almost twice what Utah spends.
Sen. Curtis Bramble (no friend to public education) chose to highlight the fact that the Census Bureau also reported that Utah is 10th in the nation in the percent of how much state and local governments spend on education. (33.6%). He stated (with a straight face I am sure) that "It demonstrates that Utah has a high level of commitment to education." He also smirked (I wasn't there, but he smirks a lot) "All in all, I know that my colleagues in the state Legislature place a very high priority on educating our children." I guess he meant, educating them in charter, home schools and private schools. He failed to add that.
I apologize for my scepticism, but please...The legislature continues to pat themselves on their collective backs about "holding public education harmless"... a lie...last year, while our two districts are refusing to pay contractual step increments to their employees because the cuts in the legislative funding...huh???
See my problem?
Sen. Curtis Bramble (no friend to public education) chose to highlight the fact that the Census Bureau also reported that Utah is 10th in the nation in the percent of how much state and local governments spend on education. (33.6%). He stated (with a straight face I am sure) that "It demonstrates that Utah has a high level of commitment to education." He also smirked (I wasn't there, but he smirks a lot) "All in all, I know that my colleagues in the state Legislature place a very high priority on educating our children." I guess he meant, educating them in charter, home schools and private schools. He failed to add that.
I apologize for my scepticism, but please...The legislature continues to pat themselves on their collective backs about "holding public education harmless"... a lie...last year, while our two districts are refusing to pay contractual step increments to their employees because the cuts in the legislative funding...huh???
See my problem?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Project Launch-Weber State University-Future Educators
For five days incoming WSU students, interested in teaching, will attend Project Launch on campus at Weber State University. Stephanie Heath, College of Ed recruiter and Future Education Association-WSU advisor, has organized activities, trainings and opportunities for several new WSU students to learn more about the career of teaching. Students who have participated in the Teachers for Tomorrow program in Davis, Weber and Ogden school districts will staying on campus and rubbing shoulders with professors and other college personnel. Many of these students received scholarships to attend WSU after attending concurrent enrollment ED 1010 classes last year.
Our association has contributed greatly to the activities of the local FEA chapters. Our advisors, Suzy Davis (OHS), Tammy Brown-Johansen and Mindy Knowles (BLHS) and Joan Iverson (Bonneville High) do a great job with our students.
Our association has contributed greatly to the activities of the local FEA chapters. Our advisors, Suzy Davis (OHS), Tammy Brown-Johansen and Mindy Knowles (BLHS) and Joan Iverson (Bonneville High) do a great job with our students.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
WEA negotiations team to meet with mediator
The WEA Negotiations team is scheduled to meet with the mediator, Lynn Trenbeath, July 26th to start the mediation process. Lynn has already met with the district team. We will come together again in August.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Weber Negotiations Update-July 13
The WEA Negotiations team will be meeting with the mediator, Lynn Trenbreath, next week to start the mediation process. Lynn met with the Weber School District Team yesterday and we will schedule a time to meet with her next week. WEA declared impasse in negotiations and according to the state law we must go to mediation. We will keep you updated as we get more information.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jordan Layoffs a done deal
You can read Rosemary Winters's article in today's Trib at www.sltrib.com.
Jordan District has completed layoofs of 190 general education employeees and an additional 97 special education workers. This is to pay for a $29 million shortfall the legislature left them with.
Jordan District has completed layoofs of 190 general education employeees and an additional 97 special education workers. This is to pay for a $29 million shortfall the legislature left them with.
Friday, July 9, 2010
WEA Negotiations Update
WEA and Weber School District have reached impasse in negotiations over the district's refusal to pay step increments for those eligible teachers on the salary schedule. The legislature did not fully fund education and the district is having to go to the taxpayers for a tax increase and look for cuts in other places. WEA feels that the contract steps should be paid and that the district has an obligation to their employees to honor the contract. This represents about 60% of our teachers and we feel it is is worth the time to go to mediation over this issue. WEA also has worked with the insurance committee to look at recommendations that would keep insurance costs down, but is dismayed that the district is not willing to share in those increases. The loss of three more quality teaching days (the legislature hasn't funded those for two years) is also a hit for teachers only. We feel that the cuts should be more equitable and we should look at other options. Hopefully as we enter mediation we can achieve a more acceptable agreement.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
UEA Children At Risk Foundation Grant for FEA
Our three Future Education Chapters (Ben Lomond, Ogden and Bonneville) received a shot in the arm for funding with the approval of a $5,000 Children at Risk Foundation grant for this fall. This will help us fund the activities of these future teachers in Ogden and Weber District. Our advisors, Suzy Davis (OHS), Tamara Brown-Johansen and Mindy Knowles (BLHS) and Joan Iverson (BHS) have organized some great activities to start the year. Weber State will be hosting a week-long experience for incoming freshman that will include FEA sponsored activities. This year a group will also be organized at Mt. Ogden Jr. High.
We look forward to growing the program with the help of Stephanie Heath at WSU College of Education. She sponsors a college chapter of the FEA and there are also several chapters in Davis District.
We look forward to growing the program with the help of Stephanie Heath at WSU College of Education. She sponsors a college chapter of the FEA and there are also several chapters in Davis District.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
NEA RA Delegates Return Home
After being inspired by speeches from President Dennis Van Roekel, our 2010 teacher of the year, Maryland's governor and others our delegates are returning home this morning.
WEA's President, Marlene Irons, will return home to organize the negotiations team to start mediation with Lynn Trenbeth as mediator. Both teams will sit down with Lynn and list their interests in negotiations. Lynn will look to see where our interests coincide and find an area of cooperation and agreement. The sessions will be starting soon and we hope for a positive result.
OEA's President, Doug Stephens, will be setting up our next negotiations meetings as we return to town.
It is a heat wave here in Northern Washington, 85 degrees, and we are enjoying the time off. We will be back to work Monday.
WEA's President, Marlene Irons, will return home to organize the negotiations team to start mediation with Lynn Trenbeth as mediator. Both teams will sit down with Lynn and list their interests in negotiations. Lynn will look to see where our interests coincide and find an area of cooperation and agreement. The sessions will be starting soon and we hope for a positive result.
OEA's President, Doug Stephens, will be setting up our next negotiations meetings as we return to town.
It is a heat wave here in Northern Washington, 85 degrees, and we are enjoying the time off. We will be back to work Monday.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
NEA Representative Assembly Business Continues
The five WEA delegates and one OEA delegate to the NEA RA in New Orleans continue their work with debating over 99 New Business Items today and tomorrow. Go to www.nea.org and click on the NEA RA Today to see a list of the many "interesting" items. It is democracy at work and your leaders will discuss each item in an early morning Utah Caucus meeting before joining the 9,000 NEA delegates from around the country in the lively debate.
The sun is finally out in Northern Washington and the temperature is getting back to normal for summer. They are already complaining about the heat wave (80 degrees) that is coming this week.
The sun is finally out in Northern Washington and the temperature is getting back to normal for summer. They are already complaining about the heat wave (80 degrees) that is coming this week.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy 4th of July
Spent the 4th in Birch Bay, Washington. More fireworks than I have ever seen or heard. Felt like we were in a firefight with mortar shells exploding around us. The NEA RA finishes up tomorrow (July 6) and our leaders will be back to work. We will be starting mediation in Weber when we return and OEA negotiations will get back to work. Go to www.nea.org to see what is happening at the Representative Assembly.
Friday, July 2, 2010
NEA Representative Assembly in New Orleans
Leaving Vancouver this morning and taking the ferry to Victoria on Vancouver Island. Many of our leaders are in New Orleans attending the NEA RA this week. You can follow the business at www.nea.org They will be doing the business of the NEA and setting the agenda for this next year. It is the largest democratic assembly anywhere with over 8,000 delegates using parliamentary procedure and voting on new business items, changes to the bylaws and procedural tasks. The meetings start at 7am each morning with the each state delegation meeting to discuss the new business. The debate is vigorous and the information valuable. The RA session then begins later in the morning and finishes up later in the afternoon. The days are long, but there usually is some time for some nice New Orleans cuisine at night.
WEA negotiations are at impasse and we should start mediation in the next couple of weeks. We will be discussing compensation questions.
OEA negotiations will resume in the next couple of weeks as our leaders return.
WEA negotiations are at impasse and we should start mediation in the next couple of weeks. We will be discussing compensation questions.
OEA negotiations will resume in the next couple of weeks as our leaders return.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Canada Day in Vancouver, BC
Celebrating the 143rd birthday of Canada with a few hundred thousand Vancouverians today. Lots of celebrations, food and music. Julie walked my tush off today and we saw a lot of the city. We took the ferry over to Granville Island and sat next to a Teachers' Union staffer. She said they have the same problems we have in Utah...budget cuts and high class sizes. The big difference is that all teachers must join the union and they pay a percentage of their salary in membership dues. It was a nice, overcast, drizzly day with a temperature of 62 degrees.
Weber Education Association and the Weber District have agreed to use Lynn Trenbeth (retired from Davis County) for our mediator for negotiations. We used Lynn 6 years ago and she will be fair and helpful.
OEA will be looking to resume negotiations when we all get back in town in a week or so.
Weber Education Association and the Weber District have agreed to use Lynn Trenbeth (retired from Davis County) for our mediator for negotiations. We used Lynn 6 years ago and she will be fair and helpful.
OEA will be looking to resume negotiations when we all get back in town in a week or so.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
On the road to Vancouver, B.C.
Leaving Yakima this morning and driving into Vancouver, B.C. I noticed in the Seattle Times this morning that the American Federation of Teachers is having their annual convention in Seattle. Well, that would be a bit cooler than our folks will be experiencing in New Orleans this week. Both groups will be looking at the educational reforms that are being tried around the country. Ogden has three "School Improvement Grant" schools, Madison, Odyssey and Dee Elementary. These three schools will be implementing "research driven reforms" to help improve instruction and student achievement. The federal government is giving them each over $1.5 million dollars over three years to extend the instructional day and year, pay teachers for their expertise and professional development, and give retention bonuses for student growth. The OEA will be included in these discussions, especially where they affect current contractual language.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Blogging from Yakima Washington
The NEA Representative Assembly in New Orleans begins July 1 and several WEA leaders will be attending, including President Marlene Irons, VP Terie Maxfield (also representing the UEA board of directors), Mary Margaret Lyon, (member of WEA Executive Board), Jo Egelund (newly elected to the WEA Board) and Cheryl Parkinson (also newly elected to the board). Attending from OEA is VP Lisa Vipperman. They will spend long days in meetings from 7am to late in the afternoon doing the business of NEA. Go to the NEA website to get daily updates.
Monday, June 28, 2010
NCUEA begins in New Orleans
Lisa Vipperman, OEA Vice-President, is representing the Ogden/Weber UniServ at the summer conference of the National Council of Urban Education Associations in New Orleans. Lisa will meet with leaders from the largest NEA locals and discuss many of the issues coming to the NEA Representative Assembly that begins July 1.
Friday, June 25, 2010
WEA goes to impasse in negotiations
Marlene Irons and Terie Maxfield, WEA President and Vice-president, delivered a letter of impasse to Supt. Jacobsen Thursday. After our negotiations meeting Wednesday the WEA team voted to go to impasse. The WEA and the district will now ask State Supt. Larry Shumway for a list of mediators. When we agree on a mediator we will schedule the mediation. Two issues that brought us to this impasse are the refusal of the district to pay increment steps to eligible teachers and their refusal to pay any portion of the insurance increases.
We will keep you informed as the mediation process begins. Most of our WEA leaders will be gone to the NEA Representative Assembly starting July 1 in New Orleans.
We will keep you informed as the mediation process begins. Most of our WEA leaders will be gone to the NEA Representative Assembly starting July 1 in New Orleans.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Utah Schools to Pay Teachers Based on Success in Classroom
Lisa Schencker wrote Wednesday in the Salt Lake Tribune: "Starting next school year, more Utah teachers will earn money based on their performance in the classroom. In five pilot schools, educators will earn up to an additional $2,000 each for boosting student achievement, for the quality of their instruction and for parent satisfaction. Currently, most teachers' pay is based on years of experience and educational background." You can read the entire article at http://www.sltrib.com/
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Negotiations Update
OEA's negotiation team met with the district's team on Tuesday and discussed contract language changes and heard the district's financial proposal for the first time. Doug Stephens has called a OEA Executive Board meeting to talk about negotiations. The Ogden School Board met in executive session last night, but we have not heard a response to our proposal. We hope that we can come to an agreement soon.
WEA's negotiation team is meeting with the district's team today at 2pm. WEA's executive board met last Friday and discussed proposals on the table. We hope today goes well.
Many of the leaders will be leaving next week to attend the NEA Representative Assembly in New Orleans.
WEA's negotiation team is meeting with the district's team today at 2pm. WEA's executive board met last Friday and discussed proposals on the table. We hope today goes well.
Many of the leaders will be leaving next week to attend the NEA Representative Assembly in New Orleans.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
School Districts Face Giant Shortfalls
Molly Farmer wrote in the Deseret News: "the budget problems districts face for the 2010-11 school year are worse than some adminstrators have seen in decades. To make budgets balance districts and boards of education are resorting to a variety of cost-cutting measures, including mandating furloughs, laying off support staff, cutting benefits and increasing classroom size."
Canyons School District ($13 million deficit) is mandating five furlough days and is transferring $4.5 million from its capital outlay account to its general fund.
Davis School District ($31 million deficit) hopes to collect $7.5 million from a tax increase, is raising class size by one student districtwide, instituting 2 furlough days and not filling 65 non-teaching positions.
Granite School District ($17 million deficit) is forcing employees to shoulder all insurance increases, elimating positions through attrition and is shifting $1.1 million from its capital outlay funds.
Jordan School District ($29.1 million deficit) approved a $17.5 million cut to programs, resulting in a reduction of 190 classified, or non-teaching, staff. The board will transfer $10 million from the district capital outlay fund. The board and Jordan Education Association have reached an impasse in negotiations and will go to mediation this summer.
Canyons School District ($13 million deficit) is mandating five furlough days and is transferring $4.5 million from its capital outlay account to its general fund.
Davis School District ($31 million deficit) hopes to collect $7.5 million from a tax increase, is raising class size by one student districtwide, instituting 2 furlough days and not filling 65 non-teaching positions.
Granite School District ($17 million deficit) is forcing employees to shoulder all insurance increases, elimating positions through attrition and is shifting $1.1 million from its capital outlay funds.
Jordan School District ($29.1 million deficit) approved a $17.5 million cut to programs, resulting in a reduction of 190 classified, or non-teaching, staff. The board will transfer $10 million from the district capital outlay fund. The board and Jordan Education Association have reached an impasse in negotiations and will go to mediation this summer.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pressured Teachers Tampering with Tests
Trip Gabriel wrote for the New York Times News Service: "The staff of Normandy Crossing Elementary school outside Houston eagerly awaited the results of state achievement tests this spring. For the principal and assistant principal, high scores could buoy their careers at a time when success is increasingly measured by such tests. For fifth-grade math and science teachers, the rewards were more tangible: a bonus of $2,850. But when the results came back, some seemed too good to be true. Indeed, after an investigation by the Galena Park Independent School District, the principal, assistant principal and three teachers resigned May 21 in a scandal over test tampering."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
UEA Summer Leadership Training
Several WEA and OEA leaders attended the annual UEA Summer Leadership at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah, June 14th and 15th.
Marlene Irons (WEA President), Paul Fawson (WEA Executive Board and Ogden/Weber UniServ Vice-President), and Mary Margaret Lyon (WEA Executive Board) attended several sessions on leadership, bargaining, and political action. Also attending were OEA Vice-president Lisa Vipperman and Letitia Teneau-Sword (OEA Executive Board). They also heard from Dennis Van Roekel (NEA President) and outgoing UEA President Kim Campbell.
Marlene Irons (WEA President), Paul Fawson (WEA Executive Board and Ogden/Weber UniServ Vice-President), and Mary Margaret Lyon (WEA Executive Board) attended several sessions on leadership, bargaining, and political action. Also attending were OEA Vice-president Lisa Vipperman and Letitia Teneau-Sword (OEA Executive Board). They also heard from Dennis Van Roekel (NEA President) and outgoing UEA President Kim Campbell.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Four Educators from Ogden/Weber attend "Ignite" Leadership Training
UEA sponsored an emerging leaders training at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah Monday and Tuesday. Attending from OEA was Sara Byrd (Highland Jr.). Attending from WEA were Allison Pfister (Lakeview Elem), Mary Oregon (Washington Terrace Elem) and Cynthia Auble (South Ogden Jr.). They received information from UEA and NEA facilitators on the roles of leaders, communication styles, behavior styles, building relationships and dealing with difficult people. They joined 11 educators from other local associations in the state. They were able to make a plan of action for future leadership opportunities.
Friday, June 11, 2010
7 Utah Schools to get cash with strings attached
Lisa Schencker wrote in the Salt Lake Tribune today: "Seven low-performing Utah Schools are about to undergo dramatic changes as recipients of about $13 million in federal cash. The feds hope the School Improvement Grants lead to real changes in the schools. Some educators, however, have mixed feelings about making such dramatic changes. The grants require the seven schools to replace their principals. The schools also must increase learning time for kids, use educator evaluations that take student data into account, provide additional teacher training, reward educators who improve student achievement and remove those who ultimately don't after receiving additional support, among other things." You can read the entire article at www.sltrib.com
Ogden has three schools, Odyssey, Madison and Dee Elementary that will receive the three grants of over $500,000 per year.
Ogden has three schools, Odyssey, Madison and Dee Elementary that will receive the three grants of over $500,000 per year.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Jordan freezes teachers' pay again...Deseret News
Molly Farmer wrote Wednesday, June 9th,: "The Jordan Board of education unanimously voted Tuesday night to adopt a 2010-11 budget that freezes teachers' wages for the third straight year while not raising taxes or increasing classroom size." The board is not offering lanes or steps for their teachers.
The JEA has declared impasse in negotiations and the district and the association will go to mediation.
You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
The JEA has declared impasse in negotiations and the district and the association will go to mediation.
You can read the entire article at www.deseretnews.com
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Ogden Announces Administrative Appointments
The Ogden Board of Education approved the following administrative assignments effective July 1. The assignments they are leaving are noted in parenthesis.
Julie Palmer-Gnotta- Principal at Madison Elementary School
Dale Wilkinson - Principal at Odyssey Elementary School (Ogden High School)
Sondra Jolovich-Motes- Principal at Dee Elementary School (Ogden High School)
Trevor Wilson- Principal at Ogden High School (Mt. Ogden Junior High)
Scott Robertson - Asst. Principal at Ogden High School (Dee Elementary School)
Kevin Kuykendall- Principal at Mt. Ogden Jr High (Mound Fort Jr. High)
Charlotte Parry - Principal at Mound Fort Jr. High (Odyssey Elementary)
Ross Lunceford -Principal at Horace Mann Elementary (Madison Elementary)
Eulogio Alejandre - Principal at Washington Alternative High School
Julie Palmer-Gnotta- Principal at Madison Elementary School
Dale Wilkinson - Principal at Odyssey Elementary School (Ogden High School)
Sondra Jolovich-Motes- Principal at Dee Elementary School (Ogden High School)
Trevor Wilson- Principal at Ogden High School (Mt. Ogden Junior High)
Scott Robertson - Asst. Principal at Ogden High School (Dee Elementary School)
Kevin Kuykendall- Principal at Mt. Ogden Jr High (Mound Fort Jr. High)
Charlotte Parry - Principal at Mound Fort Jr. High (Odyssey Elementary)
Ross Lunceford -Principal at Horace Mann Elementary (Madison Elementary)
Eulogio Alejandre - Principal at Washington Alternative High School
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Negotiations Update
Ogden's school board met last week to talk about the budget. They listed their suggested cuts and then Eugene Hart, business admistrator gave a newspaper interview detailing some of those cuts. The budget is preliminary and must be presented at the June 22 school board meeting. Our OEA Negotiations team is scheduling the next meeting to discuss financial issues. So far, we have not received any proposals dealing with financial issues from the Ogden district team.
Ogden has a special board meeting tonight at 5:30 to announce administrator assignments for 2010-2011.
Weber's business administrator, Robert Peterson, also went to the press with a list of cuts that will be part of the new fiscal year budget. Our WEA Negotiations team has a June 23rd meeting planned with the district team. We have discussed items, but we have not agreed to anything yet.
Ogden has a special board meeting tonight at 5:30 to announce administrator assignments for 2010-2011.
Weber's business administrator, Robert Peterson, also went to the press with a list of cuts that will be part of the new fiscal year budget. Our WEA Negotiations team has a June 23rd meeting planned with the district team. We have discussed items, but we have not agreed to anything yet.
Monday, June 7, 2010
States to establish uniform standards for teaching
The Deseret News reported, Thursday, June 3, "new education benchmarks released Wednesday called the Common Core State Standards, a prject that aims to replace a hodgepodge of educational goals varying wildly from state to state with a uniform set of expectations for students. It's the first time states have joined together to establish what students should know by the time they graduate high school."
Friday, June 4, 2010
Cash-strapped districts cutting summer school
Heather Hollingsworth (AP) reported in the Deseret News, May 24th that many school districts across the nation are cutting summer schools because of budget cuts. Kansas City district gutted its summer school program this spring. Across the country, districts are cutting summer school because it's just too expensive to keep. The cuts started when the recession began and have worsened, affecting more children and more essential programs that help struggling students.
Both Ogden and Weber have summer school programs that are continuing this summer.
Both Ogden and Weber have summer school programs that are continuing this summer.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Canyons Board of Ed oks 5 furlough days
Anne Forester reported on KSL.com that "students in the Canyons School District will have five fewer days in the classroom next year. The Canyons Board of Education voted Tuesday night to take five district-wide furlough days t help meet a $13 million budget shortfall. The furloughs affect all Canyons employees, from teachers to superintendents.
Jordan district cutting teachers, aides
The Associated Press reported last week, "Jordan school officials say they plan to cut 88 positions from district special education programs, including 19 teachers and 69 full-time classroom assistants. The Jordan School District's special education department has a $6.5 million shortfall."
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ogden School Board meets in special work session
The Ogden School Board met in an early morning work session today to discuss the tentative budget and discuss possible cuts needed because of reduced funding from the state legislature. They met afterward in a closed session to discuss negotiations.
OEA's negotiation team will be scheduling our next session with the district.
Weber's Business Administrator, Robert Peterson, was interviewed in the Standare-Examiner today on cuts that the district is proprosing. It is too bad that he didn't mention that negotiations were still going and that nothing has been agreed upon.
OEA's negotiation team will be scheduling our next session with the district.
Weber's Business Administrator, Robert Peterson, was interviewed in the Standare-Examiner today on cuts that the district is proprosing. It is too bad that he didn't mention that negotiations were still going and that nothing has been agreed upon.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
National Emergency funding could save Utah teaching jobs
Amy Stewart wrote in today's Deseret News (http://www.deseretnews.com/): "Some Utah teachers' jobs may be saved if emergency federal funding being pushed by the Obama administration is approved by Congress to be distributed nationally. The $23 billion would support the jobs of approximately 300,000 educators nationally."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Negotiations Update
OEA's negotiation team met with the district Monday and discussed contract language. The district's team did not discuss financial proposals because the school board is meeting Friday morning to discuss the budget. The insurance committee met last night and is working on recommendations for this year's package.
WEA's team will meet again with the district June 23rd.
Davis plans to cut 2 school days from their calendar next year saving the district approx. $2.97 million in salaries.
Canyons is planning on cutting 5 instructional days. Nebo district has agreed to cut 3 instructional days.
These furlough days are for all employees.
WEA's team will meet again with the district June 23rd.
Davis plans to cut 2 school days from their calendar next year saving the district approx. $2.97 million in salaries.
Canyons is planning on cutting 5 instructional days. Nebo district has agreed to cut 3 instructional days.
These furlough days are for all employees.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
School Board Procedures Need Work
The Deseret News editorialized the need for a different method of nominating State School Board Members. The committee (appointed by the Governor) selects not less than three candidates from the applicants. Again, this year an incumbent was thrown out of the race (remember we lost Dr. Sadler last time around). The process is unfair (even the governor agrees some changes need to be made). It is quite evident that pro-charter school and pro-choice advocates dominate the committees. Hopefully our legislature will be pressured to change the process.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Interest Based Bargaining Training @ NEA
Doug Stephens, OEA President, Rich Moore, Ogden Elementary Director and Rick Palmer, UniServ Director traveled to Washington, D.C. last week for an NEA Interest Based Bargaining session presented by a team from M.I.T.. It was valuable for us to be trained as a team (we were missing our school board person because of a death in the family). We learned that we can look at bargaining and resolving other disputes through an honest sharing of interests and brainstorming options. We look forward to using this more in Ogden District.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Gaye Pesout
We are sorry to announce the passing of our friend, colleague, and teacher, Gaye Pesout. Gaye served as a leader in the Weber Education Association and the Ogden/Weber UniServ for many years and taught for over 40 years, mostly at Hooper and Kanesville Elementary Schools. We offer our thoughts and prayers to her husband and siblings. A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, May 22 at Leavitt's Aultorest Memorial Park, 836 36th St., Ogden, Utah. Friends and family may call from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 21, and one hour prior to the service at the morturary.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Legislature looks to fund $100 million shortfall
Tax revenues continue to come in low, so the legislature will have to fund $100 million to balance the budget. That means that next fiscal year starts $100 million low. They meet in their first interim Wednesday.
Monday, May 17, 2010
USA Today: Pink Slips on the way to teachers
Greg Toppo wrote in USA Today last week: " Facing a recession and the coming end of billions of dollars in federal stimulus funding , school districts nationwide are handing teachers pink slips for the upcoming school year. The Obama administration estimates that as many as 300,000 teachers could lose their jobs unless Congress steps in with emergency money."
Friday, May 14, 2010
Nebo School District Cuts Calendar by 3 Days
The Daily Herald reported Thursday that the Nebo School District had voted to cut three days from the school calendar this fall. The furlough (all 3,700 employees take a three day cut in pay) will save the district $1,350,000. The State Office of Education has allowed districts to cut up to 5 days this year because of the budget shortfalls. Neither Ogden nor Weber Districts have discussed cutting days to help fund the budget.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
NEA Priority Schools Webcast
Doug Stephens (OEA President) and I participated in a Webinar from NEA yesterday dealing with strategies for associations that are facing School Improvement Grants. Ogden District is applying for three of these grants that go to low performing schools. There are four options for these grants: 1- Close and send students to other high performing schools. 2- Replace the principal and half of the staff 3-Reopen as a charter school 4- Transformation (replace the principal and change the school performance) This fourth option was one created because of the appeals of the NEA and the AFT. Doug and I will be traveling to NEA in Washington, D.C. with Brad Smith (Ogden School Board member) and Rich Moore (Ogden Elementary Director) to be trained in Interest Based Bargaining to help us collaborate in the execution of these school improvement grants.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Jordan School Board Makes Cuts
Amy Stewart wrote in the Deseret News (www.deseretnews.com) today that the Jordan School Board is proposing cuts that would eliminate 190 jobs...including 23 administrative, 54 classified and 16 non-classroom teachers (reading coaches). They are also proposing moving away from year-around schedules at some schools. Jordan is facing a $30 million deficit. In comparison Weber is looking at filling about a $6.9 million dollar funding shortfall, and Ogden is trying to fill a $2.3 million deficit.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sec. Arne Duncan promotes "parent engagement"
"Schools can vie for "engagement money. Continuing a trend it began last winter by handing out a portion of federal stimulus funding in a national competition, the Obama administration said Monday that it would double funding for parental involvement in schools but make local groups, school districts and other organizations compete for the money. Speaking to parent advocates at Georgetown University, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the administration would give schools $270 million for "parent engagement" but would require schools and other groups to vie for their share of the funding." USA Today-Greg Toppo
Monday, May 10, 2010
NY Times Editorial: Saving the Teachers
The NY Times Editorial from last week said, "Last year's $100 billion education stimulus plan insulated the public schools from the worst of the recession and saved an estimated 300,000 jobs. With the economy still lagging and states forced to slash their budgets, Congress must act again to prevent a wave of teacher layoffs that could damage the fragile recovery and hobble the school reform effort for years to come".
Another stimulus bill, introduced in March, contains a $23 Billion school rescue plan. School districts are prepared to cut as many as 275,000 jobs in the next school budget. That loss of paychecks and consumer spending could kill off any recovery in the communities where the teachers and other school employees work. We need that bill to pass.
Another stimulus bill, introduced in March, contains a $23 Billion school rescue plan. School districts are prepared to cut as many as 275,000 jobs in the next school budget. That loss of paychecks and consumer spending could kill off any recovery in the communities where the teachers and other school employees work. We need that bill to pass.
Friday, May 7, 2010
No Teacher Layoffs Expected for Granite-Deseret News
Amy Stewart wrote in the Deseret News that "Granite School District is forecasting no teacher layoffs as the school board plans to vote on the district's 2010-11 school year budget recommendations..."
The district has to cut $17 million from its budget. The district does plan to cut 30.5 full-time, non-teaching positions, such as custodians, security officers and information systems employees. The board is hoping to recoup $2.5 million by opting for a voted leeway for transportation needs.
The district has to cut $17 million from its budget. The district does plan to cut 30.5 full-time, non-teaching positions, such as custodians, security officers and information systems employees. The board is hoping to recoup $2.5 million by opting for a voted leeway for transportation needs.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Weber School Board Announces Admin Changes
Last night at the Weber School Board Meeting the Weber Teacher of the Year was announced, Sheri Heiter, Math Teacher at Weber High. Linda Carver gave her a glowing introduction pointing out the many people and students she has affected over the years. Congratulations.
Admin changes for Weber District were also announced:
Dale Pfister replaced the retiring Mary Johnston as Secondary Supervisor
Gina Butters- Roy High Principal
Jay Anderson- North Ogden Jr. Principal
Kevin Chase- Lomond View Principal
Mike Geilmann- West Weber Principal
Melissa Copeland Country View Principal
Linda Smith- North Park Principal
Steve Short- Roy High Asst. Principal
Rod Belnap- North Ogden Asst. Principal
Scott Elliott- Wahlquist Asst. Principal
Nick Harris- Roy Jr. Admin Intern
Chris Earnest- Sandridge Admin Intern
Michele Parry- Fremont Admin Intern
Larry Hadley- Weber Admin Intern
Matt Patterson- Bonneville Admin Intern
Krista Bernsten- Elementary Admin Intern
Admin changes for Weber District were also announced:
Dale Pfister replaced the retiring Mary Johnston as Secondary Supervisor
Gina Butters- Roy High Principal
Jay Anderson- North Ogden Jr. Principal
Kevin Chase- Lomond View Principal
Mike Geilmann- West Weber Principal
Melissa Copeland Country View Principal
Linda Smith- North Park Principal
Steve Short- Roy High Asst. Principal
Rod Belnap- North Ogden Asst. Principal
Scott Elliott- Wahlquist Asst. Principal
Nick Harris- Roy Jr. Admin Intern
Chris Earnest- Sandridge Admin Intern
Michele Parry- Fremont Admin Intern
Larry Hadley- Weber Admin Intern
Matt Patterson- Bonneville Admin Intern
Krista Bernsten- Elementary Admin Intern
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Utah Teacher Gets Major Ed Award-Deseret News
"Second graders at Dilworth Elementary School listen as teacher Sharon Gallagher-Fishbuagh reads them a story about a young boy who loves to explore his grandma's button box. Gallagher-Fishbaugh then proceeds to pass around an enormous jar of her own buttons of all shapes, sizes and materials. The students learn math skills as they count and sort their buttons. Sharon-Gallagher-Fishbaugh then encourages the children to imagine where the buttons might have come from and who wore them. It's that type of nurturing, student-centered teaching method that recently earned Gallagher-Fishbaugh the top honor at the Academy Awards for public educators-the National Education Association Foundation's Salute to Excellence in Education Gala." Deseret News
Sharon won $25,000 for the NEA Member Benefits Award for Teaching Excellence and is also running unopposed for UEA President.
Sharon won $25,000 for the NEA Member Benefits Award for Teaching Excellence and is also running unopposed for UEA President.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
UEA Elections End this Week...Please vote
UEA General Elections end Friday, so please vote. We received word that only 11% of UEA members across the state had voted. If you have not received your voting card or have lost it, please call UEA at 1-800-594-8996 and get your code and password.
Both VP candidates have spoken or sang to our OEA building reps. Sharon (running opposed for president) just was awarded a prestigious NEA Members Benefits award in Washington, D.C. ($25,000).
Please vote this week if you haven't voted.
Both VP candidates have spoken or sang to our OEA building reps. Sharon (running opposed for president) just was awarded a prestigious NEA Members Benefits award in Washington, D.C. ($25,000).
Please vote this week if you haven't voted.
Monday, May 3, 2010
OEA and WEA Executive Board Meet
Most members of the WEA and OEA Executive Boards took time out of their weekend schedules to meet Friday and Saturday for their annual training and planning meetings. We were lucky to hear from Lynette Grow, veteran UEA/NEA/WEA leader who spoke to the group about "Connecting the Dots" of the different organizations we represent. Saturday, Marlene Irons, led us through a training on personality and leadership profiles. We learned a lot about our own styles and how we can work better as a team to accomplish the association's goals. The locals then split up into planning groups to look at planning for our new membership year.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Davis School Districts discusses possible cuts...
Davis School District has a $31 Million deficit to fill this year. They will nonrenew many of their newly hired teachers, reassign reading coaches, cut administrative interns, and raise class sizes. Ogden and Weber have both stated that class sizes won't grow this year. If we raise class sizes then we must lose personnel. In Weber, many teachers will be displaced with our student losses to the new Montessori Charter school in North Ogden and the new charter school going into the old Christian Heritage school in Riverdale. We could lose as many as 400 or 500 students. The biggest problem is that we won't know for sure until that first week of school, because parents register their kids in our school and put their names on the charter school lists also. We will have several displaced teachers (all will have jobs) and there will be some that might have to move that first week. That is the worst of all situations.
In Ogden, we have had several involuntary tranfers and we are able to go in with those teachers and make sure the process is correct. If you have questions on any type of transfers, please call.
Rick Palmer 801-390-6365
In Ogden, we have had several involuntary tranfers and we are able to go in with those teachers and make sure the process is correct. If you have questions on any type of transfers, please call.
Rick Palmer 801-390-6365
Thursday, April 29, 2010
OEA and WEA Negotiations Continue...
Both WEA and OEA negotiations teams have met with their district counterparts and discussed contract language and financial issues. OEA is scheduled to meet again May 4th and WEA met today and will meet again May 19th.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Things are bad all over...New Jersey
Thursday, April 22 NY Times reported that New Jersey schools plan heavy cuts after 58% of their school districts rejected their schools' spending plans. "School officials across New Jersey said on Wednesday that they would most likely have to lay off hundreds of teachers, increase class sizes, eliminate sports teams and Advanced Placement classes, cut kindergarten hours and take other radical steps to reduce spending after 58% of districts' budgets were rejected by voters on Tuesday, the most in at least 35 years."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Gov. Herbert's Education Commission Lacks Diversity
Amy Stewart (Deseret News) wrote a lengthy article last week about the lack of diversity in Gov. Herbert's Ed Commission. The editorial board also spoke out, "it was troubling to learn there is no minority representation on Gov. Gary Herbert's new Education Excellence Commission." The commission is made up of leaders of different constituency groups (Kim Campbell represents UEA). "Considering the changing face of Utah's educational system, addressing these issues--with the contributions of minority members on the commission--seems a natural direction for this panel".
Monday, April 26, 2010
OEA and WEA Delegates Meet Saturday at Copper Hills
The UEA House of Delegates met from 9am to 3pm Saturday at Copper Hills High. Delegates from OEA and WEA listened to reports from leadership including Kim Campbell, outgoing president, and Mark Mickelesen, Executive Director. Candidates for UEA President and VP also spoke to the house. Bills were passed that would allow the UEA dues to decrease for the first time in many years. The dues are based on an average of teacher salaries. Resolutions, statements of belief, were also debated and voted on and the budget was approved.
Thanks go to all who gave up a beautiful spring day to do the association's business.
Thanks go to all who gave up a beautiful spring day to do the association's business.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
NY Times Friday, April 16 Article on Teachers' Union
Mayor Bloomberg and NY City's teachers' union (United Teachers-AFT) have agreed to do away with "rubber rooms" full of teachers accused of wrongdoing or incompetence and speed up hearings for them, reforming a disciplinary system that has made City Hall and the teachers' union subjects of ridicule.
If you haven't read about these "rubber rooms", google NY teacher rubber rooms and see what comes up.
Each one of these terminations have to be assigned an arbitrator and the hearings go on forever.
Steven Brill also wrote an article about "rubber rooms" in the New Yorker Magazine last summer.
If you haven't read about these "rubber rooms", google NY teacher rubber rooms and see what comes up.
Each one of these terminations have to be assigned an arbitrator and the hearings go on forever.
Steven Brill also wrote an article about "rubber rooms" in the New Yorker Magazine last summer.
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