Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Ogden Teachers Rally for Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Education funding projections positive

I am always reluctant to celebrate too early when discussing appropriations. Until the dust settles Thursday evening we won't know for sure, but it looks brighter than previous years. There are some things that bother me still...putting money in the WPU is good, but taking it from line items that help pay for lanes and steps is not good. Especially after the two years Ogden has fought for steps and Weber's fight for steps this year. Why give the districts any reason to cry poverty when it comes to the salary schedule. Yes, they are saying growth will be funded for the first time in three years. Again, cautious optimism may be the best we can hope for this year.

WEA Blog contest ends Monday, March 14...today's "snow melt question" is: What is my favorite pastime...besides helping teachers in need.. email me at rick@ogdenweber.org

Thanks Rick